The Part 1, Part 2, & Part 3 Schemas include corrections and enhancements since the issue of the Version 1.2 CEN Specification documents for NeTEx. A new Part5 is added for new modes, with examples The new Part 5 CEN Specification document describes the additions and changes.
- Updates to xml schema:
- ++ netex_netex_nm_mobilityConstraintZone_version.xsd
- Add BatteryEquipments to energy equipment. Add uniqueness constraint.
- Add ChargingEquipmentProfile__ and__TypeOfPlug__in new module.
- Add MobilityServiceConstraintZone to Network access right validity parameters.
- Updates to xml schema:
- ++ netex_nm_chargingEquipmentProfile_support.xsd
- ++ netex_nm_chargingEquipmentProfile_version.xsd
- netex_ifopt_nm_equipmentEnergy_support.xsd
- netex_ifopt_nm_equipmentEnergy_support.xsd
- netex_vehicleType_version.xsd
- netex_trainElement_version.xsd
- netex_netex_nm_mobilityConstraintZone_version.xsd
- netex_units.xsd
- netex_all_objects_reusableComponents.xsd
- netex_publication_version.xsd
- Other updates:
- NeTEx.spp
- NeTEx.xpr
- Updates to xml examples:
- NewModes-CycleSharingExample.xml
2021.09.01 NewModes: CommentAction Add PoolOfVehicles. #221
- Add _mustpickupanddropoffInSameZone value to mobilityConstraintZone restiction values.
- Add PoolOfVehicles to Mobility Service Zonstraint zone package. Add uniqueness constraint.
- Add __PoolOfVehicles__to MobilityServiceFrame.
- Add MobilityServiceConstraintZone to Network access right validity parameters.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_netex_nm_mobilityConstraintZone_support.xsd
- netex_netex_nm_mobilityConstraintZone_version.xsd
- netex_netex_nm_mobilityServiceFrame_version.xsd
- netex_netex_nm_mobilityJourneyFrame_version.xsd
- netex_nm_vehicleParkingAreaInformation_version.xsd
- netex_ifopt_parking_support.xsd
- netex_accessRightParameter_version.xsd
- netex_publication_version.xsd
- Updates to xml examples:
- NewModes-CycleSharingExample.xml
- Add to SharingPolicyUrl attribute to VehicleSharingService and PoolingPolicyUrl attribute to VehiclePoolingService_.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_netex_nm_mobilityService_version.xsd
2021.05.03 NewModes: GBFS compatibility AT#1 MobilityConstraintZone add ZoneRuleApplicability add inside and outside. #165
- Add enclosed value to ParkingLayout enumeration
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_mobilityZerviceConstraintZone_support.xsd.xsd
2021.04.18 NewModes: GBFS compatibility AT#1 DataSource add DataLicenceCode and DataLicenceUrl to DataSource.
- Add enclosed value to ParkingLayout enumeration
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_mobilityZerviceConstraintZone_support.xsd.xsd
- netex_mobilityZerviceConstraintZone_version.xsd.xsd
- Updates to xml examples:
- NewModes-CycleSharingExample.xml
- Add BayGeometry, ParkingVisibility with values.
- Add enclosed value to ParkingLayout enumeration.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_vehicle_type_support.xsd.xsd
- netex_parking_support.xsd.xsd
- netex_parking_version.xsd.xsd
- Updates to xml examples:
- NewModes-CycleSharingExample.xml
- NewModes-CarPoolingExample.xml.
2021.04.15 NewModes: Revise AT#8 Add ShortName to MobilityService. #164
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_mobility_service.xsd.xsd
2021.04.15 NewModes: Revise AT#8 Facilities: AT#8 add scooterHire to value to HireFacility enumeration.
- Align Hirefacility values with spec and add new Mode values scooterHire, vehicleHire, boatHire and other.
- Add docks to CycleStorage enumeration.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_ifopt_localServiceCommercial_support.xsd.xsd
- netex_ifopt_mobilityService_version.xsd.
- netex_ifopt_equipmentParking_support.xsd
- netex_facility_support.xsd.xsd
- Updates to xml examples:
- NewModes-CycleSharingExample.xml
- NewModes-CarPoolingExample.xsd
2021.04.14 NewModes: Revise AT#8 add mobileAppInstallCheck to value to infoLinkTypes enumeration. #162
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_utility_types.xsd
- Updates to xml examples:
- NewModes-CycleSharingExample.xml
2021.04.14 NewModes: Revise AT#9 Add missing enum values to MobilityConstraintZone. TransportZoneUseEnumeration: allUsesAllowed and noPassThrough . #161
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_nm_mobilityServiceConstraintZone_version.xsd
- Updates to xml examples:
- NewModes-CycleSharingExample.xml
- New modes: add target platform to attributes of InfoLink.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_utilityTypes.xsd
- Add RentalAvailability and ParkingBayCondition.
- Updates to xml schema:
- RENAME parkingBayStatus to netex_nm_vehicleParkingAreaInformation_support.xsd
- RENAME nm_mobilityJourneyFrame_version.xsd
- netex_nm_publication_version.xsd
- netex_all_objects_part5_newModes.xsd
- netex_nm_mobilityJourneyFrame_version.xsd
- NeTEx.xpr
- Updates to xml examples:
- NewModes-CarPoolingExample.xsd
2021.01.29 Bug Issue #143 Correct data type of GapToPlatform. #149
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_equipmentVehiclePassenger_version.xsd.xsd
- Add constraint for ModeRestrictionAssessment.
- Add unverified status to AccountStatusType.
- Customer: Add EMail and Phone verification flag.
- Add allVehicles enbum value to SelfDriveMode values.
- Updates to xml examples:
- NewModes-CarPoolingExample.xsd
- NewModes-CyclePoolingExample.xsd
- NewModes-CyclePoolingExample.xsd
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_mobilityService_version.xsd
- netex_salesContract_support.xsd
- netex_salesContract_version.xsd
- netex_nm_publication_version.xsd
- Rename PersonalVehicleType to SimpleVehicleType.
- Drop MobilityServiceElement and use DistanceMatricElement instead.
- Updates to xml examples:
- NewModes-CarPoolingExample.xsd
- NewModes-CyclePoolingExample.xsd
- NewModes-CyclePoolingExample.xsd
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_distanceMatrixElement_version.xsd
- netex_farsStructureElement_version.xsd
- netex_nm_publication_version.xsd
- REMOVE netex_nm_mobilityServiceElement_support.xsd
- REMOVE netex_nm_mobilityServiceElement_version.xsd
- Rename PersonalVehicleType to SimpleVehicleType.
- Drop PublicTransportOrganisationType.
- Add expiry date to AccessCode.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_submmode_version.xsd
- netex_mode_version.xsd
- netex_mode_support.xsd
- netex_vehicleType_support.xsd
- netex_vehicleType_version.xsd
- netex_transportOrganisation_support.xsd
- netex_transportOrganisation_version.xsd
- netex_mobilityService_support.xsd
- netex_mobilityService_version.xsd
- netex_onlineService_version.xsd
- netex_trainElement_version.xsd
- netex_accessCredentials_version.xsd
- Drop unused ContinuousModes enumeration.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_mode_support.xsd
- Correct ParkingEquipment supertypes.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_nm_parkingEquipment_version.xsd
- netex_nm_parkingEquipmentsupport.xsd
- netex_nm_parkingEquipment_version.xsd
- Rename ModelEquipmentProfile to VehicleModelProfile, CycleEquipmentProfile to CycleModelProfile, , CarEquipmentProfile to CarModelProfile
- Correct comments and missing types. Move Contact into organisation package.
- Updates to xml examples:
- NEW NewModes-CarPoolingExample.xsd
- NEW NewModes-CyclePoolingExample.xsd
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_nm_vehicleType_support.xsd
- netex_nm_fleetEquipment_support.xsd
- netex_nm_fleetEquipment_version.xsd
- netex_publication.xsd
- Rename GeneralVehiclePooling to CarPoolingService.
- Correct comments and missing types. Move Contact into organisation package.
- Updates to xml examples:
- NEW NewModes-CarPoolingExample.xsd
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_organisation_support.xsd
- netex_organisation_version.xsd
- netex_transportOrganisation_version.xsd
- netex_nm_mobilityService_support.xsd
- netex_nm_mobilityService_version.xsd
- netex_publication.xsd
- Add relationship between organisations: * Add RelatedOrganisation, with OrganisationRole enumerations.
- Add reusable Contact details.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_organisation_support.xsd
- netex_organisation_version.xsd
- netex_transportOrganisation_version.xsd
- netex_all_objects_generic.xsd
- netex_salesDistribution_version.xsd
- netex_publication.xsd
- Issue #124, Add multimodalQuay enumeration to Quay.
- Fix typo on AllInclusivePriceType.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_all_frames_framework.xsd
- netex_stopPlace_support.xsd
- netex_facilityUic_support.xsd
- Add XML Example of Chauffeured car service; revise schema to enable.
- NewModes: Add MobilityServiceElement to Tariff.
- Geofencing:
- Add new MobilityServiceConstraintZone : for geofenceing. Add to ResourceFrame.
- RoutingConstraintZone : Add forbiddenZone, passThroughUseOnly, cannotBoardInZone and mustAlightInZone to ZoneUse.
- Individual Traveller:
- Add IndividualTraveller with IndividualTravellerInfo and VehiclePoolingDriverInfo,
- Add member and other to UserProfile UserType enumeration.
- Add unspecified enum value to GenderEnumeration, for use in IndividualTraveller.
- Usage Paremeters:
- Rename HireChargePolicy to RentalChargePolicy and move to separate rental operations package.
- Add fine and findHandlingFee to RentalPolicy values.
- Vehicles:
- Add PropulsionType (with enum values) and MaximumRange to TransportType,
- Add Description, and ModelProfileRef to Vehicle,
- Rename TypeofFuel to FuelType (Depreceate TypeOfFuel),
- Parking add open vehicle types using TransportTypeRef.
- Updates to xml examples:
- NEW NewModes-ChauffeuredServiceExample.xsd
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_routingConstraint_support.xsd
- NEW netex_mobilityServiceConstraint_support.xsd
- NEW netex_mobilityServiceConstraint_version.xsd
- netex_distribution_support.xsd
- netex_parking_support.xsd
- netex_parking_version.xsd
- netex_equipmentENergySupport_support.xsd
- netex_fareStructureElement_support.xsd
- NEW netex_nm_individualTraveller_support.xsd
- NEW netex_nm_individualTraveller_version.xsd
- netex_vehicleType_support.xsd
- netex_vehicleType_version.xsd
- netex_all_objects_part5_newModes.xsd
2020.10.20 NewModes : Car pooling example and miscellaneous small revisions. #190
- NewModes:Add XML Example of Car Pooling Service, revise schema to enable.
- Frames
- TM Support: SalesTransactionFrame : Add MediumAccessDevice.
- General: ResourceFrame : Add FacilitySets.
- ConditionSummary (for FareProduct and SalesOfferPackage): Add RentalConditionSummaryGroup.
- Utility types: InfoLinks add mobileAppDownload value to infoLinkTypes enumeration.
- Facilities: Add AnimalsAllowed enum value to NuisanceFacility. Add missing taxiRank enumeration value to StopPlaceType,
- Updates to xml schema:
- NEW NewModes-CarPoolingExample.xsd
- netex_salesContract_version.xsd
- netex_salesTransaction_version.xsd
- netex_usageParameterEligibility_support.xsd
- netex_facility_support.xsd
- netex_parkingSupport_version.xsd
- netex_utilityTypes_version.xsd
- netex_resourceFrame_version.xsd
- netex_customerEligibility_version.xsd
- NewModes: Add XML Example of Cycle Sharing service, revise to enable new features.
