This is a script for monitoring status of Secret Store service. The script should detect various possible issues of the service during operation and give corresponding error or warning message.
The full documentation of the Secret Store service and its probe test is available at here.
The probe will perform test for Secret Store service via the /sys/health endpoint of Vault. The probe will check the return codes from the requests and interpret them to Nagios OK/WARNING/CRITICAL/UNKNOWN message accordingly.
If the Secret Store service is working, the probe will give one of the following messages and finish with exit code 0 (OK):
OK - unsealed and standby. Return code 429
OK - unsealed and active. Return code 200
If the Secret Store service is unreachable, the probe will give one of the following messages and finish with exit code 2 (CRITICAL):
CRITICAL - Server unreachable. Return code : $return_code from the request (in the case service is down),
CRITICAL - DNS error. Return code : $return_code (in the case of wrong server name or DNS error).
Other errors, if existed, are classified as UNKNOWN and will be classified later when more details of the probe tests are obtained and analyzed.
The probe test needs only single parameter: the service URL defined on GOCDB.
For compatibility with other probe test, the syntax is -u URL
$ ./ -h
Usage: [-h] [-u URL]
Nagios probe test for Secret Store service
Optional arguments:
-h, --help, help Display this help message and exit
-u URL, --url URL Vault endpoint (service URL in GOCDB)
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT Global timeout for probe test
- Making probe test of Secret Store node at IFCA:
$ ./ --url
Checking Status OK - unsealed and active. Return code 200
- Making probe test of the generic endpoint:
$ ./ -u
Checking Status OK - unsealed and standby. Return code 429