四月,openEuler Developer Day 2023在上海顺利召开。openEuler 工业领域操作系统筹备委员会成立,中国科学院软件研究所成为 openEuler 工业领域操作系统筹备委员会首批成员单位。
软件所吴伟老师在多样性计算分论坛发布了《openEuler RISC-V 2023-2025:领先并超越》的主题演讲;纪涛、陆旭凡两位老师在开发者服务分论坛中分别发表了《OEPKGS 社区开放软件包服务》、《LLVM IR 简介及近期演变介绍》为主题的报告。
ROS、RISC-V SIG 开放工作会议联合举办,商讨了后续在RISC-V架构上适配ROS1和ROS2的工作计划,同时RISC-V SIG还计划在23.09版本将RISC-V架构合入主线,成为默认支持的主流架构之一。此外,LLVM平行宇宙项目也计划在23.09发布一个测试镜像。
openEuler RISC-V 团队一起亮相Yutobe openEuler。
openEuler Techday EP04 — Leap into the future with the openEuler RISC-V SIG
软件所协办 openEuler Developer Day 2023,分享创新成果,协同规划发展。
- openqa+unmatched实现命令行测试和通过vnc的GUI测试
- ODD 2023 & 开源大赛准备
- 将去年添加的 texlive 家族依赖加入 mainline & Epol,为
能够正常被安装做基础。 - 完善 2303 发版最后的工作,并为 2303 的维护做好一系列准备
- https://gitee.com/src-openeuler/eggo/pulls/57
- https://gitee.com/openeuler/RISC-V/pulls/635
- https://gitee.com/openeuler-risc-v/golang/pulls/3
- https://gitee.com/openeuler/release-management/pulls/1021
- https://gitee.com/openeuler/release-management/pulls/1028
- https://gitee.com/src-openeuler/perl-PadWalker/pulls/2
- https://gitee.com/src-openeuler/perl-Variable-Magic/pulls/3
- https://gitee.com/src-openeuler/perl-Ref-Util-XS/pulls/4
- 23.03 版本 发版以及对应的 CI 修复和改进
- 回合上游对应 CI 改进
- 硬件相关软件包 (kernel, opensbi, uboot) 修复、调整和改进
- 一些软件包的升级/提交上游/打包
- 相关会议、比赛的准备和出勤
- 平行宇宙计划初上手
rust 目前状态
- 1.65.0 ✔️ 1.66.1 ✔️ 1.67.1 ✔️ 1.69.0 (WIP)
merged: musl 配置相关的小修改
configure.py: add flag for riscv{64,32}gc musl-root
open: 尝试将 rust 包的修改推到 openEuler 主线,顺便升级 1.69.0
- clang-12 (parallel)
- rust-bindgen (blocked)
- edk2 (packaging)
- 申请成为 rust sig 的提交者/维护者
- 参加 oDD 大会,并且分享了关于 oerv 创新反向的工作报告
- firefox 维护升级至 111 版本,成功构建
- 代码推到112.02版本,该版本有重要bug修复,并且将 riscv jit 相关更新 patch 化 合入构建
- mesa 维护升级至 23.0.3 版本
- dav1d 项目初始化,提交关于 初始化 checkasm 的代码
- open: dav1d 上游初始化
- firefox111 (succeed)
- mesa23.0.3 (succeed)
- firefox112 (building)
- 和 @eastdong 老师一起加速 qt6 组件的工作
- 学习 openEuler 这边的工作流程
- 在 @jingwiw 老师的指导下完善 Qt6 相关软件包,目前已经完善 30 个软件包
- 提交软件包 libb2 到 openEuler,目前已经合并
- 将 Qt6 的软件包升级为 6.5.0 并提交给 openEuler
- libb2 (qt6-qtbase 的依赖): https://gitee.com/src-openeuler/libb2/pulls/1
- qt6-qtbase: https://gitee.com/src-openeuler/qt6-qtbase/pulls/1
- 已完成,暂未提交上游(等待 qtbase 被合并):
- qt6-qt3d: https://gitee.com/East_x/qt6-qt3d
- qt6-speech: https://gitee.com/East_x/qt6-speech
- qt6-multimedia: https://gitee.com/East_x/qt6-multimedia
- qt6-qtshadertools: https://gitee.com/East_x/qt6-qtshadertools
- qt6-qtimageformats: https://gitee.com/East_x/qt6-qtimageformats
- 进行中:
- qt6-qttools: https://gitee.com/East_x/qt6-qttools
- 学习打包流程
- dart文档内容复现
- 技术分享 :https://gitee.com/yurish/plct-work/blob/master/2023-04/%E5%85%B3%E4%BA%8E%E6%B5%8B%E8%AF%95%E6%B5%81%E7%A8%8B%E7%9A%84%E6%8E%A2%E8%AE%A8%E4%B8%8E%E4%BC%98%E5%8C%96%EF%BC%88%E5%88%86%E4%BA%AB%EF%BC%89.pptx
- 测试组内openQA工作协调
- ODD介绍内容 :https://gitee.com/yurish/plct-work/blob/master/2023-04/%E8%87%AA%E6%88%91%E4%BB%8B%E7%BB%8D.pptx
- 社区内容学习
增加密钥长度选项以解决 libkcapi 在使用 SM4 算法进行加密时由于密钥长度错误造成 的 EINVAL Issue #150 Pull Request
openEuler libkcapi 包应用补丁 libkcapi:添加 Patch Add-option-key-len @microseyuyu open
- Fix openeuler riscv 2203LTS/2303V1 version on visionfive2 @samuel_yuan
- Verify wine-ce for openeuler on visionfive2 @samuel_yuan
- zerofree:gcc / clang 错误
- A-Tune-BPF-Collection:文件名引用错误
- byaccj:gcc / clang 错误
- container-exception-logger:gcc / clang 错误
- dietlibc:gcc / clang 错误
- ed:gcc / clang 错误
- efivar:gcc / clang 错误
- fxload:gcc / clang 错误
- iputils:gcc / clang 错误
- kpatch:gcc / clang 及 CFLAGS 错误
- mac-robber:gcc / clang 错误
- net-tools:gcc / clang 错误
- pngcrush:gcc / clang 错误
- pptp:gcc / clang 错误
- vsftpd:gcc / clang 错误
- wireless-tools:gcc / clang 错误
- zip:gcc / clang 错误
- tinycdb:gcc / clang 错误
- tss2:gcc / clang 错误
- libx86emu:gcc / clang 错误
- vconfig:gcc / clang 错误
- symlinks:gcc / clang 错误
- libkeepalive:gcc / clang 错误
- lua-lpeg:gcc / clang 错误
- traceroute:gcc / clang 错误
- libserf:gcc / clang 错误
- sgpio:gcc / clang 错误
- lm_sensors:gcc / clang 错误
- pigz:gcc / clang 错误
- java-service-wrapper:gcc / clang 错误
- linuxptp:gcc / clang 错误
