A progressive web app written using Angular to act as an announcer for games of The Resistance: Avalon.
- Use the button in the bottom left to select the number of players.
- Select the desired roles.
- Distribute and privately view role cards.
- Press play to begin narration.
cd avalon-app
npm install -g @angular/cli
npm install
ng build
npm install -g audiosprite
gem install google-cloud-text_to_speech
cd speech_synthesis
ruby google-cloud.rb
cd output-folder
audiosprite -f howler -s 1 *.mp3
Character images created using 0x72's pixel art character generator at https://0x72.itch.io/pixeldudesmaker.
UI icons from tavoarts at https://tavoarts.itch.io/basic-pixel-gui-pack.
Background from https://opengameart.org/content/forest-background.