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Release Sequence

Daichi Hioki edited this page Apr 19, 2023 · 1 revision
  1. Make a release branch
    1. git checkout -b release/x.y.z
  2. Bump up version
    1. Update Cargo.toml > version
    2. cargo build (updating Cargo.lock)
  3. Commit
    1. git add Cargo.toml
    2. git add Cargo.lock
    3. git commit -m "bump up x.y.z"
  4. Push the branch
    1. git push origin release/x.y.z
  5. Make a pull request with following format:
    Bump up the version to `x.y.z`.
    # <PR category>
    - <1 line descriprion> #<PR>
    - <1 line description> #<PR>
    where the := Improvements | Bugfixes | New Features | etc...
  6. Merge the pull request
  7. Add a new tag (vX.Y.Z)
    $ git tag -a vX.Y.Z
    $ git push origin vX.Y.Z
    The annotation should be the same as the body of the PR.
  8. 🎉
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