is an advanced CMSSW EDAnalyzer which transforms PAT tuples (usually produced with PF2PAT) to plain root trees, using modules called extractors
. Each extractor
is idenpendant, and only extracts
informations about one type of object (muons
, electrons
, tracks
, …).
On top of that, there are analysis
. An analysis
is a simple module that is ran after all extractors
, whom purpose is left to the end user. Usually, it’s for performing one step of the analysis (typically the second step). An analysis
has access to all the extractors
data, and can produce, for exemple, a tree.
uses an advanced plugin system for managing analysis. You don’t have to modify the source of PatExtractor
in order to add your own analysis. Just register your new plugin in the PatExtractorFactory
and you’re done.
There are two differents operating mode available in PatExtractor
The first mode is the default one, and called
extractors + analysis
mode. As its name indicate, in this mode theextractors
and theanalysis
are ran, one by one. Input files are expected to be PAT tuples, andanalysis
have access to the whole CMSSW framework. -
The second mode is called
mode. In this mode, noextractors
are ran, because the input files are expected to beextracted
files. Only theanalyses
are ran, and have access only to the data previouslyextracted
by theextractors
Supposed you want to run the same analysis twice on the same dataset. Here’s the best way to do :
First, run
inextractors + analysis
mode. In input, specify the PAT dataset as you would do in CMSSW python configuration (with thePoolSource
module). This will produce anextracted
output file. -
Next, run
mode only. In input, specify the previouslyextracted
root file (using theinputRootFile
python attribute, and not thePoolSource
module). Don’t forget to switch the flagfillTree
!. This way, noextractors
will be ran, with a noticable gain of time.
When using process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
input = cms.untracked.int32(1)
process.source = cms.Source("EmptySource") |
There are currently 10 extractors
available :
: extracts informations related to the event, like the event id, run number, lumi section, the number of true interactions, … -
: extract informations aboutelectrons
. -
: extracts informations about jets and MET. -
: extracts informations about the generated events. -
extracts informations about HLT -
: extracts informations about PF particles -
: extracts informations about tracks and vertices.
Below are more informations about specific extractors. If an extractor
is not listed, there’s nothing special about its behaviour.
Output trees:
These extractors
are ran twice, once on
Beware: there wil be |
Output trees:
This extractor
must be configured in the CMSSW python configuration file. It expects to read a cms.PSet
named jet_PF
for jets extracting configuration, and another cms.PSet
named met_PF
for MET extraction. Possible options are listed below.
Jets extraction:
input (cms.InputTag)
: the input tag of the jet collection to extract -
redoJetCorrection (cms.untracked.bool, false)
: Should thisextractor
redo the jet energy corrections. Iftrue
, a valid global tag must be set. -
jetCorrectorLabel (cms.string)
: the corrector label to use ifredoJetCorrection
. Use something likeak5PFchsL1FastL2L3Residual
for data andak5PFchsL1FastL2L3
for MC. -
doJER (cms.untracked.bool, true)
: iftrue
, the jet resolution is smeared. Automatically set tofalse
when running on data. -
jerSign (cms.untracked.int32, 0)
: for JER systematic evaluation. Set to 1 for 1-sigma up variation, or set to -1 for 1-sigma down variation. -
jesSign (cms.untracked.int32, 0)
: for JES systematic evaluation. Set to 1 for 1-sigma up variation, or set to -1 for 1-sigma down variation.
MET extraction:
input (cms.InputTag)
: the input tag of the MET collection to extract -
redoMetPhiCorrection (cms.untracked.bool, false)
: iftrue
, perform the MET phi correction. Useful if the jet energy corrections are redone and you still want the MET phi correction. -
redoMetTypeICorrection (cms.untracked.bool, false)
: iftrue
, recompute Type-I correction (JEC propagation to MET). Automaticallytrue
Output tree:
This module extracts generator particles informations with status 3 only, and is only compatible with MADGRAPH
samples. It’s useful if you want to perform a matching between jets and partons.
Output tree:
This module extracts HLT informations from the event, and store only triggers which fired. Furthermore, it also provides a way to flag events which pass a pre-selected trigger (this allow the user to select only events passing a dedicated trigger).
triggersXML (cms.untracked.string, "")
: Astring
containing the content of aXML
document describing the triggers to flag
document must follow the following structure (it’s a real document used for a \(t\bar{t}\) analysis) :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<runs from="0" to="193621">
<runs from="193834" to="194225">
<runs from="194270" to="199608">
<runs from="199698" to="500000">
Run ranges are inclusive (ie, \(r \leq min~or~r \geq max\)). Path name must be a valid regex.
