ROS integration for SCHUNK FTN-AXIA80-DUAL SI-200-8/SI-500-20 force/torque sensor.
Clone the ftn_axia80 package into your catkin workspace.
In , set the IP-adress of your gripper.
Default IP, default port 49151.
Build and source your workspace.
run the sensor node with
rosrun ftn_axia80
or inside your custom launch file.
Inside custom python script
import rospy
from geometry_msgs.msg import Wrench
# get most recent FT-value
wrench = rospy.wait_for_message("/ftn_axia", Wrench)
# get continous stream of values
wrench_client = rospy.Subscriber("/ftn_axia", Wrench, wrench_cb)
def wrench_cb(data):
read_wrench = data
# do something
- create launch file with args