- python-pycurl:gcc / clang 错误
- jna:gcc / clang 错误
- openresty:gcc / clang 错误
- strace:gcc / clang 错误
- environment-modules:gcc / clang 错误
- ftp:gcc / clang 错误
- jimtcl:gcc / clang 错误
- Judy:gcc / clang 错误
- lzip:gcc / clang 错误
- OpenCSD:gcc / clang 错误
- qt-assistant-adp:gcc / clang 错误
- squid:spec 文件未声明构建所必要依赖
- tinyxml:gcc / clang 错误
- ttmkfdir:gcc / clang 错误
- fcoe-utils:gcc / clang 错误
- ftgl:gcc / clang 错误
- glib:gcc / clang 错误
- gnutls:gcc / clang 错误
- gtk:gcc / clang 错误
- gutenprint:gcc / clang 错误
- hplip:gcc / clang 错误
- kim-api:gcc / clang 错误
- kunpengsecl:文件权限错误
- leveldb:gcc / clang 错误
- lensfun:gcc / clang 错误
- libgdiplus:C 语言语法错误
- libisoburn:gcc / clang 错误
- liblockfile:Makefile 不支持指定 --prefix 选项
- libpfm:gcc / clang 错误
- libreswan:gcc / clang 及 CFLAGS、USERLINK 错误
- libuser:C 语言语法错误
- libtpms:gcc / clang 及 CFLAGS 错误
- lua-filesystem: 修复 clang 构建错误
- ladspa: 修复 clang 构建错误
- procinfo: 修复 clang 构建错误
- epstool: 修复 clang 构建错误
- haproxy: 修复 clang 构建错误
- native-platform: 修复 clang 构建错误
- qgnomeplatform: 修复 clang 构建错误
- snappy-java: 修复 clang 构建错误
- webbench: 修复 clang 构建错误
- nvme-snsd: 修复 clang 构建错误
- nethogs: 修复 clang 构建错误
- attest-tools: 修复 clang 构建错误
- esc: 修复 clang 构建错误
- system-storage-manager: 修复 python逻辑错误
- cdparanoia: 修复 类型不存在错误
- filebench: 修复 undefined ref错误
- perl-Devel-Size: 修复 strip permission错误
- perl-HTML-Parser: 修复 strip permission错误
- perl-TermReadKey: 修复 strip permission错误
- libimagequant: 修复 clang 构建错误
- pesign: 修复 clang 构建错误
- ostree:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- valgrind:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- busybox:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- lmdb:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- libcap:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- ladspa:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- kiwi:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- ipvsadm:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- initscripts:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- grubby:支持 clang 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- genwqe-tools:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- glew:支持 clang 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- dcraw:修改 spec 支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- dbxtool:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- bwa:修改 spec 支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- audit:修改 spec 支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- lzo:修改 spec 支持指定 CC 编译-mega @jammyjellyfish merged
- brasero:修复 clang 构建错误 @jammyjellyfish
- galera:修复 clang 构建错误 @jammyjellyfish
- dmraid:修复 clang 构建错误 @jammyjellyfish
- ltrace:修复 clang 构建错误 @jammyjellyfish
- valgrind:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- cjose:修复 clang 构建错误 @jammyjellyfish
- clucene:修复 clang 构建错误 @jammyjellyfish
- certmonger:修复 clang 构建错误 @jammyjellyfish
- boost:支持指定 CC 构建 @jammyjellyfish
- dtc:支持 clang 构建,移除 CFLAGS 中的 linker 选项 @jammyjellyfish
- dpdk:支持 clang 构建,移除 CFLAGS 中的 linker 选项 @jammyjellyfish
- dvdplusrw-tools:支持指定 CC 编译,修复 clang 构建错误 @jammyjellyfish
- chromaprint:修改 spec 文件步骤,支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- lmdb:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- lsof:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- lua-filesystem:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- pciutils:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- procinfo:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- sendmail:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- sip:支持 clang 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- ustr:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- wpa_supplicant:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- libcap:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- ladspa:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- ipvsadm:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- grubby:支持 clang 