This software was developed for the subject of Operating Systems, in the second semester of the Software Engineering course, Unipampa.
The purpose of this software is to simulate the management of both virtual and physical memories, made by the operating system. In the initial configuration there are 256 pages and 64 frames, the allocation of memory and the execution of processes is done through the "Processes" window, for each relevant occurrence in the software, a notification is added in the "Logs" window, and the actions "Add new process" "and" Run Simulation ", are found in the" Actions "window.
You must have Dart SDK (version >= 2.10.0 and < 3.0.0) installed.
You must also have Dart CLI tools to run webdev: run dart pub global activate webdev
Clone the repo
git clone
Install dependencies
dart pub get
Install webdev
dart pub global activate webdev
If you are in Windows:
Add to your PATH
Re-open your console
Run webdev
webdev serve
Igor Dalepiane da Costa - @igordalepiane -
Project Link: