A Windows Forms Application (.NET Framework) appointment + customer scheduling system written in C#. This program integrates with a MySQL database. Using the GUI, users can add/update/delete customers from the database, as well as add/update/delete appointments for customers.
- C#
- .NET Windows Form Application
- Visual Studio
- Git and GitHub
- Windows 11
- Initializes a new sample database if one does not exist, or connects to an existing database.
- Determines the user’s location and translate log-in and error control messages (e.g., “The username and password did not match.”) into the user’s language and in one additional language.
- Scheduling an appointment outside business hours
- Scheduling overlapping appointments
- Entering nonexistent or invalid customer data
- Entering an incorrect username and password
- C# Fundamentals
- Type safety
- Windows Forms
- .NET Framework
- Model View Controller(MVC) System Design
- OOP principles like Encapsulation, Data Abstraction, Polymorphism and Inheritance
- Improved understanding code structure and readability
Course: C969 Software II: Advanced C# at WGU