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- glew:支持 clang 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- genwqe-tools:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- crash-trace-command:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- crash-gcore-command:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- b43-tools:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- kiwi:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- busybox:修改 spec 支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- audit:修改 spec 支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- bwa:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- byaccj:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- dbxtool:支持 clang 构建 @jammyjellyfish
- dcraw:修改 spec 支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish
- elfutils:修复 clang 构建错误 @jammyjellyfish merged
- ypserv:修复 clang 构建错误 @jammyjellyfish merged
- tree:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish merged
- jbigkit:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish merged
- initscripts:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish merged
- gsm:支持指定 CC 编译 @jammyjellyfish merged
- 修复 guile 可执行文件命名 https://gitee.com/src-openeuler/guile/pulls/22
- 增加 python3-lttng-ust (ros2 依赖) https://gitee.com/src-openeuler/lttng-ust/pulls/17
- urdfdom_headers https://gitee.com/src-openeuler/urdfdom_headers/pulls/3
- 给 rospkg 增加 openeuler 支持 ros-infrastructure/rospkg#260
- 给 rosdep 增加 openeuler 支持 ros-infrastructure/rosdep#919
- 给 rosdistro 增加 openeuler 包 ros/rosdistro#36933
- openeuler 的 os-release 文件不规范 https://gitee.com/openeuler/community/issues/I6Y25M
- openeuler 仓库链接问题 https://gitee.com/openeuler/community/issues/I6XZ8I
- 尚未提交
- 完成测试小队的交接
- 进入ros小队
- 学习打包和osc相关的内容
- 出差到odd
- 学习ros2相关的知识
- ros学习笔记
- 打包这月只是在分析一些依赖,还未真正开始,下个月进行此项工作
4 月份主要做了以下事情:
- oERV 2303 发版前的测试
- 转入 ROS 小队前的测试工作交接
- 学习 ROS 相关知识
- 出差到 ODD
- 学习打包和 obs 使用
- 23.03 unmatched 打开 firefox 卡死
- 23.03 unmatched gdm 报错
- 23.03 unmatched 使用 lightdm 启动 GNOME 报错
- 23.03 mugen 自动化测试报告
在 ros 小组的相关工作:
- 完成测试小队交接 转入 ROS 小队
- 学习 ros 相关的知识
- 出差到 odd 自我介绍
- 学习打包相关内容
- A-Tune 和 虚拟化 Virt 测试结果:https://gitee.com/yunxiangluo/openeuler-riscv-2303-test/pulls/23
- 更新 D1 nezha 安装 openEuler RISC-V 23.03 V1 相关文档:https://gitee.com/yunxiangluo/openeuler-riscv-2303-test/pulls/42
- 添加 D1 nezha openEuler RISC-V 23.03 V1 相关失败用例:https://gitee.com/yunxiangluo/openeuler-riscv-2303-test/pulls/47
- 更新 DDE, Cinnamon 相关文档,以及工作状态:https://gitee.com/yunxiangluo/openeuler-riscv-2303-test/pulls/56
- 23.03 Allwinner D1 Nezha 启动 firefox 失败:https://gitee.com/openeuler/RISC-V/issues/I6TMB6
- 23.03 etmem 无法使用:https://gitee.com/openeuler/RISC-V/issues/I6V7C0
- 学习相关内容:https://gitee.com/zhtianyu/ros-learning
- 尝试打包,分析依赖等:https://build.openeuler.openatom.cn/package/show/home:Tianyu:branches:openEuler:ROS:humble/ros2cli
- 出差到现场支援项目
- port Debian rv32 (感谢gaohan老师)
- 修复了几个riscv64的包
- 配合wangliu老师对Debian riscv64进行机器维护
- https://github.com/yuzibo/debian_dev/tree/main/firefox/111-0-1 [firefox built on Unmatched]
- https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1012218#30 [firefox 112]
- https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1030895#20 [qt6-webengine update]
- https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1034484 [luajit support rv64]
- https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1030916#30 [qtwebengine-opensource-src update]
- support riscv32 in check_arch from rebootstrap
- support riscv32 for linux from rebootstrap
- https://github.com/kdlucas/byte-unixbench/pull/89[byte-unixbench rv64支持]
https://github.com/kdlucas/byte-unixbench/commit/a07fcc03264915c624f0e4818993c5b4df3fa703 - https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/619410400 [文章jettyweb服务搭建]
- https://lists.debian.org/debian-java/2023/04/msg00000.html [ftbfs bug]
- intel/lmbench#12 [lmbench for riscv]
- 并入RevyOS团队,Dragon级别交付,面向甲方内部仓库,成果由高涵内部观测
- rustc 1.66.0 merged https://salsa.debian.org/rust-team/rust/-/merge_requests/24
