Common PHP Libraries used in IGBIllinois projects
- Composer
- PHP 7.2 or greater
- PHP gd module
- PHP mbstring module
- PHP json module
- PHP ldap module
- Install required PHP modules
dnf install php-gd php-mbstring php-ldap php-json php-xml
- Add to your composer.json file
"repositories" : [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
- Add to your 'required' section of the composer.json file
- For latest development code in the main brach
"igbillinois/igbillinois-php": "dev-main"
- For a tag released. Latest releases are at
"igbillinois/igbillinois-php": "1.0"
- To always use latest tag release
"igbillinois/igbillinois-php": ">=1.0 <2.0"
- Run composer install
composer install
- The namespace is IGBIllinois. Add to your PHP code
use IGBIllinois;
or to call a class directly
$db = new \IGBIllinois\db(...);
$ldap = new \IGBIllinois\ldap(...);
- Documentation created using phpdocumentor
- API Documentation located at
- To regenerate documentation, run
vendor/bin/phpdoc -d libs -t docs --template responsive-twig --title 'IGBIllinois-php API'