- template.md for a general template focused on text structure.
- technical-guidelines.md: technical guidelines to prepare data, figures and markdown text
- examples for more diverse examples (icecream article)
- authorscript.py: author script template
- data: country masks (for testing when developing
Please indicate metadata (title, author) in the header of your article, such as:
title: Example Article Title
reference: https://doi.org/10.1029/2019EF001181
- name: Some One
affiliation: 1
- name: Some Two
affiliation: 2
- Institute for Advanced Studies, Potsdam, Germany
- Another Institute, Berlin, Germany
area: world
studytype: future-projections
- water
- something-else
The template use pandoc markdown. That is simple text with conventions for headings, hyperlinks, references and so on.
Below an overview of the most important conventions:
## Section title
### Subsection
[link text](actual-link-address)
*italic* **bold**
Code block
can be indented
using 4 spaces
```Or 3-quoted like this even
without indentation```
> quote
Item list:
- first item
- second item
Numbered list:
1. One
2. Two
Additionally we support bibtex references:
[@Gerten_2014_Cross; @Prudhomme_2013_f5wdwd; @Doell_2015_f8fjrd; @Kuzyakov_2019_gf43bp]
and glossary links to be included as hyperlink as
[climate models](/glossary/#climate-models)
We can also have HTML code as well as javascript code for more advanced, interactive content. See the example ice cream article and its markdown source for a demonstration of these features.
We use jinja2
templates with {{ ... }}
and {% if ... %} ... {% else %} ... {% endif %}
syntax if we need logic in the templates, and to connect country-specific data and figures with the articles. This should be used with caution. More information in the technical guidelines.
The template is intended to provide authors with a reference to draft their ISIpedia articles, both in terms of structure and suggested texts as well as to prepare the graphical materials. We encourage authors planning to write text articles to contact the Editorial Team in the first place (Barbara Willaarts, Jens De Bruijn, Barbara Templ and Mahé Perrette via isipedia.editorial.team@pik-potsdam.de) to have a pre-discussion on the topic, type of contributions, etc.
Following the initial discussion, and if the author would like to prepare a text article, we recommend the author to use this template, although its use is NOT compulsory. Authors experienced in science communication are encouraged to develop free-format articles, under the premises that:
- the resulting text complies with the guidelines for authors as described in the ISIpedia portal; and
- the authors carefully read and follow the instructions on how to prepare the graphical materials (see Technical guidelines.
ISIPedia articles can be divided into two broad categories:
- individual contributions e.g. country-based studies, and
- global contributions with gridded information that can be further breakdown into national reports.
Authors aiming to prepare the latest type of articles should bear in mind that a given number of sections will remain the same across all national reports, namely sections on (see template.md for details):
- How to interpret the results;
- limitations and knowledge gaps;
- data and methods, and
- references.
Only the key messages section, as well as the main findings, will be adjusted to each country and global report.
NOTE: ISIpedia contributions are not just restricted to text articles. We also welcome other types of contributions such as infographics, video interviews, etc. Authors willing to provide contributions other than written articles please contact the editorial team.