- Usage Parameters
- New Modes: UsageValidityPeriod : __ Add accessCode value to ActivationMeans enumeration.
- NewModes: Add new HirePenaltyPolicy parameter with noVehicleReturn, lateVehicleReturn, damageToVehicle, damageToEquipment, etc, values.
- NewModes: ChargingPolicy : Add DepositPolicy attribute with enum values.
- Fare Product
- NewModes: Add RequiresDeposit and NoCashPayment to CommercialConditionSummary.
- FIX: ChargingMomementType add new value beforeTravelThenAdjustAtEndOfTravel; correct typo on beforeStartThenAdjustAtEndOfFareDay_
- Fare Table:
- Add EquipmentRef to FareTable and Cell specifics.
- Organisation:
- NewModes: Organisation; Add onlineProvider to OrganisationType enumeration
- Equipment:
- NewModes: Add docks value to CycleStorageType enumeration values.
- LuggageStorageFacilities: add enumeration values skiRacks and skiRacksAtRear.
- Network Restriction
- NewModes: NetworkRestrictions : Widen all references VehicleTypeRef to be TransportTypeRef
- Updates to xml schema:
- NEW NewModes-CycleSharingExample.xsd
- netex_organisation_support.xsd
- netex_equipmentParking_support.xsd
- netex_facility_support.xsd
- netex_networkRestriction_version.xsd
- netex_parking_version.xsd
- netex_usageParameterTravel_support.xsd
- netex_usageParameterCharging_support.xsd
- netex_usageParameterCharging_version.xsd
- netex_fareTable_version.xsd
- netex_usageParameterCharging_version.xsd
- netex_nm_accessCredentialAssignment_version.xsd
- netex_conditionSummary_support.xsd
- NewModes: FareProduct / ConditionSummary: Add Mode and ModeOfOperation.
- FIX: Site: Add transport value to SiteType enumeration values.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_site_support.xsd
- netex_resourceFrame_version.xsd
- netex_conditionSummary_support.xsd
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_networkRestriction_version.xsd
- netex_nm_publication_version.xsd
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_nm_mobilityServiceFrame_version.xsd
- netex_nm_vehicleMeetingPoint_version.xsd
- netex_nm_singleJourneyPath_version.xsd
- NewModes:Update FleetEquipment: add attributes from IXSO.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_nm_fleetEquipment_support.xsd
- netex_nm_fleetEquipment_version.xsd
- NewModes: Add LocalServiceRef and MobilityServiceRef to Tariff applicability.
- NewModes: Add MobilityServiceElement and MobilityServiceElementPrice.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_fareStructureElement_version.xsd
- netex_ifopt_allObjects.xsd
- NEW netex_nm_mobilityServiceElement_support.xsd
- NEW netex_nm_mobilityServiceElement_version.xsd
- NewModes: Add ParkingCapacityAssignment
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_ifopt_allObjects.xsd
- NEW netex_nm_parkingCapacityAssignment_support.xsd
- NEW netex_nm_parkingCapacityAssignment_version.xsd
- FIX: Clean up all_object includes. Add missing files.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex.spp
- netex_ifopt_allObjects.xsd
- DELETE netex_accounting_version.xsd
- netex_allObjects_part2_journeyTimes.xsd
- netex_allObjects_reusableComponents.xsd
- netex_all_objects_part3_salesTransactions
- NewModes: Add VehicleServiceParkingBay and ParkingBayStatus .
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_all_objects_part5_newModes.xsd
- netex_nm_parkingBayStatus_support.xsd
- netex_nm_parkingBayVersion_version.xsd.
- NewModes: CustomerPurchasePackage: Add MediumApplicationRef.
- NewModes: Eligibility UsageParameter: Add VehiclePoolerProfile.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_netex_customerPurchasePackage_version.xsd
- netex_nm_usageParameterEligibility_support.xsd
- netex_nm_usageParameterEligibility_version.xsd.
- netex_nm_salesContract_version.xsd.
- TIDY UP Move prerequisite files to NeTEx framework. Add "nm" to file name to distinguish.
- Updates to xml schema:
- MOVE to RC: netex_netex_nm_fleet_support.xsd
- MOVE to RC: netex_netex_nm_fleet_version.xsd
- MOVE to RC: netex_netex_nm_fleetEquipment_support.xsd
- MOVE to RC: netex_netex_nm_fleetEquipment_version.xsd
- MOVE to IFOPT: netex_taxiPlace_support.xsd
- MOVE to IFOPT: netex_taxiPlace_version.xsd
- MOVE to FM_ST: netex_mediumAplication_support.xsd
- MOVE to FM_ST: netex_mediumApplication_version.xsd
- MOVE to FM_ST: netex_customerPaymentMeans_support.xsd
- MOVE to FM_ST: netex_customerPaymentMeans_version.xsd
- RENAME as netex_netex_nm_fleet_version.xsd
- RENAME as netex_netex_nm_fleet_support.xsd
- RENAME as netex_netex_nm_fleet_version.xsd
- RENAME as netex_netex_nm_fleetEquipment_support.xsd
- RENAME as netex_netex_nm_fleetEquipment_version.xsd
- RENAME as netex_netex_nm_mobilityService_support.xsd
- RENAME as netex_netex_nm_mobilityService_version.xsd
- RENAME as netex_netex_nm_onlineService_support.xsd
- RENAME as netex_netex_nm_onlineService_version.xsd
- RENAME as netex_nm_vehicleMeetingPoint_support.xsd
- RENAME as netex_nm_vehicleMeetingPoint_version.xsd
- RENAME as netex_nm_vehicleMeetingPointAssignment_support.xsd
- RENAME as netex_nm_vehicleMeetingPointAssignment_version.xsd
- RENAME as netex_nm_taxiPlace_support.xsd
- RENAME as netex_nm_taxiPlace_vesion.xsd
- RENAME as netex_nm_vehicleMeetingPlace_support.xsd
- RENAME as netex_nm_vehicleMeetingPlace_vesion.xsd
- RENAME as netex_nm_vehicleAccessCredentials_support.xsd
- RENAME as netex_nm_vehicleAccessCredentials_vesion.xsd
- NewModes FareTable_ Update CellReferences:
- Add VehicleTypeRef . VehicleModelRef, ModelEquipmentRef, EquipmentRef.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_fareTable_version.xsd
- NewModes: revise TravelSpecificationSummary:
- Add VehicleMeetingPoint and VehicleMeetingPlace to TravelSpecificationSummaryEndpoint.
- TravelSpecificationSummary: Add SingleJourneyRef.
- NewModes: Widen refernce to use TransportOrganisationRef rather than OperatorRef
- Revise reference: TravelSpecificationSummaryEndpoint.
- Revise reference: SiteConnection.
- Revise reference: FareTable.
- Revise reference: JourneyDesignator.
- NewModes: Widen reference to use _TransportTypeRef rather than VehicleRef.
- Revise reference: TimetableFrame.
- Revise reference: ParkingTariff, Parking_Properties.
- Revise reference: Fleet.
- Revise reference: SingleJourneyPath: Add OnwardMeetingLinkRef to PointInSingleJourneyPath.
- FareTable : Add SingleJourneyRef, GroupOfSingleJourneysRef.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_travelSpecificationSummary_version.xsd
- netex_timetableFrame_version.xsd
- netex_siteConnection_version.xsd
- netex_fleet_version.xsd
- netex_singleJourneyPath_version.xsd
- netex_journeyDesignator_support.xsd
- netex_parkingTariff_version.xsd
- netex_fareTable_version.xsd
- NewModes: Add ServiceBookingArrangement to MobilityService.
- General: Add further PaymentMethodType enum values; mobileApp and atCounter to BookingMethod .
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_serviceRestriction_support.xsd
- netex_serviceRestriction_version.xsd
- netex_usageParameterBooking_support.xsd
- netex_usageParameterBooking_version.xsd
- NewModes: Add Presentation to SiteElement.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_ifopt_site_version.xsd
- NewModes: Add MobilityServiceFrame and MobilityJourneyFrame.
- Updates to xml schema_:
- netex_all_objects_part5_newModes.xsd
- NEW netex_mobilityServiceFrame_version.xsd
- NEW netex_mobilityJourneyFrame_version.xsd
- Add parameters to ValidityParameterAssignments.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_all_objects_part5_newModes.xsd
- Add MediumAccessDevice, CustomerPaymentMeans.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_all_objects_part5_newModes.xsd
- NEW netex_mediumApplication_support.xsd
- NEW netex_mediumApplication_version.xsd
- NEW netex_customerMeans_support.xsd
- NEW netex_customerMeans_version.xsd
- NEW netex_vehicleAccessCredentials_support.xsd
- NEW netex_vehicleAccessCredentials_version.xsd
- netex_salesContract_support.xsd
- NewModes: Add VehicleReleaseEquipment, RefuellingEquipment ,
- NewModes: TransportType: Add ModelProfile.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_all_objects_part5_newModes.xsd
- netex_parkingEquipment_support.xsd
- netex_parkingEquipment_version.xsd
- netex_vehicleType_support.xsd
- netex_vehicleType_version.xsd
- NEW netex_fleetEquipment_support.xsd
- NEW netex_fleetEquipment_version.xsd
- NEW netex_equipmentEnergy_support.xsd
- NEW netex_equipmentEnergy_version.xsd
- NewModes: Add SingleJourney and _SingleJourneyPath.
- NewModes: Add ModeRestrictionAsssessment to RouteLink.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_all_objects_part5_newModes.xsd
- NEW netex_singleJourney_support.xsd
- NEW netex_singleJourney_version.xsd
- NEW netex_singleJourneyPath_support.xsd
- NEW netex_singleJourneyPath_version.xsd
- NEW netex_vehicleServicePlaceAssignment_support.xsd
- NEW netex_vehicleServicePlaceAssignment_version.xsd
- netex_route_support.xsd
- netex_route_version.xsd
- NewModes: Add VehicleMeetingPooint and _VehicleMeetingLink.
- NewModes: Add VehicleMeetingPlace and _VehicleServicePlaceAssignments, with subtypes.
- NewModes: Add VehicleMeetingPoint to Connection end.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_all_objects_part5_newModes.xsd
- NEW netex_vehicleMeetingPoint_support.xsd
- NEW netex_vehicleMeetingPoint_vesion.xsd
- NEW netex_vehicleMeetingPointAssignment_support.xsd
- NEW netex_vehicleMeetingPointAssignment_version.xsd
- NEW netex_taxiPlace_support.xsd
- NEW netex_taxiPlace_vesion.xsd
- NEW netex_vehicleMeetingPlace_support.xsd
- NEW netex_vehicleMeetingPlace_vesion.xsd
- netex_servicePattern_version.xsd
- NewModes: Add new enumeration values for StakeholderRoleType and DataRoleType.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_responsibilities_support.xsd
- NewModes: Add MobilityService and subtypes, add OnlineServiceOperator.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_all_objects_part5_newModes.xsd
- NEW netex_mobilityService_support.xsd
- NEW netex_mobilityService_version.xsd
- NEW netex_onlineService_support.xsd
- NEW netex_onlineService_version.xsd
- netex.spp
- Add TransportType and PersonalTransportType.
- Updates to xml schema:
- NEW netex_fleet_support.xsd
- NEW netex_fleet_version.xsd
- netex_vehicleType_support.xsd
- netex_vehicleType_version.xsd
- netex_train_support.xsd
- netex_train_version.xsd
- netex_vehicleJourney_version.xsd
- netex_all_objects_reusableComponents.xsd
- NEW netex_all_objects_newModes.xsd
- NewModes: Add TransportOrganisation and PublicTransportOrganisation.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_transportOrganisation_support.xsd
- netex_transportOrganisation_version.xsd
- NewModes: Update existing references to Mode to include ModeOfOperation.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_transportOrganisation_version.xsd
- netex_vehicleType_version.xsd
- netex_stopPlace_version.xsd
- netex_flexiblStopPlace_version.xsd
- netex_equipmentTicketing_version.xsd
- netex_equipmentSigns_version.xsd
- netex_access_version.xsd
- netex_line_version.xsd
- netex_servicePattern_version.xsd
- netex_assistenceBooking_version.xsd
- netex_accessRightParameter_version.xsd
- netex_usageParameterTravel_version.xsd
- netex_fareFrame_version.xsd
- NewModes Add ModeOfOperation.
