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anidivr edited this page Nov 29, 2023 · 3 revisions


export type LabelAlignX = 'center' | 'left' | 'right'
export type LabelAlignY = 'middle' | 'top' | 'bottom'
export type LabelTextAlign = 'left' | 'right' | 'center' | 'justify'

export interface FlowLabelParameters {
  text?: string
  isicon?: boolean // text is the name of an icon. see
  size?: number
  material?: MeshBasicMaterialParameters
  font?: string
  padding?: number
  alignX?: LabelAlignX
  alignY?: LabelAlignY
  hidden?: boolean
  wrapwidth?: number
  textalign?: LabelTextAlign
Parameter Description Default
text The text to show in the label or the icon name. blank
isicon When using Troika label, set text to the name of an icon from false
size Size of the text. 0.1
material Color and other material properties black
font When using text geometry, name of a loaded font registered with Flow Diagram undefined
padding Space around the text. 0.1
alignX Horizontal align left, right or centered. center
alignY Vertical align top, middle or bottom. middle
hidden When true, label is hidden (visible=false). false
wrapwidth When using Troika label, width of text before it wraps. Infinity
textalign When using Troika label, text is left, right or centered. Use justify to space across wrapwidth. left


export interface FlowTransform {
  translate?: { x?: number, y?: number, z?: number }
  rotate?: { x?: number, y?: number, z?: number }
Parameter Description Default
translate x, y and z translation
rotate x, y and z rotation


export type AnchorType = 'left' | 'right' | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'center'
export interface FlowConnectorParameters {
  id: string
  anchor?: AnchorType // default is left
  index?: number // order when there are multiple
  userData?: { [key: string]: any }
  label?: FlowLabelParameters
  labeloffset?: number // default is 1.5 times size of geometry
  transform?: FlowTransform // adjust position and rotation
  shape?: string // allow each connector to have custom shape
  hidden?: boolean
  material?: MeshBasicMaterialParameters
  radius?: number // shape radius
  width?: number  // if shape has specific width, otherwise radius*2
  height?: number // if shape has specific height, otherwise radius*2
Parameter Description Default
id Unique id for the connector. Assigned to Object3D name Required
anchor Anchor location at boundary of node shape left
index Order for multiple connectors at same anchor location 0
userData Assigned to Object3D userData undefined
label Optional label to show next to connector undefined
labeloffset Label offset from connector shape 1.5
transform Optional transform connector shape undefined
shape Shape name to identify type of connector circle
material Color and other material properties black
radius Radius of shape 0.1
width Width of shape radius*2
height Height of shape radius*2
hidden When true, connector is hidden (visible=false). false


export type ArrowStyle = 'default'

export interface FlowArrowParameters {
  type?: ArrowType
  width?: number
  height?: number
  indent?: number

  material?: MeshBasicMaterialParameters
  arrowstyle?: ArrowStyle
  scale?: number
Parameter Description Default
width Width of arrow wings 0.15
height Length of arrow 0.3
indent Indent of arrow head 0.05
material Color and other material properties black
arrowstyle Style of arrow. Useful when overriding default
scale Scale of mesh 1


export type EdgeLineStyle = 'straight' | 'offset' | 'split' | 'spline'

export interface FlowEdgeParameters {
  from: string // from node id
  to: string // to node id
  id?: string

  points?: Array<{ x: number, y: number }>  // dagre layout positions of line segments

  material?: MeshBasicMaterialParameters
  linestyle?: EdgeLineStyle
  lineoffset?: number // offset from connector to start bending line (when linestyle is offset or spline)
  divisions?: number
  thickness?: number
  toarrow?: FlowArrowParameters
  fromarrow?: FlowArrowParameters
  userData?: { [key: string]: any }

