Redis cache implementation for redis caching with multithread/multitask secured thread.
Library was tested in the following environments:
- Python 2.7
Feel free to try it in yours, but it's not guaranteed it will work. Submit an issue if you think it should.
pip install git+
pip install easyRedisCache
# classic way
from easyRedisCache import easyRedisCache
eC = easyRedisCache("keyCache")
import threading
import time
def worker():
print "Worker 1 Init"
with eC.setBlocking("key", get=True) as block:
if block.exception == None:
#print "Worker 1 Set"
print block.val
block.val += "foo"
def worker2():
print "Worker 2 Init"
with eC.setBlocking("key", get=True) as block:
if block.exception == None:
#print "Worker 2 Set"
print block.val
block.val += "bar"
eC.set("key", "co")
threads = []
for i in range(5):
t = threading.Thread(target=worker)
for i in range(5):
t = threading.Thread(target=worker2)