- FIX: Also correct typos in Notice file.
- Updates to xml schema:
- NEW netex_modeOfOperation_support.xsd
- NEW netex_modeOfOperation_version.xsd
- netex_mode_support.xsd
- netex_mode_version.xsd
- netex_notice_version.xsd
- netex.spp
- Other updates:
- netex.xpr
- Updates to examples:
- \examples\standards\era_uic\Netex_Eurostar mapping_era_1.xml
- \examples\standards\era_uic\Netex_Eurostar mapping_era_2.xml
- \examples\standards\era_uic\Netex_era_uic_joiningsplitting.xml
- \examples\standards\era_uic\Netex_era_uic_timetable_hack_01.xml
- \examples\standards\norway\stops\BasicStopPlace_example.xml
2020.08.11 FIX Issue #110 Add missing fuel types to VehicleType / FuelType #110
- Additional values: electricContact, battery, dieselBatteryHybrid, petrolBatteryHybrid, biodiesel, hydrogen, liquidGas, methane, ethanol.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_framework\netex_reusableComponents\netex_vehicleType_support.xsd
2020.08.11 FIX Issue #106 Schema: Add missing constraints for allow GeneralZone and AdministrativeZone
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_publication_version.xsd
2020.08.11 FIX Issue #104 Framework: Add ResponsibilityRole in ResourceFrame #112
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_framework\netex_frames\netex_resourceFrame_version.xsd"
2020.08.10 FIX Issue #108 Framework: Allow ServiceCalendar to hold UuicOperatingPeriod #109
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_framework\netex_reusableComponents\netex_serviceCalendar_support.xsd
- netex_framework\netex_reusableComponents\netex_serviceCalendar_version.xsd
- netex_publication_version.xsd
- Updates to examples:
- Add NTA XML examples
2020.07.29 FIX Issue #97 Part2: Add NormalDatedJourney and DatedVehicleJourney to journeys in TimetableFrame.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_part2\netex_journeyTimes\netex_datedVehicleJourney_version.xsd
The Part 1, Part 2, & Part 3 Schemas include minor corrections and enhancements since the issue of the Version 1.0 documents. The revised Version 1.1 documents include the changes. Base version plus further minor fixes comprising##
- Updates to xml schema:
- Updates to xml examples:
- Extensive
2020.07.28 FIX Issue #101Publication:Add missing constraints for FareTableRow, FareTableColumn, TypeOfLine and for FareZone Parent,
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_framework/netex_genericFramework/netex_publication_version.xsd
- Updates to xml examples:
- Netex_era_distance_ro.xml.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_framework/netex_genericFramework/netex_organisation_version.xsd
2020.06.21 FIX Issue #75FRAMEWORK: FareClass Remove space from end of secondClass enumeration value.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_framework/netex_reusableComponents/netex_serviceRestrictions_support.xsd
- NJSK Remove cyclic inclusion dependency.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_flexibleService Journey.xml
- NJSK JourneyCouple / MainPartRef should be of type JourneyPartRef.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_coupledJourney.xml
- Expose the missing EntityInVersion elements on the LinkProjection derivation
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_projectionVersion.xml
- Norway contributions,
- The approved 1.1 CRs 1-50
- Rollup of fixes and additional documentation on other fixes.
- Corrections to integration of NK 1.09.
- 51-55 CRs from Meeting Feb 2019. Also CRs from NL, EURA, UK, Norway and SBB input.
The Part 1, Part 2, & Part 3 Schemas include minor corrections and enhancements since the issue of the Version 1.0 documents. The revised Version 1.1 documents include the changes.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_production.xml
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_publication.xml
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_countrySupport.xml
- Updates to xml examples: Many
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_locationTypes.xml
- netex_routeInstructionVersion.xml
- Also Corrections to a lot of examples.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_publication.xml
2019.05.01 FIX FRAMEWORK: NJSK Fix constraints on DefaultDataSourceRef and DefaultResponsibilitySetRef.
- ALso add EPIP draft profile metadata
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_publication.xml
- netex.spp
- Updates to xml examples:
- uk_fxc_addon_HSP_plusbus.xml
- Netex_era_toc_uk.xml
- Netex_era_crossborder_de.xml
- uk_fxc_pass_Metrobus_metrorider.xml
- uk_fxc_trip_First_WoE_Line48_stage+Passes.xml
- uk_fxc_trip_First_WoE_Line48_stage-distance_minimal1.xml
- Netex_tap_tsi_tcvg_stations_1.xml
- epip_common_profile.xml
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_publication.xml
2019.04.28 FIX FRAMEWORK: NJSK Fix Constraints on ParkingPassengerEntrance and VehicleEntranceForParking.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_publication.xml
- netex_parking_support.xml
- netex_parking_version.xml
- Also add missing flexble attributes to SpecialService
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_flexibleService.xml
- netex_ServiceJourney.xml
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_zone_version.xml
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_publication.xml
- Revised v1.1 versions of NeTEx UML diagrams, and revised draft NeTEx Part1, Part2 and Part3 documents correspond to this point.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_fareTable_version.xml
- AccessRightParameter: Add AddressRef, TopoographicPlaceRef and PlaceUseEnum.
- InterchangeRule use of ServiceDesignator versus JourneyDesignator
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_accessRightParameter_support.xml
- netex_accessRightParameter_version.xml
- netex_travelSpecificationSummary_version.xml
- AccessRightParameter: Add AddressRef, TopoographicPlaceRef and PlaceUseEnum.
- Modularise ServiceDesignator and JourneyDesignator (no functional change).
- Add JourneyDesignator to InterchangeRule and GroupOfServiceJourneysMember.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_journeyDesignator_support.xml
- netex_interchangeRuletravelSpecificationSummary_version.xml
- netex_serviceJourney_version.xml
- Drop Parking / tariffs relationship: ParkingTariff can reference Parking but not vice versa.
- Also add missing parents to ParkingCapacity.
- NB this will break existing XML that uses Parking / charges relationship.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_par *king_version.xml
- Updates to xml examples:
- netex_10_StopPlace_withParking_1.xml
- netex_21_Sites_Parking_1.xml
- netex_21_Sites_Parking_2.xml
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Add missing elements to implement relationships between components.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_stopPlace_version .xml
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_timedDemandType_version .xml
- netex_stopPlace_version .xml
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: ok], [doc-done]
2019.04.15 FIXDoc Part1-IFOPT: NJSK Fix TypeOfEntity and TypeofValue descendants to make root elements visible.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_organisation_version.xsd
- netex_responsibilitySet_version.xsd
- netex_place_version.xsd
- netex_pointAndLink_version.xsd
- netex_pointAndLinkSequence_version.xsd
- netex_projection_version.xsd
- netex_spatialFeature_version.xsd
- netex_zone_version.xsd
- netex_equipment_version.xsd
- netex_facility_version.xsd
- netex_notice_version.xsd
- netex_securityList_version.xsd
- netex_serviceRestrictions_version.xsd
- netex_activation_version.xsd
- netex_line_version.xsd
- netex_journeyPattern_version.xsd
- netex_timeDemandType_version.xsd
- netex_ifopt_checkConstraint_version.xsd
- netex_ifopt_serviceFeature_version.xsd
- netex_flexibleService_version.xsd
- netex_accessRightParameter_version.xsd
- netex_fareStructureElement_version.xsd
- netex_salesOfferPackage_version.xsd
- netex_retailConsortium_version.xsd
- netex_salesContract_version.xsd
- netex_coupledJourney_version.xsd
- netex_usageParameter_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-done]
- Align Authority with Operator.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_transportOperator_version.xml
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.04.15 FIXDoc Part1-IFOPT: NJSK Fix add missing typesOfEntity/TypeOfEntity relationship to TypeOfFrame.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_responsibility.xml
- netex_typeOfFrame_version.xml
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.04.15 FIXDoc Part1-IFOPT: NJSK Fix add missing element from doc to TypeOfPassengerInformationEquipment.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_passengerInformationEquipment_version.xml
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: ok], [doc-ok]
- Correct typo on BoardingPermission.
- NB THis will break existing documents that use ths feature
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_serviceRestrictions_version.xml.
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.04.07 FIXDoc Part1-IFOPT: NJSK Add back missing attribute to SanitaryEquipment / NumberofToilets.
- Align schema With UML and document.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_passengerEquipment_version .xml
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: ok], [doc-ok]
2019.04.07 FIX Part3FARES-ST: NJSK Tidy up - remodularise: move TravelSpecification to be with CustomerPurchasePackage.
- Also revise FareProduct classification types.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_fareStructureElement_support.xsd
- netex_fareProduct_support.xsd
- netex_fareProduct_version.xsd
- netex_fareConditionSummary_support.xsd
- netex_travelDocument_version.xsd
- netex_salesTransaction_support.xsd
- netex_salesTransaction_version.xsd
- netex_customerPurchasePackage_support.xsd
- netex_customerPurchasePackage_version.xsd
- netex_travelSpecifcationSummary_version.xsd
- Updates to xml examples:
- uk_fxc_pass_Metrobus_metrorider.xml
- netex_era_distance_ro.xml
- netex_era_crossborder_de.xml
- netex_era_toc_uk.xml
- uk_fxc_trip_First_York_Line26_stage-Z2Z_minimal1.xml
- uk_fxc_trip_First_WoE_Line48_stage-distance_minima1.xml
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Add new ConnectionCertainty attribute to Interchange as per UML diagrams and doc.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_interchange_support.xsd
- netex_interchange_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: ok], [doc-ok]
- Add new value to PreassignedFareProduct / Product enumeration; shortTrip.
- Add new value to AmountOfPriceUnit / ProductType numeration; storedValue.
- Add new attribute ProductType to UsageDiscountRight with values mileagePoints, usageRebate, other.
- Add new attribute ProductType to SaleDiscountRight with values; travelCard, payAsYouGoDiscount, other.
- Add new values to SupplementProductType; penalty.
- Add new ChargingMomentType attribute to FareProduct with values: beforeTravel, onStartOfTravel, beforeEndOfTravel, onStartThenAdjustAtEndOfTravel, onStarThenAdjustAtEndOfFareDay, onStartThenAdjustAtEndOfChargePeriod, atEndOfTravel, atEndOfFareDay, atEndOfChargePeriod, free, other.
- Also remodularise: move TariffBasisEnum to netex.fareElement_support.xsd.
- Add new TypeOfSalesOfferPackage attribute to ValidityParameterAssignment. Reorganise fare parameters.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_fareStructureElement_support.xsd
- netex_fareProduct_support.xsd
- netex_fareProduct_version.xsd
- netex_fareConditionSummary_support.xsd
- netex_validityParameterAssignment_version.xsd
- netex_facility_version.xsd
- Updates to xml examples:
- uk_fxc_pass_Metrobus_metrorider.xml
- netex_era_distance_ro.xml
- netex_era_crossborder_de.xml
- netex_era_toc_uk.xml
- uk_fxc_trip_First_York_Line26_stage-Z2Z_minimal1.xml
- uk_fxc_trip_First_WoE_Line48_stage-distance_minimal1.xml
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_journeyDesignator_support.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- NJSK Review: Make Suspending a separate usage parameter, with attributes SuspensionPolicy, QualificationPeriod, QualificationPercent, MinimumSuspensionPeriod, MaximumSuspensionPeriod, MaximumNumberOfSuspensionsPerTerm.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_usageParameterTravel_support.xsd.
