This repository contains the code for our two soccer player classification methods.
The repository includes:
- Source code for training the models
- Training/testing code for SoccerNet-V2
The code is documented and designed to be easy to extend. If you use it in your research, please consider citing this repository (bibtex below).
Python 3.9, PyTorch 1.12.1, and other common packages listed in environment.yml
. (A Conda environment can be created from it following the instructions below.)
To train or test on SoccerNet V2 and V3, you'll also need:
- Clone this repository:
git clone
- Create and initialize a conda environment:
cd player_classification
conda env create --name player --file environment.yml
conda activate player
NOTE: Another way to create the conda environment is to run the
- Link the SoccerNet dataset inside the
ln -s /path/to/soccernet data/soccernet
After activating the conda environment described in the setup section you can train/test the network as follows:
The backbone network is trained on patches obtained in an unsupervised way using metric learning.
python -c config/transformer.json -a backbone --m data/train_v2.csv
Labels for unseen matches are obtained by clustering their embeddings from the backbone network.
python -c config/transformer.json --cluster --sequences data/snv3_matches.json -b weights/backbone.pth
python -c config/transformer.json --cluster -m sandbox.csv -b weights/backbone.pth
After obtaining the labels through clustering the embeddings of the backbone network, the transformer is trained by:
python -c config/transformer.json -a transformer --sequences data/snv3_matches.json -b weights/backbone.pth
Training a single transformer:
python -c config/transformer_snv2.json -a transformer -s data/splits_v2.json -b weights/backbone.pth
python -c config/cnn.json -a cnn -m data/test_v2.csv
The paper is freely available here. If you use this code, please cite the following paper:
Alejandro Cartas, Coloma Ballester, and Gloria Haro. "Two Weakly Supervised Approaches for Role Classification of Soccer Players" ACM MMSports Workshop (2024).
author = {Cartas, Alejandro and Ballester, Coloma and Haro, Gloria},
title = {Two Weakly Supervised Approaches for Role Classification of Soccer Players},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International ACM Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports},
series = {MMSports '24}
location = {Melbourne, Australia},
year = {2024},
This project is a collaboration effort between MOG Technologies and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. The authors acknowledge support by MICINN/FEDER UE project, ref. PID2021-127643NB-I00, and the support of the European Commission, Horizon Europe Programme, EMERALD Project 101119800.