  fromconnector?: string // optional connector id on from node
  toconnector?: string   // optional connector id on to node
Parameter Description Default
from node id Required
to node id Required
id Unique id. Assigned to Object3D name e<total edges+1>
points Dagre layout positions undefined
material Color and other material properties black
linestyle Style of line spline
lineoffset When offset or spline, length of small line segment from connector 0.2
divisions When spline, smooth straight line amount 20
thickness For tube geometry, thickness of tube 0.01
toarrow Optional to arrow parameters undefined
fromarrow Optional from arrow parameters undefined
userData Assigned to Object3D userData undefined
fromconnector connector id/name undefined
toconnector connector id/name undefined


export type FlowNodeType = 'node' | 'route'

export interface FlowNodeParameters {
  id?: string
  type?: FlowNodeType
  x?: number
  y?: number
  z?: number
  width?: number
  minwidth?: number
  maxwidth?: number
  height?: number
  minheight?: number
  maxheight?: number
  material?: MeshBasicMaterialParameters
  label?: FlowLabelParameters
  labelanchor?: AnchorType
  labeltransform?: FlowTransform
  userData?: { [key: string]: any }
  resizable?: boolean
  resizematerial?: MeshBasicMaterialParameters
  draggable?: boolean
  scalable?: boolean
  selectable?: boolean
  scalematerial?: MeshBasicMaterialParameters
  scale?: number
  minscale?: number
  maxscale?: number
  hidden?: boolean
  connectors?: FlowConnectorParameters[]
Parameter Description Default
id Unique id. Assigned to Object3D name n<total nodes+1>
type If its a node or a route node
x Horizontal center of node 0
y Vertical center of node 0
z Depth center of node. Allows positioning node in front or behind other nodes 0
width Width of visual 1
minwidth Minimum width when resizing Initial width
maxwidth Maximum width when resizing Infinity
height Height of visual 1
minheight Minimum height when resizing Initial height
maxheight Maximum width when resizing Infinity
material Color and other material properties white
label Optional label to in node undefined
labelanchor Label location at boundary center
labeltransform Label transform to adjust position or rotation undefined
userData Assigned to Object3D userData undefined
resizable When true, node is resizable. See min/max width/height true
resizematerial Color and other material properties of resizing handle black
draggable When true, node can be dragged around true
selectable When true, node is included when Raycasting. Used for hovering and selecting a node true
scalable When true, node can be scaled. See min/max scale true
scalecolor Color and other material properties of scaling handle black
scale Initial scale of node 1
minscale Minimum scale when scaling Initial scale
maxscale Maximum scale when scaling Infinity
hidden When true, connector is hidden (visible=false). false
connectors Array of connector locations undefined


export interface FlowRouteParameters extends FlowNodeParameters {
  radius?: number
Parameter Description Default
radius Radius of route shape. Also sets width and height to this value 0.1

Resizable and scalable are forced to false


export interface FlowDiagramParameters {
  version?: number;
  nodes: FlowNodeParameters[],
  edges: FlowEdgeParameters[]
Parameter Description Default
version Optional version number 1
nodes Array of node parameters empty
edges Array of edge parameters empty

Diagram Options

export type FlowMaterialType = 'line' | 'geometry'

export interface FlowDiagramOptions {
  gridsize?: number
  fonts?: Map<string, Font>
  linematerial?: MeshBasicMaterialParameters
  linestyle?: EdgeLineStyle
  linedivisions?: number
  linethickness?: number
  lineoffset?: number
  layout?: FlowLayout

| Parameter | Description | Default |
| -- | -- | -- |
| gridsize | When dragging a node in the diagram, the position jumps at this grid size | 0 |
| fonts | A map of font name to Font.  Used when FlowLabel is using TextGeometry implementation | undefined |
| linematerial | Default color and other material properties when adding edge | Edge default |
| linestyle | Default line style when adding edge | Edge default |
| linedivisions | Default divisions for smoothing lines when adding edge | Edge default |
| linethickness | Default line thickness when adding edge | Edge default |
| lineoffset | Default line offset when adding edge | Edge default |
| layout | Provide custom implementation for node layout | No Op |
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