- netex_usageParameterTravel_version.xsd.
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Fix add missing DropKerbOutside attribute to EntranceEquipment.
- NJSK Review: Rename LuggageService new attribute LuggageMaxiumWeight new attribute to to MaximumBagWeight.
- NJSK Review: Rename Entrance new attribute OpeningNecssaryForce to NecessaryForceToOpen.
- NJSK Review: Move Stair new attribute WithoutRiser to StairCase (does not apply to escalators).
- NJSK Review: Rename PathLink new attribute Width to MinimumWidth also add MinimumHeight.
- NJSK Review: Add value alwaysOn to LightingMethodEnumeration. Rename to LightingOnMethod.
- NJSK Review: Systemise; for SignEquipment : reuse AudioTriggerMethod rather than have separate valeu set
- NJSK review: Add PrintedPresentation to SignEquipment rather than simple FontSize so as to separate presentation from content.
- NJSK review: Add FontSizeEnum to PrintedPresentation as a general property.
- NJSK Review: Revise PassengerSafetyEquipment , rename 'Acoustic' to 'Audio'. rename app value to mobileApp, add cyclicReadingValue
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_ifopt_equipmentTicketing_version.xsd
- netex_ifopt_localService_version.xsd
- netex_ifopt_equipmentAccess_support.xsd
- netex_ifopt_equipmentAccess_ version.xsd
- netex_ifopt_path_support.xsd
- netex_ifopt_path_ version.xsd
- netex_ifopt_equipmentPassenger_support.xsd
- netex_ifopt_equipmentWaiting_support.xsd
- netex_ifopt_equipmentWaiting_version.xsd
- netex_ifopt_equipmentSign_support.xsd
- netex_ifopt_equipmentSign_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Align doc with schema.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_line_support.xsd
- netex_trsinElement_version.xsd
- netex_vehicleJourney_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: ok], [doc-done]
- Add TypeOfProductCategoryRef to TravelSpecificationSummary, fix CellRef .
- Make TravelDOcumentRef per TM.
- Also EURA-(nk)Allow marking of use of CustomerPurchasePackage. Refine model: make blocking separate from status. Correct annotations.
- Wrap CustomerPurchasePackage /TravelDocRef in a tag.
- Align doc with schema.
- Reorganize fare examples.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_salesTransaction_version.xsd
- netex_travelDocument_version.xsd
- netex_salesDistribution_support.xsd
- netex_travelSpecificationSummary_version.xsd
- netex_customerPurchasePackage_support.xsd
- netex_customerPurchasePackage_version.xsd
- Updates to xml examples:
- uk_fxc_pass_Metrobus_metrorider.xml
- netex_era_distance_ro.xml
- netex_era_crossborder_de.xml
- netex_era_toc_uk.xml
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- CD Move TypeOfProductCategory and TypeOfService to netex_line_version.xsd.
- NJSK Review: Move TypeOfProductCategory and TypeOfService from (Part2:) netex_journey_version.xsd to (Framework reusable component) netex_travelRights_version.xsd)- rather than line.xsd, so they are visible to part 1.
- NJSK Review: clean up dependencies.
- Drop include of netex_travelRights_version.xsd from netex_accessRightParameter_version.xsd.
- Drop include of netex_travelRights_version.xsd from netex_usageParameterAfterSales_version.xsd.
- Drop include of netex_travelRights_version.xsd from netex_fareTable_version.xsd.
- Drop include of netex_travelRights_version.xsd from netex_parking_version.xsd.
- NJSK Review: Rename netex_travelRights_version.xsd to netex_servicRetrictions.xsd so as to align with TM6 and UML.
- NJSK Review: correct the annotations. Also align Netex.xpr with Netex.spp and correct Netex.spp project files for XMLSpy and Oxygen.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_serviceJourney_support.xsd
- netex_servicePattern_support.xsd
- netex_serviceRestrictions_support.xsd (renamed from netex_travelRights_support.xsd)
- netex_serviceRestrictions_version.xsd (renamed from netex_travelRights_version.xsd)
- netex_line_version.xsd
- netex_accessRightParameter_version.xsd
- netex_usageParameterAfterSales_version.xsd.
- netex_fareTable_version.xsd
- netex_parking_version.xsd
- netex.spp
- netex.xpr
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- TicketingEquipment (netex_ifopt_equipmentTicketing.xsd):
- CD Add new attributes to TicketingEquipment; TactileInterfaceAvailable, AudioInterfaceAvailable, DisabledPriority, WheelchairSuitable.
- NJSK Review: Place accessibility attributes in a separate group. Break down into subgroups; TicketingEquipmentPropertiesGroup, TicketingEquipmentServiceGroup, TicketingEquipmentAccessibilityGroup.
- CD: Add new attributes to TicketValidatorEquipment; AudioValidationFeedback, VisualValidationFeedback, TactileValidationFeedback, ValidationGuidance.
- LocalService ( netex_ifopt_localService.xsd):
- CD add LuggageMaximalWeihgt to LuggageService.
- NJSK Review: Correct Typo and revise name on LuggageMaximumWeight to MaximumBagWeight. Make datatype of LuggageMaximumWeight WeightType. Also add to LeftLuggageService.
- AccessEquipment (netex_ifopt_equipmentAccess.xsd):
- CD Add NecessaryForce to Entrance with values noForce, lightForce, mediumForce, heavyForce, unknown.
- CD Add LightingMethodEnumeration to PlaceLighting with values movementDetector, stepDetector, switchOnTheWall, atDoorOpening, onlyAtNight.
- NJSK Review: Correct typo on stepDetector.
- CD Add TactileWarningStripEnumeration to CrossingEquipment with values tactileStripAtBeginning, tactileStripAtEnd, tactileStripAtBothEnds, noTactileStrip, unknown,
- NJSK Review: Move TactileWarningStripEnumeration, FlooringTypeEnumeration, BorderTypeEnumeration to netex_ifopt_equipmentAccess,xsd from; use lower camel case for values.
- CD Add new attribute NecessaryForceEnumeration with values noForce, lightForce, mediumForce, heavyForce, unknown.
- CD Add new attribute LightingMethod to PlaceLighting with values movementDetector, stepDetector, switchOnTheWall, atDoorOpening, onlyAtNight, other.
- NJSK Review: correct typo on stepDetector.
- CD Add new attribute WithoutRiser to StairEquipment.
- NJSK Review: Change order of new elements to be with other step properties.
- CD Add new attribute EscalatorWithLanding to EscalatorEquipment.
- CD Add new attributes to TravelatorEquipment; Length, Slope and IntegratesAnEscalatorPart.
- NJSK Review: correct name of IntegratesAnEscalatorPart
- CD Add new attributes to EscalatorEquipment: MagneticInductionLoop, GroundMarkAlignedWithButton, TactileGroundFloorButton, ExternalFloorSelection.
- NJSK Review: Correct name of GroundMarkAlignedWithButton.
- NJSK Review: Drop ButtonsHeigt as all ready covered by CallButtonHeight.
- NJSK Review: Change order to group with like properties.
- CD Add new attributes to EntranceEquipment: AudioOrVideoIntercom, Airlock, DoorstepMark AudioPassthroughIndicator, OpeningNecessaryForce
- NJSK Review: Change order of new elements to group with like properties
- NJSK Review: NB AudioOrVideoIntercom overlaps with EntranceAttention.
- CD Add new attributes to QueuingEquipment: DisabledPriority, QueuingSeatedPossible.
- PathLink (netex_ifopt_path.xsd):
- CD Add new attributes to PathLink; Width, FlooringType, RightSideBorder, LeftSideBordert, TiltAngle, CodedTilt, TactileWarningStrip, TactileGuidingStrip.
- NJSK Review: Reorder so as to place like elements together, add XML sub groups to organize
- netex_ifopt_equipmentPassenger:
- CD Add FlooringTypeEnumeration to PathLink with values carpet, concrete, asphalt, cork, fibreglassGrating, glazedCeramicTiles, plasticMatting, ceramicTiles, rubber, steelPlate, vinyl, wood, stone, grass, dirt, gravel, uneven, unknown, other
- CD Add BorderTypeEnumeration with PathLink values wall, grass, dirt, barrier, road, cyclingLane, step, rail, plants, trees, mud, solidEdge, water, gravel, noPhysicalBorder, otherPhysicalBorder, unknown, other,
- PassengerEquipment (netex_passengerEquipment.xsd):
- CD Add new attribute to PassengerSafetyEquipment; AcousticAnnouncementsTrigger with values onDemand, automatic.
- CD Add new attribute to PassengerSafetyEquipment; AnnouncementsTriggeringMethod with values presenceDetector, app, internetPage, specificDevice, pushButton.
- CD add new attribute to SanitaryEquipment; SupportBarHeight with values onDemand, automatic.
- NJSK Review: Correct typo on SupportBarHeigth, reorder new elements.
- NJSK Review: Add missing ChangeAvailable attribute
- WaitingEquipment (netex_ifopt_equipmentWaiting):
- CD to Add new attribute to LuggageLockerEquipment: LockingType with values key, keyboard, mechanicalNumbering, contactless, phoneApp, other.
- CD to Add new attributes to LuggageLockerEquipment: BlindAccessible ,WheelchairAccepted.
- NJSK Review: Correct typo on WheelchairAccepted, Change order of new attributes, move LockerTypeEnumeration and LuggageServiceEnumeration enums to support file.
- CD to Add new attributes to SeatingEquipment: Armrest ,SeatingHeight.,
- NJSK Review: Correct data type on SeatingHeight. and rename to SeatHeight.
- SignEquipment (netex_signEquipment.xsd):
- CD add new attribute to SignEquipment; AudioAnnouncementType with values cyclicReading, whenSomebodyIsDetected, throughAnApp, throughASpecificDevice, other
- CD add new attribute to SignEquipment; FontSize; with values; verySmall, small, medium, large, veryLarge
- NJSK Review: Correct typos, camelCase values, move SignContentEnumeration enums to support file , add other value, zap _xxxx_value. change"big" to "large" in value names.
- NJSK Review: Add missing AsBraille attribute from doc.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_ifopt_equipmentTicketing_version.xsd
- netex_ifopt_localService_version.xsd
- netex_ifopt_equipmentAccess_support.xsd
- netex_ifopt_equipmentAccess_ version.xsd
- netex_ifopt_path_support.xsd
- netex_ifopt_path_ version.xsd
- netex_ifopt_equipmentPassenger_support.xsd
- netex_ifopt_equipmentWaiting_support.xsd
- netex_ifopt_equipmentWaiting_version.xsd
- netex_ifopt_equipmentSign_support.xsd
- netex_ifopt_equipmentSign_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.03.25 NL48 Part1-ND: CD #64 Add new attributes to StopPointInPattern for advertising of stop; Print and Dynamic.
- NJSK Review: Correct dependencies: Move DynamicAdvertisement of use of stop from netex_serviceJourney_support.xsd to netex_servicePattern_support.xsd.
- NJSK Review: correct the annotations.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_serviceJourney_support.xsd
- netex_servicePattern_support.xsd
- netex_servicePattern_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.03.25 NL32 FRAMEWORK-RC: CD #61 Add new values to SITE AccessFacility enum; wheelchairLift, automaticRamp. slidingStep.
- NJSK Review: Keep SITE and SERVICE aspects separate; add separate VehicleAccessFacility enum with values unknown, wheelchairLift, manualRamp, automaticRamp, steps, slidingStep, narrowEntrance, validator.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_facility_support.xsd
- netex_facility_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.03.25 NL31 FRAMEWORK-RC: CD #60 Add new attributes BoardingHeight and GapToPlatform to VehicleType.
