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minimal working example of using dittodb to mock access to our platform database


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R Version renv managed License: GPL v3

Mock database setup using dittodb to mock access to the IMAD-UMAR platform database.

This repo demonstrates the use of database querying functions from the UMARaccessR package to retrieve time series data from the IMAD-UMAR platform database.

Given that the database is only accessible on the internal institute network, we use dittodb to mock database access. A selection of timeseries was made and the database queries recorded, the outputs of which are stored in fixtures\platform.

Using the mock_db_call wrapper function the same queries can then be run on any location and will return the same outputs as they would with direct database access.



  • R >= 4.0
  • RStudio (recommended)
  • Git credentials manager


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Open RStudio project file dittodb2platform.Rproj

GitHub Security Setup

  1. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on your GitHub account using one of the methods described here

  2. Create a Personal Access Token (PAT):

  • Go to → Settings → Developer Settings
  • Create new token (classic)
  • Select scopes: repo, workflow
  • Save the token (you'll need it in the next step)

When you run renv::restore() in the next section, Windows will prompt for GitHub credentials:

  • Enter your GitHub username
  • Use your PAT as the password

This is a one-off steo and Git Credential Manager will securely store these credentials for future use. Do not store your PAT in the .Revniron file.

Set up the reproducible project environment with renv

Once your GitHub authentication is set up:

  1. Install renv: install.packages("renv")
  2. Restore project environment: renv::restore()

This will install all required packages in an isolated environment including:

  • dittodb (for database mocking)
  • UMARaccessR (for database access functions)

Environment setup based on database access

Set up your environment based on your database access:

  1. For the CE team (using the mock database):
file.copy(".Rprofile.CE", ".Rprofile", overwrite = TRUE)
  1. For the UMAR team (direct database access):
file.copy(".Rprofile.UMAR", ".Rprofile", overwrite = TRUE)
file.copy(".Renviron.template", ".Renviron", overwrite = TRUE)

Then edit .Renviron with your database credentials. This file is not tracked by git.

Usage example

Go to R\example.R and run the code. It demonstrates:

  • Connecting to mocked database
  • Retrieving multiple time series
  • Joining results into a single dataframe


minimal working example of using dittodb to mock access to our platform database







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