See: Official Demo | Read: Official Docs Page
Child Theme Project:
Premium Child Themes:
Understrap is the renowned open-source WordPress starter theme that combines Underscores with Bootstrap. Trusted by more than 100,000 developers.
Full documentation for this theme is available at
For support requests and bugs, we recommend browsing our issues and opening a new issue if necessary. For more broad discussion, like questions about the roadmap, visit our discussion board.
See changelog
- Combines Underscore’s PHP/JS files and Bootstrap’s HTML/CSS/JS.
- Comes with Bootstrap (v4 and/or v5) Sass source files and additional .scss files. Nicely sorted and ready to add your own variables and customize the Bootstrap variables.
- Uses a single minified CSS file for all the basic stuff.
- Font Awesome integration (v4.7.0)
- Jetpack ready
- WooCommerce support
- Contact Form 7 support
- Child Theme ready
- Translation ready
Become an Understrap Expert. Presented by the team behind the Understrap Theme Framework, Understrap Academy is a collection of online courses that will help you speed up your development process, make your projects more profitable, and become an Understrap expert in record time.
Copyright 2022 Howard Development & Consulting, LLC. Understrap is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL version 3
- Font Awesome: (Font: SIL OFL 1.1, (S)CSS: MIT)
- Bootstrap: | (MIT)
- WP Bootstrap Navwalker by Edward McIntyre & William Patton: (GNU GPLv3)