While voyager is the most popular admin framework for laravel, it hasn't been updated much in recent years and most updates just fix bugs with new laravel versions. Maintainers don't allow you to contribute much to the project. They closed a lot of issues and asked people to discuss that in their private Slack channel!! It is also difficult for them to review pull requests. Our goal with this package is to make the Voyager great again by adding new exciting features :)
- A repeater field that can be stored as json or in another table
- The dropdown tree field
- Dynamic dropdown field without voyager relationship
Made with ❤️ by The Control Group
Website & Documentation: https://voyager.devdojo.com/
Video Tutorial Here: https://voyager.devdojo.com/academy/
Join our Slack chat: https://voyager-slack-invitation.herokuapp.com/
View the Voyager Cheat Sheet: https://voyager-cheatsheet.ulties.com/
Laravel Admin & BREAD System (Browse, Read, Edit, Add, & Delete), supporting Laravel 8 and newer!
Want to use Laravel 6 or 7? Use Voyager 1.5
After creating your new Laravel application you can include the Voyager package with the following command:
composer require tcg/voyager
Next make sure to create a new database and add your database credentials to your .env file:
You will also want to update your website URL inside of the APP_URL
variable inside the .env file:
Lastly, we can install voyager. You can do this either with or without dummy data. The dummy data will include 1 admin account (if no users already exists), 1 demo page, 4 demo posts, 2 categories and 7 settings.
To install Voyager without dummy simply run
php artisan voyager:install
If you prefer installing it with dummy run
php artisan voyager:install --with-dummy
And we're all good to go!
Start up a local development server with php artisan serve
And, visit http://localhost:8000/admin.
If you did go ahead with the dummy data, a user should have been created for you with the following login credentials:
NOTE: Please note that a dummy user is only created if there are no current users in your database.
If you did not go with the dummy user, you may wish to assign admin privileges to an existing user. This can easily be done by running this command:
php artisan voyager:admin your@email.com
If you did not install the dummy data and you wish to create a new admin user, you can pass the --create
flag, like so:
php artisan voyager:admin your@email.com --create
And you will be prompted for the user's name and password.