- NJSK Review: Correct data types of new attributes to be of LengthType.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_vehicleType_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- NJSK Review; Use a BrandingGroup to be consistent with NeTEx coding patterns.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_dataSource_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.03.25 SBB23 FRAMEWORK-CC: CD #57. Add new BackgroundColour and BackgroundColourName attributes to Presentation and PrintPresentation elements.
- Also add icon to TypeOfInfolink enum values.
- NJSK Review; BackgroundColourName should be type xsd:normalizedString, not xsd:string.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_utility_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.03.25 SBB21 FRAMEWORK-CC: CD #56. Add new ColourSystem attribute to Presentation and PrintPresentation.
- NJSK Review: ColourSystem and ColourName should be type xsd:normalizedString, not xsd:string.
- Also Merge in corrections to comments as per SBB20 #55.
- Also Correct camel case on names of StopPointInXXXGroup groups.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_utility_version.xsd
- netex_servicePattern_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_facility_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.03.25 CR55 PART1-IFOPT: CD Change #52 Add new attribute StopPlaceWeight to StopPlace with values international, national, regional, local.
- NJSK Review: Make values lowerCamelCase consistent with NeTEx conventions.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_ifopt_stopPlace_support.xsd
- netex_ifopt_stopPlace_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.03.25 CR51 PART2-TI: CD Add new VehicleJourneyStopAssignment entity to set default stop assignment for VehicleJourney.
- NJSK Review CR51: add doc comments
- NJSK make vehicleJourneyStopAssignmentsInFrame_RelStructure lower camel case consistent with NeTEx conventions.
- NJSK Allow inlining of vehicleJourneyStopAssignments within VehicleJourney as for other subcomponents
- NJSK Also correct camel case on trainComponentLabelAssignents and trainComponentLabelAssignents_RelStructure.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_vehicleJourney_support.xsd
- netex_vehicleJourney_version.xsd
- netex_timetableFrame_version.xsd
- netex_stopAssignment_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.03.25 Fix FRAMEWORK-FR: Integrate constraint fix #49 by CD 2019.02.22 with other constraint changes: Add EquipmentPlace to Place_AnyVersionedKey.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_publication.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- NJSK Revise -
- Correct camel casing of snowAndIce value for TransportMode,
- Correct camel casing of SnowAndIceSubmode values ; unknown, undefined, snowMobile, snowCat, snowCoach, terraBus, windSled,
- Add snowAndIce to Submode choices
- Add snowAndIce to AllModes.
- Add ski and skate to AccessMode ContinuousMode values
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_submode_version.xsd
- netex_mode_support.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.03.25 NL34 from 2019.01.07 FRAMEWORK-CC. Fix #42 by Seime & #63 by CD move canalBarge value from air to water modes.
- NB this will break existing XML that uses canalBarge value.
- Also changed Duty.TransportMode from VehicleModeEnumeration to AllVehicleModesOfTransportEnumeration to allow for non-vehicle modes.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_submode_version.xsd
- netex_duty_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Fix typo on tactilePlatformEdges.
- NB this will break existing XML that uses tactilePlatformEdges value.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_facility_support.xsd
- Updates to xml examples:
- examples\functions\stopPlace\Netex_10_StopPlace_uk_ComplexStation_Wimbledon_1.xml
- examples\functions\stopPlace\Netex_10_StopPlace_withParking_1.xml
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE]
2019.03.25 Fix FRAMEWORK-CC: #41 by Skinkie from 2019.01.07: Fix typo on MobilityList. Internal change only.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_acsb_passengerMobility.xsd
- netex_equipmentVehiclePassenger_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE]
- NB this will break existing XML that uses IsDirect attribute.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_distanceMatrixElement_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE]
- Fix typo on ServiceSiteRef.Structure.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_ifopt_site_support.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE]
- Fix typo on KeyScheme.
- NB this will break existing XML that uses KeyScheme attribute.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_ifopt_equipmentPassenger_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE]
- Fix typo on AccountingTime.
- NB This will break existing XML that uses AccountingTime attribute.
- NJSK Also add separate EndDayOffSer - DayOffSet should apply to start time relative to operatig day of Duty
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_duty_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE]
- Correct Typo: rename OppositeDIrectionRef to OppositeDirectionRef.
- NB This will break existing XML that uses OppositeDirectionRef attribute.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_route_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE]
- Allow marking of use of CustomerPurchasePackage.
- Also Fix several issues and align with TM6.
- UK-28 Add reference to CustomerAccount to FareContract.
- Add new attribute AccountStatusType to CustomerAccount.
- Add new email attribute to Customer.
- Fix: Add missing relationship fareContracts / FareContract to CustomerAccount.
- Remove fareContractEntries relationship from CustomerAccount : Use relationship on FareContract. NB BREAKAGE!
- Fix: Add missing relationship customerPurchasePackageRefs / CustomerPurchasePackage to CustomerAccount.
- Add missing attributes CustomerRef, CustomerAccountRef and FareCOntractRef__ to CustomerPurchasePackage.
- Add PassengerSeatRef and TrainElementRef to TravelDocument.
- Add PrivateCode to TravelDocument.
- Add missing CustomerPurchasePackageRef to TravelDocument.
- Add new attribute PassengerSeatRef and TrainElementRef to TravelDocument.
- Add new attribute AccessNumber to SpecificParameter Assignment.
- Add new attribute CustomerPurchasePackageStatus to to CustomerPurchasePackage with values resrved,ordered, paidFor, unused, activated partiallyUsed, used, archived.
- Add new attribute MarkedAs to CustomerPurchasePackageElement.
- Add missing relationship travelDocuments \ TravelDocument to CustomerPurchasePackage.
- Add new view element TravelSpecificationSummaryView to TravelSpecification.
- Add new view element TravelSpecificationSummaryView to CustomerPurchasePackage.
- Add new CustomerPurchasePackageElementAccess element to CustomerPurchasePackageElement.
- Also UK-32 Part3-FARES: Add StartDate and EndDate attributes to ResidentialEligibility.
- HOUSEKEEPING Separate out netex_typeOfravelDocumentPackage.xsd from netex_travelDocumentPackag.xsd
- HOUSEKEEPING Move netex_travelDocumentPackage.xsd from \fares to to \ sales_Transaction folder.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_typeOfTravelDocumentPackage_support.xsd (new)
- netex_typeOfTravelDocumentPackage_version.xsd (new)
- netex_travelSpecifcationSummaryView_version.xsd (new)
- netex_travelDocumentPackage_support.xsd
- netex_travelDocumenPackage_version.xsd
- netex_customerPurchasePackage_support.xsd
- netex_customerPurchasePackage_version.xsd
- netex_usageParameterEligibility_support.xsd
- netex_usageParameterEligibility_version.xsd
- netex_salesContract_support.xsd
- netex_salesTransaction_version.xsd
- netex_publication.xsd
- netex.spp
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Also add attribute SupplementProductType to SupplementProduct with values seatReservation, bicycle, dog, animal, meal, wifi
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_fareProduct_support.xsd
- netex_fareProducte_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Wwith attributes OnBecomingPolicy and OnCeasingPolicy.
- OnBecomingEnumeration.
- automatic - If user becomes eligible, automatically apply additional user profile benefits to user, e.g. apply student or senior discounts.
- invite - If user becomes eligible, invite user to take up eligible products. e.g. Invite to buy Senior railcard.
- noAction - If user becomes eligible,, no automatic measures are taken.
- other
- OnCeasingEnumeration - Allowed values
- immediateTermination - If user ceases to be eligible, automatically terminate validity of an elibility dependent product.
- useUntilExpiry - If user ceases to be eligible, they may go on using the product until it expires.
- terminateAfterGracePeriod - If user ceases to be eligible, termination take place after the end of a grace period.
- automaticallySubstituteProduct - If user ceases to be eligible, assign them an appropiate replacement product.
- noAction - If user ceases to be eligible, take no action.
- other
- Add integrity constraint for EligibilityChangePolicy.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_usageParameterEligibility_support.xsd
- netex_usageParameterEligibility_version.xsd
- netex_publication.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- With values: purchase, reserve, orderWithoutPaying, payForPreviousOrder, other_, seatMap and openSeating.
- Also rename Reserving \ ReservationType to SeatAllocationMethod and move SeatAllocationMethodEnumeration to new VehicleSeating package.
- Also add ReservationExpiryPeriod to Reserving.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_vehicleSeating_support.xsd
- netex_usageParameterBooking_support.xsd
- netex_usageParameterBooking_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Add new FareStructureValidityParametersGroup to validity paarmaters with new attributes TypeOfTariffRef, TypeOfFareStructureFactor, TypeOfFarFresStructureFactorRef,
- Extend FareProduct ValidityParametersGroup to validity paramaters with new attributes TypeOfPriceingRuleRef, ChargingMethodRef, TypeOfPaymentMethodRef, TypeOfMachineReadability, TypeOfFareTableRef.
- Add new SeatingValidityParametersGroup with new attributes TrainElementRef, TrainComponentLabelAssignmentRef.
- Also UK-69 Scaleability. Allow classification ofto FareTable with new TypeOfOfFareTable element.
- Also Rename draft ValidityParameterSetOperator ValidityParameterSelectionType.
- Also UK-41 Also add new LimitationSelectionType as additional functional operator to GenericParameterAssignment to clarify use of groups : oneOf / someOf/ allOf.
- Also add integrity constraints for TypeOfMachineReadability.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_fareTable_support.xsd
- netex_fareTable_version.xsd
- netex_validityCondition_support.xsd
- netex_accessRightParameter_version.xsd
- netex_publication.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Also add new attrributes to FareProduct \ ConditionSummary: PenaltyIfWithoutTicket and AvailableOnSubscription.
- netex_conditionSummary_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done
- With values none, markByStaff, markByValidator, markByMobileApp, other
- Also EURA-085 Add new attribute ActivationMeans attribute to UsageValidityPerido with values noneRequired, checkIn, useOfValidato useOfMobileDevice, automaticByTime, automaticByProximity, other
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_usageParameterTravel_support.xsd
- netex_usageParameterTravel_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Add new Atrribute PreeassignedFareProductType to PreassignedFareProduct with values singleTip, timeTimitedSingleTrip, dayReturnTrip, periodReturnTrip, multiStepTrip, dayPass, periodPass, other.
- Add new attribute AmountOfPriceUnitType to AmountOfPriceUnitFareProduct with values tripCarnet, passCarnet, unitCoupons, other.
- NB these are separate from TariffBasis.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_fareProduct_support.xsd
- netex_fareProduct_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Add TypeOfPricingRule element.
- Also FIX add missing (!) relationship ruleStepResults \ RuleStep on SalesTransaction.
- Also FIX Allow payments in PriceUnit other than currency (!).
- Also FIX Add ruleStepResults \ RuleStep to SalesTransaction.
- Also FIX Type of Transaction \ Amount to be currencyType not distanceType.
- Also add a Narrative text element on RuleStepResult.
- Also add UnitDimension attribute to PriceUnit with values currency, distance, time, valueToken, other.
- Also revise FarePrice element to add AmountWithResultsGroup and refactor FarePriceAmount groups to be clearer.
- Also revise PriceRuleStepResult: add new attributes AdjustmentAmount, AdjustmentUnits, RoundingRef.
- NB this revises current sense of PriceRuleStepResult \ Amount.
- Also allow nesting of FareTable column headings and rows.
- Add RoundingStepRef, and Narrative text elements.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_farePrice_support.xsd
- netex_farePrice_version.xsd
- netex_fareTable_support.xsd
- netex_fareTable_version.xsd
- netex_salesTransaction_version.xsd
- Updates to xml examples:
- examples\rail\tariffs\Netex_era_distance_ro.xml
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Add TypeOfPricingRule element.
- Also FIX add missing (!) relationship ruleStepResults \ RuleStep on SalesTransaction.
