Here are listed plugins for INGInious, in two categories (new problem types and others).
They are free and open-source and thus freely reusable on your INGInious instance. You can also take some inspiration from them.
The link to the plugin repository is given, along with a short description, its license and the name of institution/user maintaining it.
You are free to use, copy and modify most of these plugins, according to their licenses. If you want to contribute to one, PR and issues are welcome on most of their related repositories.
You made an open-source plugin? Feel free to contact us or directly do a PR on this repository!
Name | Demo type |
Link | |
Description | A basic example to show how to create your own problem type |
License | AGPL 3.0 |
Maintainer | INGInious authors |
Authors | Anthony Gégo (@anthonygego) |
Name | Math formulae |
Link | |
Description | Allows students to answer with math formulae thanks to a visual editor. Configured as MCQ, automatically grades the problems using symbolic comparison with the expected answer(s) |
License | AGPL 3.0 |
Maintainer | INGInious authors |
Authors | Anthony Gégo (@anthonygego) |
Name | Fill-in the blanks |
Link | |
Description | Mark some portions of text as read-only to make students fill the blanks within existing code or context. |
License | AGPL 3.0 |
Maintainer | INGInious authors |
Authors | Guillaume Maudoux (@layus) |
Name | Blockly |
Link | |
Description | Visual block programming, based on Blockly, like Scratch or Snap. |
License | AGPL 3.0 |
Maintainer | INGInious authors |
Authors | Florian Thuin (@fthuin) and Anthony Gégo (@anthonygego) |
Name | Permutation |
Link | |
Description | Problem type based on element drag-and-drop and reodering |
License | AGPL 3.0 |
Maintainer | INGInious authors |
Authors | Franco Pena Campos (@napsta32) |
Name | Custom code |
Link | |
Description | Allow to create custom layout for code boxes |
License | AGPL 3.0 |
Maintainer | INGInious authors |
Authors | Anthony Gégo (@anthonygego), Guillaume Derval (@GuillaumeDerval) |
Name | Network trace |
Link | |
Description | Displays a partially-hiden trace of a network protocol that will be completed by students |
License | AGPL 3.0 |
Maintainer | IP Networking Lab (INL) @UCLouvain |
Authors | Maxime Piraux (@mpiraux) |
Example | |
Name | Exams (supports Safe Exam Browser) |
Link | |
Description | Restricts access to the course during exam periods. Compatible with Safe Exam Browser key mechanism. |
License | AGPL 3.0 |
Maintainer | INGInious authors |
Authors | Anthony Gégo (@anthonygego) |
Name | Highlight |
Link | |
Description | Highlight lines of code from your grader |
License | AGPL 3.0 |
Maintainer | INGInious authors |
Authors | Guillaume Derval (@GuillaumeDerval) |
Name | Reporting |
Link | |
Description | Display histogram for data analysis of INGInious submissions |
License | AGPL 3.0 |
Maintainer | INGInious authors |
Authors | Ludovic Taffin (@Drumor) |
Name | Auto-Evaluation |
Link | |
Description | A plugin that allows students to evaluate their work with other students |
License | AGPL 3.0 |
Maintainer | INGInious authors |
Authors | Ludovic Taffin (@Drumor) |
Name | LTI Resize IFrame |
Link | |
Description | A plugin that allows to adapt the LTI iframe height to fit to the task content |
License | AGPL 3.0 |
Maintainer | INGInious authors |
Authors | François Michel (@francoismichel) |
Name | Jetbrains IDEA Project Generator |
Link | |
Description | A plugin that creates IntelliJ skeleton projects archives |
License | AGPL 3.0 |
Maintainer | INGInious authors |
Authors | Julien Bastin (@bastinjul) |