IQDM Analytics is a desktop application that mines IMRT QA reports with IQDM-PDF and performs statistical analysis.
Single-file executables are available. See attachments in the latest release.
This library is part of the IMRT QA Data Mining (IQDM) project for the AAPM IMRT Working Group (WGIMRT).
- Free software: MIT license
- Documentation: Read the docs
- iqdmpdf - Mine IMRT QA PDF's
- wxPython Phoenix - Build a native GUI on Windows, Mac, or Unix systems
- Bokeh - Interactive Web Plotting for Python
- NumPy - The fundamental package for scientific computing with Python
- selenium - A browser automation framework and ecosystem
- PhantomJS - PhantomJS is a headless web browser scriptable with JavaScript
- pypubsub - A Python publish-subscribe library
If you prefer to run from source:
$ git clone
$ cd IQDM-Analytics
$ python
Note you may have to use pythonw instead of python, depending on your version.
- Ability to cancel PDF-Miner thread
- Unit testing (non-GUI)
- Setup continuous integration
- Consolidate/Clean-up UserSettings Dialog code
- Dan Cutright, University of Chicago Medicine
- Marc Chamberland, University of Vermont Health Network
- Serpil Kucuker Dogan, Northwestern Medicine
- Mahesh Gopalakrishnan, Northwestern Medicine
- Aditya Panchal, AMITA Health
- Michael Snyder, Beaumont Health