- Also FIX Allow payments in PriceUnit other than currency (!).
- Also FIX Add ruleStepResults \ RuleStep to SalesTransaction.
- Also FIX Type of Transaction \ Amount to be currencyType not distanceType.
- Also add a Narrative text element on RuleStepResult.
- Also add UnitDimension attribute to PriceUnit with values currency, distance, time, valueToken, other.
- Also revise FarePrice element to add AmountWithResultsGroup and refactor FarePriceAmount groups to be clearer.
- Also revise PriceRuleStepResult: add new attributes AdjustmentAmount, AdjustmentUnits, RoundingRef.
- NB this revises current sense of PriceRuleStepResult \ Amount.
- Also allow nesting of FareTable column headings and rows.
- Add RoundingStepRef, and Narrative text elements.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_farePrice_support.xsd
- netex_farePrice_version.xsd
- netex_fareTable_support.xsd
- netex_fareTable_version.xsd
- netex_salesTransaction_version.xsd
- Updates to xml examples:
- examples\rail\tariffs\Netex_era_distance_ro.xml
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Elements Subscribing, TypeOfPaymentMethod, TypeOfFareStructureFactor, TypeOfFareStructureElement, TypeOfPricingRule.
- Also drop some spurious selectors.
- Add constraint for SupplementToFareProductRef.
- Updates to xml examples:
- netex_publication_support.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE]
- With values autoAssigned, seatMap and openSeating.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_usageParameterBooking_support.xsd
- netex_usageParameterBooking_version.xsd
- Updates to xml examples:
- examples\standards\fxc\uk_fxc_trip_Metrobus_1.xml
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Values upgradeToSpecifiedFare, downgradeToSpecifedFare, equivalentProduct (already have a changeGroupSize value).
- Also add new purchaseGracePeriod (i.e. afterPurchaseWindow) enum values to Reselling \ ResellWhen.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_usageParameterAfterSales_support.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Also fix TypeOffareStructureFactor on GeograohicalStructreFactor.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_timeStructureFactor_version.xsd
- netex_geographicalStructureFactor_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- add xml groupwith PaymentMethods, TypesOfPaymentMethods and PurchaseMoments attributes.
- Add to Network, GroupOfLines, and Line.
- Also add cashExactChangeOnly to values for PaymentMethods.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_travelRights.xsd
- netex_line_version.xsd
- Updates to xml examples:
- examples\standards\fxc\uk_fxc_trip_Metrobus_1.xml
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- This so that supplements and dependent products can be required to have same parameters.
- Add constraint elements to EntitlementRequired, EntitlementGiven.
- Add constraint elements to SalesOfferEntitlementRequired, SalesOfferEntitlementGiven.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_usageParameterEntitlement_support.xsd
- netex_usageParameterEntitlement_version.xsd
- netex_salesOfferPackageEntitlement_support.xsd
- netex_salesOfferPackage_version.xsd
- Updates to xml examples:
- examples\standards\fxc\uk_fxc_pass_Metrobus_metrorider.xml
- exaamplesstandards\fxc\uk_fxc_addon_HSP_plusbus.xml
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Change SupplementProduct / SupplementToFareProductRef cardinality from 0:1 to 0:*.
- Also add missing constraint for SupplementTofareProductRef.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_fareProduct_supplement.xsd
- netex_fareProduct_version.xsd
- netex_publication_version.xsd
- Updates to xml examples:
- examples\standards\fxc\uk_fxc_pass_Metrobus_metrorider.xml
- exaamplesstandards\fxc\uk_fxc_addon_HSP_plusbus.xml
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.03.11 NORWAY-98 Part3-FARES: NORWAY-98 Add new value activation to UsageTriggerEnumeration for UsageValidityPeriod.
- Also add Deregistration value to UsageEnd enumeration
- Also and annototation comments.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_usageParameterTravel_support.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Values: student, schoolPupil, youngPerson, military, disabled, disabledCompanion, employee, jobSeeker.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_user_support.xsd
- Updates to xml examples:
- \examples\standards\fxc\uk_fxc_common_profile.xml
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Add new enumeration values unused and earlyTermination to RefundType on Reselling.
- Add new RefundPolicy attribute to Refunding with enum values illness, death, redundancy, maternity, other, etc
- Add new RefundBasis atribute to Refunding unusedDays, unusedWeeks, unusedMonths, other.
- Add new ExchangableFromPercentUse and ExchangableUntilPercentUse attributes to Reselling.
- Add new enumeration value withinSpecifiedWindow to PurchaseWhen attribute on Reselling.
- Add add new EffectiveFrom attribute to Reselling with values anytime, nextInterval, nextInstallment, never.
- Add new NoticePeriod to Reselling.
- Also UK-46- Add typesOfPaymentMethods /TypeOfPaymentRef and move PaymentMethods up hierarchy with new name (Old attribute on Refunding deprecated)
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_usageParameterAfterSales_support.xsd
- netex_usageParameterAfterSales_version.xsd
- Updates to xml examples:
- netex_era_toc_uk.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Add subscription enum value to UsageValidityPeriodType.
- Add SubscriptionSuspensionPolicy attribute to UsageValidityPeriod with enumeration values:
- none - Suspension not allowed.
- forCertifiedIllness - Suspension allowed for illness.
- forParentalLeave - Suspension allowed for parental leave.
- forHoliday - Suspension allowed for Holiday.
- forAnyReason - Suspension allowed for any reason.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_usageParameterTravel_support.xsd
- netex_usageParameterTravel_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Make StartTimeAtStop and StartTime optional.
- Add new attribute StopUseConstraint__ to FareDemandType with values arriving. departing, passingThrough.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_fareQualityFactor_support.xsd
- netex_fareQualityFactor_version.xsd
- Updates to xml examples:
- netex_era_toc_uk.xsd
- Netex_101.21_TfL_GeographicFares_UnitZone_MultipleProduct.xml
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_line_support.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Add new Subscribing usage parameter.
- Add SubscriptionRenewalPolicy attribute with enumeration values:
- automatic - Renew automatcally at end of term.
- manual - Renew on request.
- automaticOnConfirmation - Confirm and renew automatically at end of subscription term.
- none - No renewal allowed.
- Add SubscriptionTermEnumeration attribute with enumeration values:
- fixed - Subscription must be for a fixed term.
- variable - Subscription can be for an arbitrary term
- openEnded - Subscription term is open ended.
- Also cf UK-46 Add new TypeOfPayment method.
- Also Add AutomatedUse attribute to TypeofPaymentMethod.
- Also Add directDebit and bankTransfer_ values to PaymentMethod enumeration values.
- Also RESELLING parameter Add typesOfPaymentMethods/TypeOfPaymentRef and move PaymentMethods up hierarchy with new name (Old attribute on REFUNDING deprecated)
- Also Add unused and earlyTermination to Refunding RefundType enumeration.
- Also Add with specified window value to PurchaseWhen enumeration attribute.
- Also EURA-90 Add a new attribute MaximumNumberOfFailToCheckOutEvents to PenaltyPolicy.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_usageParameterCharging_support.xsd
- netex_usageParameterCharging_version.xsd
- netex_usageParameterAfterSales_support.xsd
- netex_usageParameterAfterSales_version.xsd
- netex_travelRights_support.xsd
- netex_travelRights_version.xsd
- netex_salesDistribution_support.xsd
- Updates to xml examples:
- netex_91.1_Rail_RailCard_MultipleProducts.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.03.11 EURA-73 Part3-FARES: Add new StartConstraintType attribute enumeration for UsageValidityPeriod.
- Add __StartConstraintType__With enum values fixed, variable, fixedWindow
- Also EURA-88 Flexible start window: Add new FixedStartWindow attribute to UsageValidityPeriod with contents MaximumServicesBefore. FlexiblePeriodBefore, MaximumServicesAfter, FlexiblePeriodAfter.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_usageParameterTravel_support.xsd
- netex_usageParameterTravel_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Also UK-22 Add new Description attribute to FareProductPrice.
- Also UK-22 Add new InfoLinks attribute to PriceableObject.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_farePrice_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Also UK-89 Add new TypeOfFareStructureFactor.
- Also EURA-77 Fix: Corrections to TypeOfFareProduct.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_fareStructureElement_support.xsd
- netex_fareStructureElement_version.xsd
- netex_fareStructure_support.xsd
- netex_fareStructure_version.xsd
- netex_fareProduct_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- TypeOfFrame Change data type on ClassAttributeInFrame and ClassRelationshipInFrame/Name attributes from NCName to QNAME.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_versionFrame_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Add new tariffs/TariffRef attribute to FareProduct.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_fareProduct_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.03.11 EURA-71 Part3-FARES: Add new superOffPeak and specialEvent enumeration values to FareDemandType.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_usageParameterBooking_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_usageParameterBooking_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Exchanging usage parameter TypeOfExchange attribute: add new enumeration value changeGroupSize.
- Also GroupTicket add new attribute GroupSizeChanges with enum values noChanges, free, charge, steppedCharge.
- Also for Refunding usage parameter, add new changeOfGroupSize value to RefundType enumeration.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_usageParameterAfterSales_support.xsd
- netex_usageParameterEligibility_support.xsd
- netex_usageParameterEligibility_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.03.10 UK-21 Part3-FARES: Add new SalesOfferEntitlementGiven and SalesOfferEntitlementRequired usage parameters.
- Add as new package because SalesOfferPackage dependencies are downstream from FareProduct.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_salesOfferPackageEntitlement_support.xsd (new)
- netex_salesOfferPackageEntitlement_version.xsd (new)
- netex_salesOfferPackage_version.xsd
- netex_all_objects_part3_fares_SD.xsd
- netEx.SPP
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.03.10 EURA-42 Part3-FARES: Add Currency to PricingRule (NB this does not solve other aspects of CR.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_calculationParameters_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.03.10 EURA-65 Part3-FARES: Add new SharedUsage attribute to Transferability to specify whether multiple users may use a product at the same time.
- Add new enum for SharedUsage with values oneAtATime, severalAtATime, severalSpecifiedCompanionsAtATime.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_usageParameterAfterSales_support.xsd
- netex_usageParameterAfterSales_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- With enumerated values; billAsYouGo , billOnThreshold, billAtFareDayEnd, billAtPeriodEnd.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_usageParameterCharging_support.xsd
- netex_usageParameterCharging_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- With enumerated values; live, work, study, born
- Also EURA-62: Add new CompanionRelationshipType attribute to CompanionProfile with enumerated values anyone, grandparent, parent, child, grandchild, colleague, family, legalRelative, spouse, partner, colleague, teacher, pupil.
- Also EURA-89 Add new enumeration value birthCertificate to ProofOfIdentity.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_usageParameterEligibility_support.xsd
- netex_usageParameterEligibility_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.03.10 EURA-53 Part3-FARES: Add new CappingRuleStartConstraintType attribute to CappedFareProduct CappingRule to state if fixed or variable.
- Also, if fixed, specify a startOnlyOn \ DayType, e.g. for day of week.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_fareProduct_support.xsd
- netex_fareProduct_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_salesDistribution_support.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.03.10 EURA-91 Part3-FARES: Add new enumerated values sameProductLongerJourney and sameProductShorterJourney to TypeOfExchange attribute on Exchanging usage parameter.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_usageParameterAfterSales_support.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Add new StartConstraint attribute to UsageValidityPeriod to specify if start day is variable or fixed.
- Add new values variable / fixed to UsageStartConstraintTypeEnumeration.
- Add new startOnlyOn / DayType attribute so that any required day of week, day of month, month of year can be indicated.
- Add two XML groups to organise absolute and variable start time attributes.
- Also add new enrolment and reservation enum values to UsageTriggerEnumeration.
- Also add new eligibilityExpiry enum value to UsageEndEnumeration.
