A React framework for Deno and Oak.
Reflex apps are fast and performant. Check out the Lighthouse Score of the demo app.
- React 18's Streaming server-side Rendering.
- No bundlers like webpack needed. Use modern
JavaTypeScript. - Serves all vendor files locally, ensuring that your users get what you expect and you don't need an external CDN.
- Caching out of the box using the Deno cache.
Create an Issue or come hang out on Discord.
See create-reflex-app for a quick start guide.
See todo for an app I'm building with Reflex.
Create a file called server.ts
in the root of your project.
// Import Oak, the web framework for Deno.
import { Application } from 'https://deno.land/x/oak@v10.6.0/mod.ts';
// Import the middleware from Reflex.
import { reflexMiddleware } from 'https://deno.land/x/reflex/mod.ts';
// This is the server side HTML of your app. We will create this file later on.
import { Document } from './app/Document.tsx';
// Set a hostname and port to listen on and create an Oak application.
const hostname = Deno.env.get('hostname') ?? '';
const port = Number(Deno.env.get('port') ?? 3000);
const app = new Application();
// Use the Reflex middleware.
// Reflex uses a memory cache for assets by default (Edge Function's can't
// write to disk) but you can set it to disk for a speedy development
// experience.
cacheMethod: 'disk',
// Start the Oak server.
console.log(`Listening on http://${hostname}:${port}`);
await app.listen({
Create a file called Document.tsx
in the app
// This is a module that is pulled from the `importMap.json` file.
import React from 'react';
// Easy types on the Document.
import type { DocumentElement } from 'https://deno.land/x/reflex/mod.ts';
// This is the App file, the root component of your app.
import { App } from './App.tsx';
// The Server Side Rendering part of your React application. This will not be
// rendered on the client side.
export const Document: DocumentElement = ({ vendorSourcePrefix }) => {
return (
<title>React Streaming</title>
<div id='root'>
<App />
{/* This script loads and hydrates the application in the browser. It loads <App /> under the id `root`. */}
__html: `
import { createElement } from '${vendorSourcePrefix}/react';
import { createRoot, hydrateRoot } from '${vendorSourcePrefix}/react-dom/client';
import { App } from '/.x/App.tsx';
const rootElement = document.getElementById('root');
const appElement = createElement(App);
hydrateRoot(rootElement, appElement);
Create a file called App.tsx
in the app
// This is a module that is pulled from the `importMap.json` file.
import React, { Suspense } from 'react';
export const App = () => {
return (
<p>My application!</p>
Create a file called importMap.json
in the root of your project.
"imports": {
"react": "https://esm.sh/react@18.1.0",
"react-dom": "https://esm.sh/react-dom@18.1.0",
"react-dom/client": "https://esm.sh/react-dom@18.1.0/client"
Now run the server
deno run -A --unstable --no-check server.ts