Complementary code for "NeuroTrialNER: An Annotated Corpus for Neurological Diseases and Therapies in Clinical Trial Registries". This repo provides the code & data of our paper: Please note that ChatGPT has assisted with parts of the code, usually for the generation of the visualizations. The implementation of the BERT-based training was based on
The project is build using poetry for dependency management. Instructions on how to install poetry can be found in the documentation.
To install the defined dependencies for the project, make sure you have the .toml and .lock files and run the install command.
poetry install
The pyproject.toml file contains all relevant packages that need to be installed for running the project. The poetry.lock file is needed to ensure the same version of the installed libraries.
For the jupyter notebooks we used a separate conda environment that you can load via:
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate neurotrialner-notebooks
In order to be able to use it within jupyter you need to install the ipykernel package in the conda environment:
conda install ipykernel
and then create a kerne for the conda environment:
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=neurotrialner-notebooks
The code related to the data processing and annotation steps is in the folder ./data.
Prerequisites to reproduce the results:
- Download the latest MeSH terminology dump from NIH mesh download. For the current project the 2023 year was used (mesh_desc2023.xml). Place this file in the ./data/neuro_diseases_terminology/input/ folder.
- In order to be able to use the ICD APIs, first you need to create an account on the ICD API Home page. You need to put the client_id_ICD and client_secret_ICD in your local credentials.txt file.
The code from this file traverses the relevant starting nodes from the ICD-11 API and extracts all disease names below them. The starting points used are "Diseases of the nervous system" and "Mental, behavioural or neurodevelopmental disorders". Note that it can take up to 10 minutes for the data to be collected.
With this code we load the MeSH dump and filter it for the relevant diseases based on the Neurology_disease-list_MeSH.xlsx.
With the functions here we merge the two disease lists from MeSH and ICD (diseases_dictionary_mesh_icd.csv). Furthermore, we generate a flat list (diseases_dictionary_mesh_icd_flat.csv) that contains all synonyms and spelling variations on a new line. This flat list was used to filter the AACT database as described in the next section.
The files to compile the drug dictionary are in drug_names_terminology. They were directly used by the code described in NER Methods/Dictionary Lookup to annotate for drugs.
For our project, a static copy of the AACT database was downloaded on May 12 2023. Following the installation instructions, a local PostgreSQL database was populated from the database file, comprising 451’860 unique trials.
The conditions table was joined with our disease list and we kept only those trials. This resulted in 40’842 unique trials related to neurological conditions (of which 35’969 were registered as interventional trials). The official title (from table ctgov.studies) of each trial together with its short description (from table ctgov.brief_summaries) was extracted to a csv file and prepared for annotation.
For our third annotation round, we wanted to sample only non-drug interventions. The filtering for this was made in the AACT database by excluding intervention_type values equal to DRUG, BIOLOGICAL or DIETARY. To make sure that no overlaps with our existing samples exist, we extracted the AACT data and filtered it as shown in the notebook Rebuttal_ACL_Additional_Data_Sampling.ipynb.
IMPORTANT: The annotations guidelines can be found here annotation_guidelines.
The code in converts the extracted sample from the AACT database data_aact_samplefrom .csv to a .json file (data_for_prodigy). This data will be used as input for annotation in prodigy. During our first annotation period, we first annotated 100 pilot examples and refined the annotation guidelines. Then we annotated another 400 examples. In a second annotation period, two annotators had another 500 samples to annotate. Finally, in a third annotation round we annotated 200 non-drug intervention trials.
Below you see the Prodigy command we used to start an annotation session in Prodigy. For further instructions for using prodigy see the file Using Prodigy for Named Entity Annotation.docx.
The resulting annotations are stored in annotation_round_1, annotation_round_2, and annotation_round_3. There you can find the individual annotations with all prodigy extracted details of each annotator (file names start with the annotator code names, i.e, bvi, sed or aec). Those outputs were then further reviewed in prodigy in order to resolve conflicts and create the final datasets. The resulting merged datasets from each annotation round are the .jsonl files:
- round 1: neuro_merged_all_433.jsonl
- round 2: neuro_merged_annotations_405_2batch.jsonl
- round 3: neuro_merged_annotations_nondrug_60_batch_3.jsonl and neuro_merged_annotations_nondrug_143_batch_3.jsonl
In we filter the merged annotations from the Prodigy review session to keep only the agreed on annotations. Note that per default, the Prodigy "review" recipe stores the annotations from all reviewers and in addition the outputs from the resolution session.