- 1.67 & 1.68 prepared
- https://github.com/Sakura286/libreoffice-riscv64-performance-testing/tree/main/benchmark [LibreOffice initial benchmark]
- https://mentors.debian.net/package/gl4es/ [RFS: gl4es opengl to opengles translation library]
- DynamoRIO/dynamorio#6014 [Dynamorio implement some base instrutions]
- https://salsa.debian.org/rust-team/debcargo-conf/-/merge_requests/488
- https://salsa.debian.org/rust-team/debcargo-conf/-/merge_requests/489
- https://salsa.debian.org/rust-team/debcargo-conf/-/merge_requests/490
- https://salsa.debian.org/rust-team/debcargo-conf/-/merge_requests/491
- 还有几个包因为上游依赖问题未能成功构建,正在处理后提 PR 给上游合入后再提交 Debian
- update rust from 1.63 to 1.82(因跨多个版本问题,仍在处理)
- https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Q5411w7z5
deepin 社区事务 https://www.freelists.org/list/deepin-devel :
- 2023/04例会部分提案: 社区技术委员会 会议纪要 23/04/26
- 协助/审阅deepin-riscv方向pr/obs提交
- 解决obs上deepin-riscv相关依赖问题
- deepin-stage1-beta 桌面同步项目
- 现场项目出差
- util-dfm https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/957
- udisks2-qt5 https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/956
- qt5integration https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/955
- go-gir-generator https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/954
- gio-qt https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/953
- fcitx-configtool https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/952
- dwayland https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/951
- dtkwidget https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/950
- dtkgui https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/949
- dtkdeclarative https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/948
- dtkcore https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/947
- deepin-upgrade-manager https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/946
- deepin-terminal https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/945
- deepin-system-monitor https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/944
- deepin-log-viewer https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/943
- deepin-kwin https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/942
- deepin-icon-theme https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/941
- deepin-home https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/940
- deepin-fcitx5configtool-plugin https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/939
- deepin-face https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/938
- deepin-desktop-theme https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/937
- deepin-desktop-environment https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/936
- deepin-deb-installer https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/935
- dde-widgets https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/934
- dde-session-ui https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/933
- dde-session-shell https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/932
- dde-session https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/931
- dde-launcher https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/930
- dde-file-manager https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/929
- dde-daemon https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/928
- dde-control-center https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/927
- dde-clipboard https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/926
- dde-application-manager https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/925
- dde-appearance https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/924
- dde-app-services https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/923
- dde-account-faces https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/922
- startdde https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/901
- dde-network-core https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/900
