This GitHub organization contains repositories used to support the IMAP Science Operations Center (SOC). The IMAP SOC, located at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP), is responsible for all aspects of instrument operations, including planning, commanding, heath and status monitoring, anomaly response, and sustaining engineering for the instruments. The SOC also handles science data processing (including data calibration, validation, and preliminary analysis), distribution, archiving, and maintaining the IMAP data management plan.
Name | Description |
imap_processing | Software for performing L0->L2 data processing |
imap_L3_processing | Software for performing L3 data processing |
sds-data-manager | Software for building and configuring AWS architecture to support data processing |
imap-data-access | Package and command line utility for users to download, query, and upload data from the IMAP Science Data Center |
imap-sdc-website | Materials for the IMAP SDC website |
ialirt-data-access | Package and command line utility for users to download and query data from I-ALiRT |
imap_python_processing_example | Contains an example for containerizing algorithm software written in Python |
imap_matlab_processing_example | Contains an example for containerizing algorithm software written in MATLAB |
.github | Contains workflows, templates, and other files that are common to all organization repositories |
The following languages, tools, and libraries are used to support the work that we do!
Name | Description |
cdflib | Tools for reading and writing CDF files |
SAMMI | Contains tools for managing CDF metadata, created as a collaboration between SWxSOC and IMAP SDC |
Space packet parser | Packet reading library for processing CCSDS packets |