The resulting files are:
- round 1:ct_neuro_final_target_annotated_ds_round_1.jsonl
- round 2: ct_neuro_405_target_annotated_ds_round_2.jsonl.
- round 3: ct_neuro_60_target_annotated_ds_round_3.jsonl and ct_neuro_143_target_annotated_ds_round_3.jsonl
This file contains the code to evaluate the annotation agreement using the Cohen Kappa statistics. The score calculation code is adapted from rowannicholls. The results are printed out and a confusion matrix is produced for each annotator pair in annotations_confusion_matrix.
In code file we convert the prodigy output annotations to BIO format. For each array of tokens (as split by Prodigy), a corresponding array of annotations will be generated: "O" for no label, "B-XX" for begin label XX, or "I-XX" inside label XX. The resulting full datasets are available in several formats:
- the fields relevant for training: ct_neuro_final_target_annotated_ds_bio_format_1093.jsonl
JSON Key Name | Value Data Type | Description |
tokens | List of Strings | A list of tokens (words or punctuation) extracted from the text. |
ner_tags | List of Strings | Corresponding Named Entity Recognition (NER) tags for each token. Each tag indicates the entity type (e.g., B-OTHER, I-OTHER, O, B-COND). |
id | String | A unique identifier for the data entry, here the clinical trial ID (e.g., NCT02632279). |
- all the details from prodigy: ct_neuro_final_target_annotated_ds_combined_rounds.jsonl and ct_neuro_final_target_annotated_ds_combined_rounds.csv. Below is the metadata for the json file.
JSON Key Name | Value Data Type | Description |
nct_id | String | A unique identifier for the clinical trial or study (e.g., NCT02632279). |
source | String | The source or field from which the text was extracted (e.g., OfficialTitle+BriefSummary). |
text | String | The full text content extracted from the specified source. |
tokens | List of Objects | A list of token objects, where each object contains details about individual tokens in the text. E.g. {"text": "Tryptophan", "start": 0, "end": 10, "id": 0, "ws": true}, {"text": "Depletion", "start": 11, "end": 20, "id": 1, "ws": true}...} |
spans | List of Objects | A list of span objects, where each object represents a labeled span of text with start and end positions. E.g. "spans": [{"start": 0, "end": 20, "token_start": 0, "token_end": 1, "label": "OTHER"}, {"start": 24, "end": 43, "token_start": 3, "token_end": 5, "label": "CONDITION"}...] |
_timestamp | Integer | A timestamp indicating when the data was processed or recorded (in Unix epoch format). |
The final dataset file will be split into train, dev, and test parts. Two types of splits are available:
- Proportion 80-10-10: The final data used for training the models can be found in data/data_splits.
- Stratified to balance minority entity types: The final data used for training the models can be found in data/data_splits/stratified_entities.
Generates information about the total number of entities for each entity type in the datasets. Also outputs the frequency of individual entities. Outputs are saved in corpus_stats. This data is used in Generate_Corpus_Stats.ipynb to create visuals of top entities based on their frequency.
The bash script used for fine-tuning a BERT model from HuggingFace on our university computing server is in models/bert/ It executes models/bert/ via the following command:
python \
--output_path "../clinical_trials_out/arr_rebuttal/train_size_impact" \
--model_name_or_path "dmis-lab/biobert-v1.1" \
--train_data_path "./data/ct_neuro_train_data_787.json" \
--val_data_path "./data/ct_neuro_dev_data_153.json" \
--test_data_path "./data/ct_neuro_test_data_153.json" \
--n_epochs 15 --percentage "$percentage" --i "$i"
Please make sure you have the reference to the folder with the data correctly. The three parameters that can be changed are:
- model_name_or_path (default 'michiyasunaga/BioLinkBERT-base'): reference to a local model or a model hosted on huggingface; the other models we used are "dmis-lab/biobert-v1.1" and "bert-base-uncased".