- deepin-ocr-plugin-manager https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/886
- deepin-ocr https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/885
- dtkmultimedia https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/884
- ncnn https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/883
- opencv-mobile https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/882
- golang-golang-x-sys https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/914
- xorg-server https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/959
- libdrm https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/960
- xorg-server deepin-community/xorg-server#4
- deepin-proxy https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/887
- deepin-desktop-environment https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/888
- deepin-upgrade-manager https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/889
- deepin-desktop-theme https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/891
- deepin-desktop-base https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/892
- dtkcore https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/893
- startdde https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/894
- dde-daemon https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/895
- dde-session https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/896
- dtkgui https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/897
- dwayland https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/898
- dtkdeclarative https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/899
- dde-app-services https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/902
- dde-appearance https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/903
- dde-application-manager https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/904
- dde-clipboard https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/905
- dde-control-center https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/906
- dde-launcher https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/907
- dde-session-shell https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/908
- dde-session-ui https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/909
- dde-widgets https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/910
- deepin-deb-installer https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/911
- deepin-face https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/912
- deepin-fcitx5configtool-plugin https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/913
- deepin-home https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/914
- deepin-kwin https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/915
- deepin-log-viewer https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/916
- deepin-system-monitor https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/917
- deepin-terminal https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/918
- downloadmanager https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/919
- dtkwidget https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/920
- qt5integration https://build.tarsier-infra.com/request/show/921
所有的关键软件版本都追随Fedora 38最新的版本,继续编包中。支持多款桌面系统:
- LXQT[need test]
- budgie[need test]
- cinnamon[need test]
- sugar[need test]
- mate[need test]
- phosh[need test]
- server : Fedora 38 Server Image for Sophgo SG2042
- cloud :
- Workstation: Fedora 38 XFCE/LXDE/LXQT desktop Image for Sophgo SG2042
- Iot [Ongoing]
- CoreOS [Ongoing]
- upstream Fedora srpm patch: Boost: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/boost/pull-request/16 CMake: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/cmake/pull-request/26
- 参与F38打包,参与解决golang模块包问题
- 1、对ROS1依赖sbcl进行移植编译和测试,一起查找问题原因,并已经定位了问题,并写总结文档。
- 2、ROS1编译:完成了从编译和文档的过程,正在测试。经验文档 3,对Fedora安装image进行研究和调试,过程文档
- 1、跟踪ROCKS的编译进度文档。
- 2、学习并翻译 Fedora Release Engineering 文档,已完成文档如下:
- sop_adding_packages_compose_artifact
- sop_adding_side_build_targets
- sop_bodhi_activation
- sop_branch_freeze
- sop_branching
- sop_breaking_development_freeze
- sop_clean_amis
- sop_composing_fedora
- sop_create_release_signing_key
- sop_deprecate_ftbfs_packages
- sop_end_of_life
- sop_eol_change
- sop_mass_branching
- sop_mass_rebuild_modules
- sop_mass_rebuild_packages
- 3、管理 Openkoji 编译 tags, 接手管理Fedora 38 tags 组
- RT-Thread/rt-thread#7147
- RT-Thread/rt-thread#7385
- RT-Thread/rt-thread#7397
- RT-Thread/rt-thread#7406
- RT-Thread/rt-thread#7408
openEuler RISC-V 基础测试,性能测试,根据上游的测试反馈
本次测试共399个(相相比22.03 preview V2测试增加了70个)测试套(396个软件包+systemd+os-basic+os-storage),2127个测试用例(相比22.03 preview V2测试增加了701个)
- 缺陷issue入口
- 22.03 Firefox 设置中的‘搜索’缺陷
- 23.03 6.1 内核下无法启动 Firefox
- DDE 桌面环境登陆后崩溃
- 23.03 etmem 无法使用
- 23.03 mugen 自动化测试缺陷报告
- 23.03kubekey部署 KubeSphere 集群失败
- 23.03 Allwinner D1 Nezha 启动 firefox 失败:Illegal instruction
- 23.03 licheePi rv dock 启动 chromium 无法显示
- 23.03 unmatched 使用 lightdm 启动 GNOME 报错
- 23.03 unmatched gdm 报错
- 23.03 unmatched 打开 firefox 卡死
- 23.03 qemu ukui 桌面极为卡顿,无法启动任意gui 程序
- 23.03 vision five安装ukui桌面,进入桌面,两个画面循环显示
- licheePI rv dock 无法启动 libreoffice
- 23.3 licheePI rv dock 无法启动 firefox: Illegal instruction
- openQA xfce 测试 测试 Needles 文档更新
- GIMP Perl 用例编写:见 openqa 服务器(完成了部分(6/30))
- GIMP Perl 用例修改:https://github.com/GICEGreenIce/PLCTstuff/tree/main/gimp
- GIMP 用例提交:https://gitee.com/lvxiaoqian/os-autoinst-distri-openeuler/pulls/5
- GIMP 用例 needle 提交:https://gitee.com/lvxiaoqian/os-autoinst-needles-openeuler/pulls/4
openEuler RISC-V 23.03 mugen embedded和smoke测试,新增了多机器和网卡的支持
统计了过往测试结果,新增mugen测试用例状态追踪,为以后和QA sig对接做准备
进行2303预测试base部分的mugen上游测试(QA sig对接做准备), logs
修改mugen_riscv.py,增加其指定日志输出路径功能, commit
修改qemu_test.py,拓宽host和guest间文件传输方式,并使用此方式尝试解决scp无法使用的情形, commit
iSulad (包括 Native Network / CNI 网络特性)
- StarFive VisionFive 2 testcase
- netperf 测试:4月29日给到测试结果(https://github.com/GICEGreenIce/PLCTstuff/tree/main/netperf)
Firefox 自动化测试框架调研和测试 click here
VLC 自动化测试框架调研和测试 click here
增加密钥长度选项以解决 libkcapi 在使用 SM4 算法进行加密时由于密钥长度错误造成 的 EINVAL Issue #150 Pull Request
openEuler libkcapi 包应用补丁 Pull Request
- I6R1UT iSulad 无法启动 - Fixed
- I6R1UT isula-build 服务无法启动 - Fixed
- I6RSAC lxcfs 服务无法启动 - Fixed
- I6R9OQ kata-containers 软件包缺失 - Confirmed, WIP
- I6WHYU 23.03 Kiran 桌面安装并重启后默认不会开启网络连接 - Confirmed, WIP
- I6WRSY 23.03 6.1 内核下无法启动 Firefox - TBD
- 容器 (Docker, iSulad, etc): Gitee
- libcareplus: Gitee
- kconfigDetector: Gitee
- StarFive VisionFive 2 硬件测试:Gitee
- StarFive VisionFive 2 安装文档更新,补充安装系统至 NVMe 硬盘方法 Gitee
- UKUI 使用文档 Gitee
- Kiran 使用文档 Gitee
- JDK 安装文档 Gitee
重新整理 openEuler RISC-V 23.03 的测试内容,对于不清楚的部分需求进行调研,对先前未完成的部分软件包在 23.03 进行回归测试,整理所有软件包对应 SIG 组,并对已测试软件包可用性进行统计。
- 结果见 此处。
针对 QA 组测试需求进行基础测试,目前已完成 unixbench、libmicro、fio、stream、lmbench。
TODO: 部分测试方法/软件包针对 RISC-V 平台情况有所修改,需要确认 sig-QA 能否接受。
- 结果见 Gitee。
Tracked by PLCT Lab
- Bug 904532 www-client/firefox-112.0.1: riscv: File listed in UNIFIED_SOURCES does not exist: js/src/jit/riscv64/AssemblerMatInt.cpp.cpp
Bug 904415 dev-libs/kirigami-addons, dev-libs/ktextaddons, dev-libs/qcoro5, app-editors/ghostwriter, net-im/tokodon, net-im/neochat keywordreq
Bug 904147 dev-ruby/shoulda:3: riscv keywording
Bug 761550 dev-ruby/http:5 and new dependencies keywording request
- dev-ruby/rails: Keyword riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/actionmailbox: Keyword riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/actionmailer: Keyword riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/actiontext: Keyword riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/actioncable: Keyword riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/propshaft: Keyword 0.7.0-r1 riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/sinatra: Keyword 3.0.5-r1 riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/actionview: Keyword riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/haml: Keyword 6.1.1-r1 riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/activestorage: