This class is a work in progress and currently is only tested to work with CentOS/RedHat. It has functionality for Windows, but has not been tested and isn't yet complete.
This class installs and configures splunk. It has been parameteritized for use with hiera It includes work from puppetlabs-seteam/puppet-module-splunk ( and includes some tweaks and refactoring.
Example global.yaml:
- splunkmgr
splunkmgr::tcpout_server: '<your logging server>'
splunkmgr::splunk_type: 'client'
Example .yaml:
- splunkmgr
splunkmgr::tcpout_server: '<your logging server>'
splunkmgr::splunk_type: 'search_head'
Example .yaml:
- splunkmgr
splunkmgr::splunk_type: 'clustered-indexer'
Possible parameters that can be overridden in hiera and their defaults are:
splunkmgr::params::forwarder_splunkd_address: ''
splunkmgr::params::forwarder_splunkd_port: '18089'
splunkmgr::params::server_package_name: 'splunk'
splunkmgr::params::splunk_cluster_port: '8080'
splunkmgr::params::splunk_logging_port: '9997'
splunkmgr::params::splunk_type: 'client'
splunkmgr::params::splunk_web_port: '8000'
splunkmgr::params::splunkd_address: ''
splunkmgr::params::splunkd_port: '8089'
splunkmgr::params::syslogging_port: '514'
splunkmgr::params::tcpout_defaultgroup: 'splunkloadbal_autolb_group'
splunkmgr::params::tcpout_server: 'splunkloadbal'
splunkmgr::params::tcpout_useack: 'true'
Parameters that shouldn't be overridden by hiera, but are called out in init.pp (as pointers to the respective params in params.pp) so they can be used by any of the subclasses
- Module is only compatible with Puppet 3.x or PE 3.x because of hiera requirement and because of 'unless' logic type
- Just about all variables available in the module are compatible with hiera and can be overridden by yamls in the hierarchy
- Module matches up with style of Puppet Labs recommendations (see the Puppet Labs NTP module as I used that as my reference)
- Class paramaritized so it can work with out the enterprise console (hiera is the one true way)
- Switched installers to use an internal repo instead of Puppet (our repos are all configured to be at http://repo but you can use whatever you want)
- Combo.pp is still in the module, but is not currently used as it doesn't seem necessary at all to install Universal Forwarder on same system that has full Splunk server installed
Alex Scoble
Based on work from Puppet Labs SETeam as well as dhogland
Licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
Please send tickets and issues to my contact email address or at:
dependencies 'puppetlabs/firewall', '>=0.0.4' 'Puppet Labs Puppet', '>=3.0' 'wcooley/puppet-splunk_conf', '>=0.1.1'