No event will be thrown if trigger are not matched. Only a flag will be set. |
The default python configuration of PatExtractor
can be found in the file python/
. Below is a description of all options :
extractedRootFile (cms.string)
: the output file produced byPatExtractor
, where all the extracted trees and analysis objects are stored. -
fillTree (cms.untracked.bool, true)
: Allow to set the mode ofPatExtractor
. Iftrue
, mode "extractors + analysis" is set, otherwise, mode "analysis" is set. See <> for more details. -
inputRootFile (cms.string)
: when running inanalysis
mode, indicates the input file to use. -
isMC (cms.untracked.bool, true)
: Indicates whether or not input file is MC. -
doHLT (cms.untracked.bool, false)
: Iftrue
, runHLTExtractor
doMC (cms.untracked.bool, false)
: Iftrue
, runMCExtractor
doPhoton (cms.untracked.bool, false)
: Iftrue
, runPhotonExtractor
photon_tag (cms.InputTag, selectedPatPhotons)
: The input tag of the photons collection -
doElectron (cms.untracked.bool, false)
: Iftrue
, runElectronExtractor
electron_tag (cms.InputTag, selectedPatElectronsPFlow)
: The input tag of the electrons collection -
doMuon (cms.untracked.bool, false)
: Iftrue
, runMuonExtractor
muon_tag (cms.InputTag, selectedPatMuonsPFlow)
: The input tag of the muons collection -
doJet (cms.untracked.bool, false)
: Iftrue
, run the jet part ofJetMETExtractor
jet_PF (cms.PSet)
: See here for more details -
doMET (cms.untracked.bool, false)
: Iftrue
, run the MET part ofJetMETExtractor
MET_PF (cms.PSet)
: See here for more details -
doVertex (cms.untracked.bool, false)
: Iftrue
, runVertexExtractor
vtx_tag (cms.InputTag, offlinePrimaryVertices)
: The input tag of the vertices collection -
doTrack (cms.untracked.bool, false)
: Iftrue
, runTrackExtractor
trk_tag (cms.InputTag, generalTracks)
: The input tag of the tracks collection -
doPF (cms.untracked.bool, false)
: Iftrue
, runPFpartExtractor
pf_tag (cms.InputTag, particleFlow)
: The input tag of the PF particles collection -
n_events (cms.untracked.int32, 10000)
: If operates inanalysis
mode, the number of events to process. -
plugins (cms.PSet)
: The list of plugins (analysis
) to run. The expected format ispluginname = cms.PSet($parameters$)
Do not create your analysis in PatExtractor folders! Create your own CMSSW package for that. For example, create your own github repository, and store your analysis here. See for real-life example. |
Adding your own analysis in PatExtractors
is easy. Here’s a list of steps to follow:
Each new
(or plugin) must be a class inheriting frompatextractor::Plugin
(you can find declaration ininterface/ExtractorPlugin.h
). -
has one pure virtual function that you must override in your class:virtual void analyze(const edm::Event&, const edm::EventSetup&, PatExtractor&)
. It’s the function that will be called for each events. -
You now need to register your plugin in the
, using theDEFINE_EDM_PLUGIN($factory$, $class$, $name$)
macro. -
Finally, you need to add your plugin to the python configuration.
Let’s see an example :
#include <Extractors/PatExtractor/interface/ExtractorPlugin.h>
class MyAnalysis: patextractor::Plugin {
MyAnalysis(const edm::ParameterSet& iConfig);
virtual void analyze(const edm::EventSetup& iSetup, PatExtractor& extractor);
#include "MyAnalysis.h"
MyAnalysis::MyAnalysis(const edm::ParameterSet& iConfig): Plugin(iConfig)
// Initialize the analysis parameters using the ParameterSet iConfig
int an_option = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<int>("an_option", 0);
MyAnalysis::analysis(const edm::EventSetup& iSetup, PatExtractor& extractor)
// Do the analysis
// Register the plugin inside the factory
DEFINE_EDM_PLUGIN(PatExtractorPluginFactory, MyAnalysis, "MyAnalysis");
In the example above, we created a new analysis called PatExtractorPluginFactory
. We now just need to add into the python configuration file that we want to use this analysis.
import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
# Create process
process = cms.Process("PATextractor")
# Load various configurations
# Set the number of events we want to process
process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
input = cms.untracked.int32(10)
# Input PAT file to extract
process.source = cms.Source("PoolSource",
fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring("myfilename.root"),
duplicateCheckMode = cms.untracked.string( 'noDuplicateCheck' )
# Run on MC
process.PATextraction.isMC = True
process.PATextraction.doMC = True
# Set the output file name
process.PATextraction.extractedRootFile = cms.string('extracted_mc.root')
# Turn on some extractors
process.PATextraction.doMuon = True
process.PATextraction.doElectron = True
process.PATextraction.doJet = True
# And finally, loads our analysis
process.PATextraction.plugins = cms.PSet( # (1)
MyAnalysis = cms.PSet(
an_option = cms.untracked.int32(42)
this tells
to load a plugin named MyAnalysis (case sensitive!). The associatedcms.PSet()
will be given to argement to the class constructor. It contains only one option,an_option
, an integer with value 42.
In order to access extractors
inside your analysis, you have to use the extractor
reference passed inside the analyze
function, and more precisely the method
std::shared_ptr<SuperBaseExtractor> PatExtractor::getExtractor(const std::string& name);
This method takes at first argument the name of the extractor
you want to access (see section extractors for the list of all extractors
name), and return a pointer to the extractor.
For a list of methods of each extractor
, please refer to the class declaration inside the header file (in interface/