- Also EURA-94 Add new enumeration values networks, operators and countries to type of step on StepLimit.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_usagwParameterTravel_support.xsd
- netex_usageParameterTravel_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.03.10 UK-38 Part3-FARES: Add new attributes MinimumAccess and MaximumAccess to FareStructureElementinSequence.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_fareStructureElement_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.03.10 EURA-81 Part3-FARES: Make relationship between FareProduct and TypeOfFareProduct many-to-many.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_fareProduct_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_layer_support.xsd
- netex_versionFrame_version.xsd
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_salesContract_version.xsd
- netex_salesTransaction_version.xsd
2019.03.09 UK-12 Part3-FARES: Add new attribute GroupOfOperatorRef to Tariff (ie make relationship many to many).
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_fareStructureElement_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.03.09 EURA-78 Part3-FARES: Allow more than one reference to a GroupsOfSalesOfferPackageRef from a SalesOfferPackage (i.e. make relationship many-to-many.)
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_salesOfferPackage_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Add a new module with PassengerSeatingRef.
- Also Add a new attribute PassengerSeatRef to ServiceValidityParameterGroup of accessRightParamaterAssignment.
- Also Add new TravelDocumentRef and RetailDeviceRef attributes to SalesTransaction.
- Also Fix: make RetailingOrganisationRef an OrganisationOperatorRefStructure rather than an OperatorRefStructure.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_vehicleSeating_support.xsd (New)
- netex_all_objects_reusable_components.xsd
- netex.spp
- netex_accessRightParameter_version.xsd
- netex_salesTransaction_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Add new attributes to FareZone ; AuthorityRef / OperatorRef, GroupOfOperatorsRef.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_fareZone_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.03.08 EURA-51 Part3-FARES: Add new enumeration values to RoundTripType ; returnOut, returnBack so as to distinguish legs.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_usageParameterTravel_support.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.03.08 PART2 UK-44, UK-69 Part3-FARES: Improve support for defining large tariffs in modular fashion
- Add new relationship groupsOfOperators/GroupsOfOperatorRef to Network.
- Also UseToExclude attribute to GroupOfOperators.
- Also add new values flexible and urban to TypeOfLine enumeration.
- Add new UseToExclude flag to GroupOfLines.
- Add new UseToExclude flag to GroupOfDistanceMatrixElements.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_line_support.xsd
- netex_line_version.xsd
- netex_transportOrganisation_support.xsd
- netex_transportOrganisation_version.xsd
- netex_distanceMatrixElementVersion_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Add new ScopingMethod attribute to FareZone with values explicitStops, implicitSpatialProjection, implicitSpatialProjection.
- UK-13 Add new ZoneTopology enumeration values annular, sequence, overlappingSequence.
- UK-18 Specify fare stages on a pattern: Add new IsFareStage attribute to FarePointInPattern.
- EURA Allow stops to be excluded from a routing. Add new IsForbidden attribute to FarePointInPattern.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_fareZone_support.xsd
- netex_fareZone_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.03.07 UK-46 FRAMEWORK & Part3-FARES: Add open PaymentMethod as first class object so that user defined methods can be added.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_travelRights_support.xsd
- netex_travelRights_version.xsd
- netex_salesDistribution_support.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.03.07 NJSK Part3-FARES: UK-74 Add new enumerations to TariffBasis; zoneToZone, pointToPoint, discount.
- Also add documentation annotations to existing annotations.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_fareStructureElement_support.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_networkInfrastructure_support.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE]
- Updates to other files:
- netex.spp
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE]
2019.03.07 NJSK-Fix FRAMEWORK - Correct Type of VersionFrameRef to be VersionFrameRefStructure , correct substitution group on ResourceFrameRef to be VersionFrameRef.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_resourceFrame_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE]
- Basic steps
- Subscriptions add new values onlineAccount and postal to enumerations of DistributionChannelType.
- Add subscriptionOnly, also onCheckIn, inAdvanceOnly, beforeBoardingOnly , onBoardingOnly to PaymentMoment enum.
- Fix: add PaymentMoment to PurchaseWindow.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_salesDistribution_support.xsd
- netex_travelRights_support.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.03.05 UK-24 FRAMEWORK-RC: & Part3-FARES: Add open PaymentMethod as first class object so that user defined methods can be added.
- Add ePayDevice, ePayAccount and mileagePoints to PaymentMethod enum
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_travelRights_support.xsd
- netex_travelRights_version.xsd
- netex_salesDistribution_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_versionFrame_version.xsd
- Updates to examples:
- Many fares exampels updated to indicate prerequisites.
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.03.05 UK-09 Part3-FARES: Add TypeOfTariffRef and FareElementInSequenceRef to TravelSpecification so that can correctly specify choices.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_salesTransaction_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_farePrice_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-doane]
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_route_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-done]
2019.03.05 UK-41 Part3-FARES: Revise UserProfile to allow more than one enum values for ProofOfEligibilty.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_usageParameterEligibility_support.xsd
- netex_usageParameterEligibility_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_geographicalStructureFactor_support.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
TypeOfConcessionRef, TypeOfUsageParameterRef, VehicleType Ref, TypeOfLineRef.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_validityCondition_support.xsd
- netex_accessRightParameter_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.03.02 UK-41 Part3-FARES: Add an additional functional operator to GenericParameterAssignment to clarify use of groups.
- New values: oneOf / someOf/ allOf.
- Also correct documentation on relational operators.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_validityCondition_support.xsd
- netex_accessRightParameter_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
2019.03.01 EURA-(nk) Part3-FARES: Add DistanceMatrixInverseRef for backwards direction of reference. Revise constraints.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_distanceMatriElement_support.xsd
- netex_distanceMatriElement_version.xsd
- netex_publication.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Fix correct case on customerPurchasePackageRefs.
- Allow inlining of CustomerPurchasePackages in a FareContract.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_customerPurchasePackage_support.xsd
- netex_customerPurchasePackage_version.xsd
- netex_salesTransaction_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE]
- Also allow VersionOfObjectRef on FareTable Row and Column.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_fareZone_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_fareZone_version.xsd
- Updates to xml examples:
- uk_fxc_trip_First_WoE_Line48_stage+Passses.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Also add open ended TypeOfMachineRedability.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_travelDocument_support.xsd
- netex_travelDocument_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_travelDocument_version.xsd
- netex_fareFame_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Also UK-23 Add FareSectionRef to FareTable / specifics
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_fareTable_version.xsd
- Updates to xml examples:Various to drop unecessary cells wrapper tags
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- NB This will break any existing documents that use AccountingTime.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_duty_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE]
- Updates to xml examples: fare examples, Norway examples
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE]
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_transportOrganisation_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE]
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_travelRights.xsd
- netex_trainElement.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE]
2019.02.21 NJSK-Fix: FRAMEWORK Reapply 1.09 Constraint changes and further clean up constraints [xsd only]
- Changes include:
- (a) Fix keyref constraint on TimingLinkInJourneyPattern_AnyVersionedKey, (Drop DropFarePointInPattern. TimingTimingLinkInJournePattern, StopTimingLinkInJourneyPattern).
- (b) Fix keyref constraint on ServiceLinkInJourneyPattern_AnyVersionedKey (Drop xxxPoints).
- (c) Fix keyref constraint on FarePointInPattern_AnyVersionedKey - Add xxxPoints.
- (d) Fix keyref constraint on LinkInJourneyPattern_AnyVersionedKey - Ddrop xxxPoints.
- (e) Fix constraint ServiceLinkInJourneyPattern_AnyVersionedKey drop bogus ServiceService selector.
- (f) Fix FarePointInPattern Key
- (g) Fix keyref constraint on StopPointInJourneyPattern - remove bogus DeadRunInPattern and ServiceStopPointInPattern selectors.
- (h) Fix keyref constraint on TimingPointInPattern - remove bogus DeadRunInPattern and ServiceStopPointInPattern selectors.
- (i) Fix uniqueness constraint on HeadwayJourneyGroup - drop RhythmicalJourneyGroup.
- (j) Fix (again) Constraints on SalesOfferPackage and SalesOfferPackagePrice.
- (k) Fix keyref LinkInJourneyPattern_AnyVersionedKey correct LinkInPattern to ServiceLinkInPattern.
- (l) Fix remove obsolete ParkingTaxRate constraint
- (m) Fix Reinstate integrity constraints on StopPointInJourneyPattern, etc {NB THIS MAY CATCHE EXISTING ERRORS IN EXAMPLES].
- (n) Fix Add constraints on SectionInSequence. {NB THIS MAY CATCHE EXISTING ERRORS IN EXAMPLES].
- (o) Revise key names to emphasise when key is ordered separate.
- (b) Fix Make uniqueness of PriceGroup and FareTable.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_publication.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE]
2019.02.18 NJSK-Fix FRAMEWORK Correct data type of LayerRef and substitution group on Layer and CellRef
- NB dependencies need sorting out - move layer to core framework?
- Updates to files: * netex_layer_support.xml * netex_layer_version.xml
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE]
- Updates to files:
- netex_layer_support.xml
- netex_layer_version.xml
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE]
- Updates to files:
- netex.spp
- netex.spr
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE]
- Example: Distance rail tariff:
- Netex_era_distance_ro.xml
- Example: Point to Point Multi-operator National tariff and single operator regional products:
- netex_era_toc_uk.xml
- Example: Cross-border National tariff :
- netex_crossborder_de.xml
- Example: Zone-to-zone bus fares:
- uk_fxc_trip_Metrobus_1.xml.xml
- Example: Zonal day & season pass fares:
- uk_fxc_pass_Metrobus_metrorider.xml
- Example: Stage trip fares:
- uk_fxc_trip_First_WoE_stage-distance_minimal1.xml
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE]
- Fix: Add CellSpecificNetworkGroup to Fare Table Specifics,
- Fix: Add TariffZoneRef , LineRef, FareZoneRef, TariffRef, LineRef, ScheduledStopPointRef and FareStructureElementInSequenceRef. SectionRef to CellSpecificNetworkGroup,
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_fareTable_version.xsd
- netex_stopPlace_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Fix: Correction to constraints
- Fix keyref constraint on TimingLinkInJourneyPattern_KeyRef - drop xxxPoints.
- Fix keyref constraint on ServiceLinkInJourneyPattern_AnyVersionedKey - drop xxxPoints.
- Fix keyref constraint on FarePointInPattern_AnyVersionedKey - add xxxPoints.
- Fix keyref constraint on LinkInJourneyPattern_AnyVersionedKey - drop FarePointInPattern.
- Fix constraint ServiceLinkInJourneyPattern_UniqueBy_Id_Version_Order drop ServiceServiceLinkInJourneyPattern.
- Fix FarePointInPattern Key constraint
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_publication.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE]
- Updates to xml schema:
- All NeTEx files changed.
- Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE]
- Updates to xml schema: * netex_stopPlace_version.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Updates to xm schema: netex_farePrice_version-v1.1.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Updates to xml schema: netex_usageParameter_Support-v1.1.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE]
- Updates to xml schema: netex_vehicleJourney_Support-v1.1.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] [DOCTODO] Also Add designator UML diagram to SPec
- Updates to xml schema: netex_journeyPattern-v1.1.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE]
- Updates to xml schema: netex_serviceJourney_Version-v1.1.xsd
- TM6 Alignment: Rename SalesPackage to SalesOfferPackage
- Fix: Correct the camel casing of GroupsOfsaleOfferPackages ==> groupsOfSaleOfferPackages
- Fix: Correct constraint names
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_SalesOfferPackage_version-v1.1.xsd
- NeTEx_publication.xsd
- NeTEx_publication_timetable.xsd *
- Nx.xsd
- Updates to examples:
- Netex_tap_tsi_B3+more.xml
- Netex_tap_tsi_B2.xml
- Netex_tap_tsi_B2-71.xml
- Netex_tap_tsi_B2-1181.xml
- Netex_tap_tsi_B2-1180.xml
- Netex_tap_tsi_tcvs_irt_1.xml
- Netex_tap_tsi_B3.xml
- Netex_tap_Train_Hotel_SalesPackage_2.xml
- Netex_101.21_TflGeographicFares_UnitZone_MultipleProducts
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Fix ResultStepIdType[xsd only]
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_farePrice_version & netex_FarePrice_support
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_usageParameterEligibility_support-v1.0
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE]
- Renames and fixes
- Fix Capitalisation [xsd only] x
- Fix Capitalisation of wrapper tags
- TM Alignment: salesOfferPackages should be lower ca.mel case.
