iOS 12.0 Xcode 15.0+ iPhone/iPad
You can use Swift Package Manager to add iptv-player to your Xcode project. Select File » Add Packages Dependencies... and enter the repository URL into the search bar (top right). Set the Dependency Rule to Up to next major, and the version number to 2.0.0 < 3.0.0.
- picture in picture mode
- sound off/on
- airplay
- play/pause
- full screen
- play back/forwad
- show name of channel
- changing system brightness
- changing system volume
- lock rotation
- pause timer
For clearer comprehension, please open the project located in the "Example" folder.
var channels: [PlayerVC.Channel] =
[PlayerVC.Channel(url: URL(string: "")!, name: "Channel 1", id: "1", isFavorite: false),
PlayerVC.Channel(url: URL(string: "")!, name: "Channel 2", id: "2", isFavorite: false),
PlayerVC.Channel(url: URL(string: "")!, name: "Channel 3", id: "3", isFavorite: false)]
let playerVC = PlayerVC(channels: channels, currentIndex: 0, pipModel: nil)
playerVC.modalPresentationStyle = .overFullScreen
playerVC.onViewDidLoad = {}
playerVC.onError = { url, error in
playerVC.onPipStarted = { pipModel, channels, currentIndex in
playerVC.constant.errorText = NSLocalizedString("Video is unreachable", comment: "")
present(playerVC, animated: true)