This repository was developed as an educational tutorial/workshop for
the Scientific Data Analysis course (6003ESC) offered to Honours
students at Griffith University (see course
The tutorials cover basic/intermediate data analysis and visualisation
in R using tidyverse
approach, as well as basic statistics.
The teaching material for workshops 1-3 is developed by Dr. Ido Bar
( and is loosely based on Software Carpentry
teaching material and other online resources. Workshops 4-5 were
developed by Dr. James McBroom (
The tutorials are setup to be run live and interactively in class either
setup locally on the students’ computers or using
Binder (see instructions below).
Launch Binder with this repository by clicking on this badge - ,
then navigate to the folder that contains the data and tutorial (in HTML
format) for each week. All required packages and data files are “bound”
in the repository and you can start working straight away.
For more details and instructions how to setup a similar repository, please visit From Zero to Binder in R!