Implementation all of r/SpaceX API with Windows Console Application using .Net Core
These instructions will get you a copy of the project running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. All api's implemented according to spaceX documentation.
This project needs .Net Core 2.2 framework and RestSharp 106.6.9, NewtonsoftJson 12.0.2 Nugets.
There are two ways to install this project on your local computer.
Firstly, click Clone or Download button then select Download ZIP and extract ZIP folder.
Secondly, use this command clone the project.
git clone
Click the SpaceX.sln file and open with Visual Studio 2017 then build project.
If you want to use this project as reference for another .Net Core projects, add reference SpaceX.dll to project or just click Run button and test on CMD.
Here is the simple example uses of this project as a reference in another project.
SpaceX.Services.CapsuleService capsuleService = new SpaceX.Services.CapsuleService();
It will returns the list of all capsules.
- Visual Studio 2017
- .Net Core 2.2 Framework