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dglogik edited this page Dec 18, 2019 · 9 revisions

A token is necessary to create a new handshake when the broker is configured to disallow unknown DSLinks.

A token is not required for DSLinks that broker manages by its DSLink manager. If a DSLink is installed using the broker's /sys/links node, that DSLink is maintained by the broker and uses an automatically generated token.

Changing Whether a Token Is Required

To change whether tokens are required:

  1. Open server.json.
  2. Change the allowAllLinks value.
  • When allowAllLinks is true, any DSLink can connect to the broker without a token.
  • When allowAllLinks is false, dslinks installed with the broker and dslinks that are previous connected and still registered in downstream can connect without a token, but new dslink will need a token.

Using Quarantine

When allowAllLinks is set to false, there is a way to manually approve incoming DSLink connections using quarantine parameter in the configuration file. Set quarantine to true to enable this mode. When new dslink is establishing a connection, it is locked under /sys/quarantine. Superuser can approve connection using right-click actions on the quarantine node.

Creating a Token

These entities can add tokens:

  • A broker user with config permissions
  • A DSLink with config permissions

To create a token, access the /sys/tokens/{username}/ node and use the Add Token action.

When creating a token, use these parameters:

  • TimeRange: A time range that indicates when this token is valid. Example: 2017-03-10T00:00:00/2017-03-11T12:00:00. If you don't change this parameter and keep it default, the token is valid right away and has no expiration date.
  • Count: An integer that limits how many times this token can be used. If no number is specified, there is no limit.
  • Managed: A boolean value. When TRUE, the token is managed, meaning that token expiration or removal causes all DSLinks connected via this token to be disconnected and removed from the broker. If the value is FALSE, the existing connections persist when a token is removed or expired.

There is no CLI tool to create a token at the moment. However, feel free to write a simple bash script to generate a token node directly in the tokens.json file. In this case, you’ll need to restart broker for it to pick up that new token.

Using a Token

On the first use, specify a token in the command line.

Dart example:

dart run.dart --broker http://server/conn --token RMtO6mEJmUlJfoWfofiLgjguUEpuIzWP3sXeoBNSbLIVumlw

When a DSLink successfully connects to the broker via the token, the broker stores dslink's dsId. On subsequent uses, that DSLink can connect without any token.

Implementation of the Token in the SDK

These features need to be implemented in a DSLink SDK to enable token:

Parameters for /conn and /ws

A tokenHash needs to be sent to /conn and /ws endpoints.



tokenHash Generate Algorithm

tokenHash = token.substring(0,16) + base64(sha256(dsId+token))

in the above example

token = "RMtO6mEJmUlJfoWfofiLgjguUEpuIzWP3sXeoBNSbLIVumlw"

dsId = "test-wjN6iQTk7TOXZbHHkQDH1T2zfrPcphTxchiPvTgzbww"

token.substring(0,16) = "RMtO6mEJmUlJfoWf"
= base64(sha256("test-wjN6iQTk7TOXZbHHkQDH1T2zfrPcphTxchiPvTgzbwwRMtO6mEJmUlJfoWfofiLgjguUEpuIzWP3sXeoBNSbLIVumlw"))
= "egkDI-jCG-4J2Ke1L26hX_63vHlq9zsRJbFUWWIgE8U"

The final tokenHash is:


 ◌ Design
 ◌ Initializing Connection
 ◌ Node API
  ◌ Methods
  ◌ Broker
   ◌ Broker Discovery
  ◌ Configs
  ◌ Value Types
 ◌ Tokens
 ◌ Quality of Service
DSLink Manager
 ◌ dslink.json
 ◌ Startup Command
SDK Development
 ◌ Implementation Guide
DSA Server
 ◌ Installation
 ◌ Update Server
 ◌ Server Configuration
 ◌ CLI Tools
 ◌ DSA Permission Basics
 ◌ DSA Permission Model
  ◌ Permission List for the Root
 ◌ Authentication
  ◌ OpenID Connect
  ◌ Password Hasher
 ◌ DGLux Server SSL (HTTPS)
 ◌ Docker
 ◌ Audit
 ◌ Data Node
 ◌ Install NGINX with DSA Server
 ◌ Configure Ubuntu Linux to auto start DSA server
 ◌ Troubleshooting

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