The Institute for Housing and Environment – Institut Wohnen und Umwelt GmbH (IWU) – is a publicly-supported, non-profit research institute owned by the State of Hessen and City of Darmstadt in central Germany. It conducts cutting-edge basic and applied interdisciplinary research, focusing on housing markets and policy as well as on energy efficiency and climate action in the building sector, spanning neighborhoods, towns and cities. Through its science, the IWU aims to actively contribute to the solution of pressing societal challenges, including climate change and the creation and maintenance of fair societies.
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- clidamonger Public
Monthly climate data for Germany, usable for heating and cooling calculations (external temperature, heating / cooling days, solar radiation)
IWUGERMANY/clidamonger’s past year of commit activity - Calibration-Model-for-DIBS-and-Extrapolation-onto-German-Non-Domestic-Building-Stock Public
This repository holds the script used for the development of the DIBS energy calibration model and the extrapolation onto the entire German non-domestic building stock. The best performing calibration models for space heating, electricty and occupancy hot water are provided via Link.
IWUGERMANY/Calibration-Model-for-DIBS-and-Extrapolation-onto-German-Non-Domestic-Building-Stock’s past year of commit activity - Nichtwohngebaeude-Struktur-Deutschland Public
Detailed structure of the German non-domestic building stock
IWUGERMANY/Nichtwohngebaeude-Struktur-Deutschland’s past year of commit activity - Nichtwohngebaeude-Typologie-Deutschland Public
Typologie der Nichtwohngebäude (NWG) in Deutschland, entwickelt auf Basis der Ergebnisse des ENOB:dataNWG Projektes. Typology of the non-domestic buildings in Germany, developed on the results of the ENOB:dataNWG project.
IWUGERMANY/Nichtwohngebaeude-Typologie-Deutschland’s past year of commit activity - Non-domestic-multi-zone-average-usage-profiles-for-Germany Public
In this repository multi-zone average usage profiles for non-domestic building usage categories in Germany are provided. These multi-zone average usage profiles allow the simulation of single-zone building models while at the same time reducing the "single-zone" uncertainty compared to a multi-zone approache drastically.
IWUGERMANY/Non-domestic-multi-zone-average-usage-profiles-for-Germany’s past year of commit activity