Keyword riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/sprockets-rails: Keyword 3.4.2-r2 riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/activerecord: Keyword riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/actionpack: Keyword riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/activejob: Keyword riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/globalid: Keyword 1.1.0-r1 riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/railties: Keyword riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/activemodel: Keyword riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/async-container: Keyword 0.16.12-r1 riscv, #761550
- www-servers/puma: Keyword 6.1.1-r1 riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/localhost: Keyword 1.1.10 riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/sus-fixtures-async: Keyword 0.1.1 riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/async-process: Keyword 1.3.1 riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/async-rspec: Keyword 1.16.1-r1 riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/rspec-memory: Keyword 1.0.3 riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/rspec-files: Keyword 1.1.3 riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/async-io: Keyword 1.34.3-r1 riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/async: Keyword 2.5.0 riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/async: Keyword 1.31.0 riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/io-event: Keyword 1.1.7 riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/timers: Keyword 4.3.5 riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/console: Keyword 1.16.2-r1 riscv, #761550
- dev-ruby/fiber-local: Keyword 1.0.0 riscv, #761550
Bug 903715 dev-pyton/hatchling: rekeyword
Bug 903714 dev-ruby/instance_storage: rekeywording
Bug 903741 app-portage/elsw: ~arm, ~arm64 and ~riscv keywording request
Google AOSP upstream 工作更新:
- AOSP upsteam RISC-V 进展进度跟踪,每两周更新一次。
- Android (RISC-V) Review 双周报(第 14 期):https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/621530337
- Android (RISC-V) Review 双周报(第 15 期):https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/625260114
- AOSP upsteam RISC-V 进展进度跟踪,每两周更新一次。
RVI Android SIG 工作更新:
Chromium for Android apk 109.0.5414.87 移植
本月完成了 ContentShell apk 的 build,可以正常加载网页和播放视频。 下个月计划:
- 继续 ContentShell 的单元测试
- 解决 Chromium 的 crash 问题
相关 PR list 如下:
- [chrome.angle] Force Pure RISCV64 Support on Android
- [chrome] Force Pure RISCV64 Support on Android
- [chrome] rollback to use API level 24
- [chrome] crashpad: riscv -> riscv32
- [chrome] fixed crashpad crash issue
- [chrome] continue fixed crashpad crash issue
- [chrome.ndk] revert change to keep align with ndk 22/23
- [chrome] added target content_shell_apk in Makefile
- [chrome] updated doc about env setup
- [chrome] fixed document issue
- [chrome.clang] merge two ndk into one
- [chrome] merge riscv64_109.0.5414.87_dev_clang into riscv64_109.0.5414.87_dev
- [chrome.doc] use only one ndk for chrome build
- [chrome] enable proprietary codecs
- musl 构建说明:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/618927133
- musl 交叉调试说明:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/619028851
- musl 的 build system 分析:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/619260551
- 静态链接可执行程序的入口分析:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/619674333
- 介绍一个方便 riscv for aosp 测试的开发环境:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/620131525
- RISC-V 中的 global pointer 寄存器:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/620412728
- 学习笔记:Position-Independent Executables:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/620935366
- 学习笔记:Shadow Call Stack:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/623061815
- Global Constructors/Destructors:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/623860730
- 学习总结:C Runtime:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/624560166
- 待添加