OGAM is a generic system based on metadata allowing to build a web site to collect data, display them on a map, request the data, ...
OGAM is under GPL license.
The documentation, installation and configuration procedures, etc is in the "documentation" folder.
Git is used to get the project from Gitlab.
To use git :
- install Git
- you need an account on the gitlab website to access the project.
- generate a SSH key to connect with the website : see http://gitlab.dockerforge.ign.fr/help/ssh/ssh.
- launch
git clone ssh://git@gitlab.dockerforge.ign.fr:10022/ogam/ogam.git
in the project root directory to clone it.
Vagrant is used to instanciate a virtual machine with the project components (Apache, Tomcat, Mapserver, ...).
To use vagrant :
install VirtualBox
install Vagrant
vagrant up
in the project root directory to start the VM -
In case of problem with the "guest additions", launch :
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
- If have to pass through a proxy :
uncomment followed block in /vagrant_config/Scripts/bootstrap.sh :
cp /vagrant/ogam/vagrant_config/conf/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list
cp /vagrant/ogam/vagrant_config/conf/apt-proxy.conf /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy
echo "
" >> /etc/environment
source /etc/environment
add proxy options in /vagrant_config/Scripts/install_ogam_services.sh :
replace :
cd /vagrant/ogam/ && chmod a+x gradlew && bash gradlew && bash gradlew deploy -PtomcatHome='/var/lib/tomcat7' -PapplicationName='OGAM'
with :
cd /vagrant/ogam/ && chmod a+x gradlew && bash gradlew -Dhttps.proxyHost=proxy.ign.fr -Dhttps.proxyPort=3128 && bash gradlew deploy -PtomcatHome='/var/lib/tomcat7' -PapplicationName='OGAM' -Dhttps.proxyHost=proxy.ign.fr -Dhttps.proxyPort=3128
To connect the VM :
- use the command "vagrant ssh"
- use VirtualBox interface
- (or) connect with SSH on localhost on port 2222 with the login vagrant/vagrant
- PostgreSQL is on port 5433, user ogam / ogam
- Web site is at, user admin / admin
Gradle is used to launch the build of the components of the project.
To use gradle :
- install Gradle
- launch
gradle tasks
in the project root directory to get the list of available tasks