- n_epochs (default 20): the number of epochs for training; our experiments showed that there was no impact on the dev learning curve after more than 10 epochs
- percentage (default 100): percentage value determining how much of the training dataset should be used.
We also used a script that parallelizes the training of each model across separate GPUs, provided in models/bert/
Please note that wandb was used to collect and visualize the training results.
This file will initialize the requested models and do prediction on the test dataset. A prerequisite is to have the trained model files available. The prediction code is in the core module file core/
To initialize a BERT model the following command is used:
model = NERModel("huggingface", hugging_face_model_name, hugging_face_model_path, short_to_long_class_names_map, use_custom_entities_grouping)
Two outputs can be generated.
predict_dataset = model.bert_predict_bio_format(self, ds_path_train, ds_path_test, text_column_name, label_column_name, label_all_tokens=False, padding=True, max_length=512)
With model.bert_predict_bio_format() an array of the entity class for each token is saved in BIO format, together with additional model outputs, e.g., padding. An example file is models/predictions/rebuttal/bert/ct_neuro_test_annotated_bert-base-uncased_BIO_20240529.csv.
predict_dataset = model.annotate(self, file_path, source_column, sep=",")
With model.annotate() the annotations are saved in the tuple format (start index, end index, type, entity tokens), e.g., (99, 109, 'DRUG', 'Gabapentin'). An example file is models/predictions/rebuttal/bert/ct_neuro_test_annotated_bert-base-uncased_20240529.csv
The bert prediction outputs are saved in models/predictions/rebuttal/bert/.
The extraction of all entities using GPT is in Annotate with GPT.ipynb. Note that the code expects a valid OpenAPI key that can be read from a local credentials.txt file. Note that the annotation can take up a long time (from 20min to a few hours). The results are saved under models/predictions/rebuttal/gpt.
The dictionary lookup model can be initialized as:
regex_model = NERModel("regex", "regex")
annotated_ds = regex_model.annotate(test_data_path_csv, "text")
The code for the annotation is in What the code does is to first create two dictionaries for the drug and disease names. The dictionary contains all synonyms and spelling variations from different terminology libraries. To annotate the tokens, there will be two lookups of this dictionaries - of a single token and of two sequential tokens. If those are found in the dictionaries that token(s) recieve the CONDITION or DRUG label. The code is an expansion of this package - Drug named entity recognition Python library by Fast Data Science .
In the below notebook the obtained token-level annotations are processed and aggregated into an abstract-level summary.
.models/1-CT Models_NER_Aggregation_Rebuttal_2024.ipynb
This includes the following steps:
- Reading and combining all annotations.
- Replacement of abbreviations with their spelled-out form (when available withing the context of the trial).
- Extracting of unique entities.
- Using dictionary based mapping of conditions and drugs to a canonical form.
- Representing the target and predicted entities as numerical arrays per trial.
- Saving of the abstract level annotations in models/predictions/rebuttal/all_models_aggregated_all_entity_types_numarical_arrays.csv
The outputs from the aggregation was then used in the below notebook to generate the LaTeX tables in the paper, as well as the visualization.
.models/2-CT Models_Evaluation_ARR_Rebuttal_2024-New-CI.ipynb
This includes:
- Abstract-level evaluation (exact and partial).
- Visualization of the F1 score and its CI across models.
- Token-level evaluation (based on the BIO outputs from the models).
Finally, we also provide the script to plot the performance with varying amount of training data in:
.models/3-CT Impact_of_Train_Data_Size.ipynb
In 2-CT Models_Evaluation_ARR_Rebuttal_2024-New-CI.ipynb we also generated an output of the data for easier error analysis, e.g. models/predictions/rebuttal/all_models_aggregated_annotations_for_REVIEW.csv. We analysed this file manually to derive the different type of model errors.
Additionally, the tool PowerBI was used for the detailed error analysis. A free desktop version can be downloaded from Microsoft Power BI Desktop to open the file Error_Analysis_PowerBI.pbix.