A lightweight Scala DSL for system testing REST web services
val Jason: Person = ???
val personJson = Json.stringify(Jason)
val EmptyList = List[Person]()
using(_ url "http://api.rest.org/person") { implicit rb =>
GET asserting (statusCode is Status.OK, jsonBodyAsList[Person] is EmptyList)
val id = POST body personJson asserting (statusCode is Status.Created) returning (header("X-Person-Id"))
GET / id asserting (statusCode is Status.OK, jsonBodyAs[Person] is Jason)
GET asserting (statusCode is Status.OK, jsonBodyAsList[Person] is Seq(Jason))
DELETE / id asserting (statusCode is Status.OK)
GET / id asserting (statusCode is Status.NotFound)
GET asserting (statusCode is Status.OK, jsonBodyAsList[Person] is EmptyList)
I plan for this to be a useful resource for writing REST web service system tests. However my initial focus is learning and documenting the creation of a Scala DSL. The progress on the implementation is slow because I am documenting my understanding of DSLs as I go.
You can follow the progress on my blog:
- The Builder Pattern
- The Builder as the basis for a DSL
- Extracting and asserting on response values
- Grouping common request configuration with the
method - How to structure DLS projects
- Improvements to Extractors
- Integrating RestTest with ScalaTest (planned)
- How to document a DLS (planned)
- Summary of Scala techniques and resources for creating DSLs (planned)
This project has been migrated to Scala 2.11 and the build ported to SBT.
To download and build RestTest just:
git clone git@github.com:IainHull/resttest.git
cd resttest
sbt test
To create a fully configured eclipse project just:
sbt eclipse with-source=true
This project used to be built with gradle. It still includes the gradle files and the gradle wrapper which will download gradle and build the project for you (the only prereq is Java).
To download and build RestTest just:
git clone git@github.com:IainHull/resttest.git
cd resttest
./gradlew build
To create a fully configured eclipse project just:
./gradlew eclipse
RestTest is licensed under the permissive Apache 2 Open Source License.