- TM Alignment: salesOfferPackageElements should be lower camel case.
- TM Alignment: saleslesOfferPackageSubstitutions should be lower camel case.
- TM Alignment: salesOfferPackagePrices should be lower camel case
- TM Alignment: salesOfferPackageRefs should be lower camel case.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_SalesOfferPackage_support-v1.1.xsd
- netex_SalesOfferPackage_version-v1.1.xsd
- netex_FareTable_version-v1.1.xsd
- nete_AccessRight_Parameters_version-v1.1.xsd
- netex_FareProduct_version-v1.1.xsd
- Updates to multiple Examples.
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE]
- TM Alignment: Rename PassengerContract ==> FareContract_.
- TM Alignment: Rename PassengerContractEntry ==> FareContractEntry.
- TM Alignment: Rename PassengerContractSecurityListing ==> FareContractSecurityListing.
- TM Alignment: Rename TypeOfPassengerContract ==> TypeOfFareContract.
- TM Alignment: Rename TypeOfPassengerContractEntry ==> TypeOfFareContractEntry.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_fareContract_support-v1.1.xsd
- netex_fareContract_version-v1.1.xsd
- netex_salesTransaction_support-v1.1.xsd
- netex_salesTransaction_version-v1.1.xsd
- netex_salesTransactionFrame_version-v1.1.xsd
- netex_publication.xsd
- netex_publication_timetable.xsd
- Documentation Changes: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done]
- TM Alignment: Rename SalesPackage ==> SalesOfferPackage.
- TM Alignment: Rename SalesPackageElement ==> SalesOfferPackageElement.
- TM Alignment: Rename SalesPackageSubstitition ==> SalesOfferPackageSubstitition.
- TM Alignment: Rename TypeOfSalesPackage ==> TypeOfSalesOfferPackage.
- TM Alignment: Rename SalesPackageSubstitition ==> SalesOfferPackageSubstitition.
- TM Alignment: Rename GroupOfSalesPackages ==> GroupOfSalesOfferPackages.
- Updates to xml schema:
- netex_salesPackage_support-v1.1.xsd ==> netex_aalesOfferPackage_support--v1.1.xsd
- netex_salesPackage_version-v1.1.xsd ==> netex_aalesOfferPackage_version-v1.1.xsd
- Fix: Add notice assignments to GroupOfDistanceMatrixElements [uml:v96-nk3; doc:v38.04]
- netex_distranceMatrixLement_version-v1.1.xsd
- Fix: Move alternativeTexts up hierarchy to EntityInVersion [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- Fix: Move AlterativeName to generic framework so Organisation can reference. [uml 96-nk2; doc done v38.03]
- netex_organisation_version-v1.1.xsd
- netex_all_objects_generic_version-v1.0.xsd
- Fix: Add ContactDetails to Line as per uml [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_line_version-v1.1.xsd
- Fix: Update uml diagram for PropertyOfDay, Line [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- Fix: cd - Place should be typed Place_VersionStructure [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_place_version-v1.1.xsd
- CR: Cr0019/Cr0013 correct type on DayOffSet on CourseOfJourney and ReliefOpportunity, InterchangeRule, [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_vehicleService_version-v1.1.xsd
- netex_coupledJourney_version-v1.1.xsd
- netex_interchange-v1.1.xsd
- Fix: Add DayOffSet to JourneyMeeting [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_interchange-v1.1.xsd
- CR: Cr0051: Add infolinks to GroupOfEnNtities [uml:v96-nk3; doc:v38.04]
- netex_groupin-v1.1.xsd
- Fix: Add DayOffSet to JourneyPartCouple [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_coupledJourney_version-v1.1.xsd
- Fix: Correct spelling & Allow multiple infolinks on FareProduct [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_fareProduct_version-v1.1.xsd
- Fix: Add MobileApp to MediaType enumeration [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_travelDocumentSupport_support-v1.1.xsd
- Fix: Allow version of derived view id [xsd only]
- netex_responsibility_version-v1.1.xsd
- Fix: Allow DistanceMatrixView on AccessRightParameter* [xsd only]
- netex_accessRightParameter_version-v1.1.xsd
- CR: CR0051 Allow Line and documentlinks on Tariff [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_fareStructureElement_version-v1.1.xsd
- CR: CR0051 Add map and faresheet to InfoLink types [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_utilityTypes_v1.1.xsd
- CR: CR0051 Allow Presentation details on TariffZone [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_zone_version-v1.1.xsd
- Fix: Add totalNumberParkingSpaces to ParkingProperties [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_ifopt_parking_version-1.1,xsd
- Fix: Update Facility - correct nuisance to match XML[uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_facility_support-v1.1.xsd
- CR: CR0049 Change PiQuery to PiRequest [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_salesTransaction_support-v1.1.xsd (replaces 1.0)
- CR: CR0040 Rework to make Section a type of LinkSequence [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_commonSection_support-v1.1.xsd ++
- netex_commonSection_version-v1.1.xsd ++
- netex_section_support-v1.1.xsd
- netex_section_version-v1.1.xsd
- netex_linkSequence_version-v1.1.xsd
- netex_lineNetwork_version-v1.1.xsd
- netex_fareZone_version-v1.1.xsd
- CR: CR0049 TM Change. Move Description to supertype for LinkSequence [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_journeyPattern_version-v1.1.xsd
- netex_journey_version-v1.1.xsd
- netex_ifopt_navigationPath_version-v1.1.xsd
- netex_ifopt_parking_version-v1.1.xsd
Fix: Correct FareStructureElement to allow Multiple interval support, Add timeIntervals & geographical intervals to fareElement, Also allow inlining of DistanceMatrixElements [xml]
- netex_FareStructureELement_version_-v1.1.xsd
- netex_all_objects_part3_fares-v1.0.xsd
- netex_all_objects_part3_fares_FS-v1.1.xsd
- netex_accessRightParameter_version-v1.1.xsd
Fix: CustomerPurchasPeackageElement add GeographicalIntervalRef & TimeIntervalRef [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_CustomerPurchasePackage_version_-v1.1.xsd
CR: CR0049 TM alignment (i) CustomerPurchasePackage element add TypeOfTravelDocument to ProductValidityParametersGroup [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_accessRightParameter_version-v1.1.xsd
(ii) Fix Add TypeOfTravelDocument to FareTable specifics [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_fareTable_version-v1.1.xsd
- etex_all_objects_part3_fares_FP-v1.1.xsd
- netex_distanceMatrixElement_version-v1.0.xsd (iii) Add TypeOfTravelDocument to FareFrame [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_travelDocument_version-v1.1.xsd
Fix: NeTEx FareFrame had wrong reference 1.0 [xsd only]
- netx_all_objects_part3_fares-v1.1.xsd
- netex_fareFrame_version-v1.0.xsd
- netex_all-v1.0.xsd
- netex_salesTransactionFrame-v1.1.xsd
CR: CR0051 Misc small fix - ParkingArea add NumberOfBaysWithRecharging, RechargingAvailable [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_parkingTariff_version-v1.1.xsd
- netex_siteFrame_version-v1.0.xsd
- netex_ifopt_all_objects-v1.0.xsd
CR: CR0051- LostPropertyService: add KeptForDuration. LeftLuggage addMaximumDuration [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_ifopt_localService_version-v1.1.xsd
- netex_ifopt_localServiceCommercial_version-v1.0.xsd
- netex_Ifopt_equipmentAll-v1.0.xsd
- netex_assistanceBooking_version-v1.0.xsd
- CR: CR0047 - RailSubmode add AirportLink as rail submode [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_submode_version-v1.1.xsd
- FIX: Reorganise project folders [xsd only]
- Split all_object_part3_fares into four sublists -FP, FS, AR, SD
CR: CR0045 TM6: GenericLoggable support LogEntry [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03] (i) Add generic Loggable. Make PassengerContractEvent a type of LogENtry [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_loggable_support-v1.1.xsd
- netex_loggable_version-v1.1.xsd
- netex_salesContract_support-v1.1.xsd
(ii) Rename PassengerContractEvent to PassengerContractEntry NB not back compatible for TypeOfPassengerContractEvent[uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_salesContract_support-v1.1.xsd
(iii) Add Support for SecurityLists & WhiteLists* , revise use of lacklist. NB this is functionally, but not syntactically backwards compatible. [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- +netex_securityList_support-v1.1.xsd
- +netex_securityList_version-v1.1.xsd
- netex_salesContract_support-v1.1.xsd
- netex_salesContract_version-v1.1.xsd
- netex_travelDocument_support-v1.1.xsd
- netex_travelDocument_version-v1.1.xsd
- netex_retailConsortium_support-v1.1.xsd
- netex_retailConsortium_version-v1.1.xsd
- netex_salesTransactionFrame_version-v1.1.xsd
(iv) Add CustomerPurchasePackage support [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- allObjects_part3
- ++ netex_customerPurchasePackage_support-v1.1.xsd
- ++ netex_customerPurchasePackage_version-v1.1.xsd
- netex_salesTransactionFrame_version-v1.1.xsd
(v) Add CustomerAccount, CustomerAccountStatus, TypeOfCustomerccount [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_salesContract_support-v1.1.xsd umlp
- netex_salesContract_support-v1.1.xsd umlp
(vi) Add CustomerEligibility [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- ++ netex_customerEligibility_support-v1.1.xsd umlp
- ++ netex_customerEligibility_version-v1.1.xsd umlp
CR: CR00xx Add Presentation including graphics to AllowedLineDirection [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_line_version-v1.1.xsd umlp
CR: CR0040 Revise Section: Add GeneralSection distinct from CommonSection. [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03] Separate out section from point and link package. NB not strictly compatible just for Section usedIn LinkSequence
- netex_pointAndLinkSequence_support-v1.1.xsd UMLcp
- netex_pointAndLinkSequence_version-v1.1.xsd UMLcp
- netex_pointAndLink_support-v1.1.xsd UMLcp
- netex_pointAndLink_version-v1.1.xsd UMLcp
- netex_lineSection_version-v1.1.xsd UMLcp
- ++netex_section_support-v1.1.xsd UMLcp
- ++netex_section_version-v1.1.xsd UMLcp
CR: CR0010 QuayType Add BusPlatform enum value [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_ifopt_stopPlace_support-v1.1.xsd
CR: CR0030 Add DayOffsets [uuml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_coupledJourney_version-v1.1.xsd UM p
- netex_datedPassingTime_version-v1.1.xsd
- netex_monitoredPassingTime_version-v1.1.xsd
- netex_passingTimes_version-v1.1.xsd
CR: CR0010 Add JourneyPartPosition to JourneyPart [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_coupledJourney_support-v1.1.xsd
- netex_coupledJourney_version-v1.1.xsd
CR: CR014 Add GroupOfLinesType enum [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_line_support-v1.1.xsd
- netex_line_version-v1.1.xsd
CR: CR0047 Add support for tax to FarePrice: self ref on PriceRule & StepResult [uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03]
- netex_farePrice_version-v1.1.xsd
- netex_parkingTariff_support-v1.1.xsd
- netex_parkingTariff_version-v1.1.xsd
=============================== End