Mock database setup using dittodb
to mock access to the IMAD-UMAR platform database.
This repo demonstrates the use of database querying functions from the UMARaccessR
package to retrieve time series data from the IMAD-UMAR platform database.
Given that the database is only accessible on the internal institute network, we
use dittodb
to mock database access. A selection of timeseries was made
and the database queries recorded, the outputs of which are stored in fixtures\platform
Using the mock_db_call
wrapper function the same queries can then be run
on any location and will return the same outputs as they would with direct
database access.
- R >= 4.0
- RStudio (recommended)
- Git credentials manager
- Clone this repository
- Open RStudio project file
Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on your GitHub account using one of the methods described here
Create a Personal Access Token (PAT):
- Go to → Settings → Developer Settings
- Create new token (classic)
- Select scopes:
- Save the token (you'll need it in the next step)
When you run renv::restore()
in the next section, Windows will prompt for GitHub
- Enter your GitHub username
- Use your PAT as the password
This is a one-off steo and Git Credential Manager will securely store these credentials for future use. Do not
store your PAT in the .Revniron
Once your GitHub authentication is set up:
- Install renv:
- Restore project environment:
This will install all required packages in an isolated environment including:
(for database mocking)UMARaccessR
(for database access functions)
Set up your environment based on your database access:
- For the CE team (using the mock database):
file.copy(".Rprofile.CE", ".Rprofile", overwrite = TRUE)
- For the UMAR team (direct database access):
file.copy(".Rprofile.UMAR", ".Rprofile", overwrite = TRUE)
file.copy(".Renviron.template", ".Renviron", overwrite = TRUE)
Then edit .Renviron
with your database credentials. This file is not tracked by git.
Go to R\example.R
and run the code. It demonstrates:
- Connecting to mocked database
- Retrieving multiple time series
- Joining results into a single dataframe