Generating Linguistic Annotations for Historical Dutch
- galahad [you are here]
- galahad-train-battery
- galahad-taggers-dockerized
- galahad-corpus-data
- int-pie
- int-huggingface-tagger [to be released]
Galahad is developed as part of the CLARIAH "Improved Infrastructure for Historical Dutch" project. The goal is an application that:
- enables linguïsts:
- to check which taggers are suitable for tagging their corpus.
- to have their corpus tagged
- enables computational linguists:
- to provide their models through a unified interface
- to have their model evaluated
This is provided through a platform that offers:
- statistics for submitted models on existing corpora
- a corpus annotation service
- instructions on how to submit a model
Note that this infrastructure can also be of interest for other languages and eras.
- Jesse de Does
- Katrien Depuydt
Do you have docker and docker-compose? Do you have access to the public Docker Hub instituutnederlandsetaal? Then you can clone this repository and run
docker compose up
This requires an external taggers network to exists. You can use the docker-compose.yml
to start a taggers network.
To run Galahad locally. The webclient is available on port 8080.
Clone the code.
git clone
Start the client.
cd galahad/client
npm install
npm run dev
Go to http://localhost:5173/
in the browser to check the client development server is running.
Go to your favourite IDE and open the Gradle project in galahad/server
For development, add
to the environment variables. If you are using IntelliJ, simply use server/.run/
. This is needed to differentiate whether we are in a docker container (production) or on the localhost (development), which in turn changes how we must communicate with the taggers (via a docker network or via the localhost).
Run galahad/server/src/main/kotlin/org/ivdnt/galahad/app/GalahadApplication.kt
from your IDE. Check http://localhost:8010
to see whether see server is running.
Go back to the client in the browser and try to create a corpus and upload some documents.
In development the application will talk to the taggers through a port-forward. The port-forwards are defined in docker-compose.yml
. The port-forwards should be defined accordingly as devport
in the taggers specifications at server/data/taggers/*.yaml
to enable communication.
Asssuming you have already wrapped your tagger in a Docker image.
First, launch your tagger. See
Now make Galahad aware of the new tagger by creating a tagger metadata yaml file. See server/data/taggers/
in this repo for examples.
Make the specification yaml available to Galahad:
- If you are running Galahad server from a docker container, the specification yaml should be placed on the docker volume at
. - If you are running Galahad server otherwise e.g. from your IDE, you can add the specifications yaml directly to
Refresh the browser to load the new tagger.
You can configure the admins account through a file admins.txt
. Add the desired admin users one per line. To update the file (create it if it does not exists):
docker compose exec server sh
cd data
vi admins.txt # make your edits
App should autoreload and update to the new status, but refresh client just to be sure.
Plain text, TSV, CoNLL-U, TEI, NAF, FoLia. For more details, see the help screen on formats on the GaLAHaD website.
Once you have launched the application, you can explore the public API at
The INT runs the application behind a portal on a path /galahad
. Therefore this is set as the default path for the application. Changing this basePath requires to at least rebuild the client application with a different vite build --base=/galahad/