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Running WindBot

Mercury233 edited this page Nov 13, 2017 · 1 revision

When WindBot is launched, it will connect to a host of YGOPro. The default is 7911 if no parameter is set. (7911 is the default port of YGOPro local host if you didn't change it in system.conf)

So if you want to use WindBot immediately, just create a host in YGOPro, and run WindBot.exe.
(Don't forget the cards.cdb)

To set the host and port, use Host= and Port= parameter.
To set the deck, use Deck= parameter. The list of decks can be found in readme. If deck is omitted, a random deck will be used.


Windbot.exe Host= Port=7911 Deck=Blue-Eyes


The nickname for the bot.

The dialog texts to be used by the bot. See Dialogs folder for list.

The host info (password) to be used.

The version of YGOPro.

Server Mode

To be added...

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