Simple project environment for developing custom Keycloak extensions.
This example uses the in-process KeycloakServer
from the keycloak-testsuite-utils
project to ease development.
Note that you might need to build the keycloak project locally with the version referenced in this pom.xml
since the required library keycloak-testsuite-utils
is not distributed to maven central.
To build the Keycloak Project simply clone it into a directory like
# The Keycloak version referenced in the pom.xml
git clone
git fetch origin --tags
git checkout $KC_VERSION
mvn clean install -DskipTests
Create a new launch configuration and configure com.github.thomasdarimont.keycloak.server.KeycloakPlaygroundServer
as the main class.
Additionally configure keycloak-playground-server
as the working directory.
Note, that you can configure Keycloak to use an h2 or PostgreSQL database, depending on your needs.
The following set of JVM options configure Keycloak with:
- h2 or PostgreSQL as database
- listen on all local interfaces on port
- Keycloak Admin User
with passwordadmin
Profile features enabled
You can access the local Keycloak instance via the URL: http://localhost:8081/auth
To develop your extension, simply create a new maven module, e.g. simple-auth-extension
in the keycloak-extension-playground
Then add the module as a dependency to the keycloak-playground-server
The Server Development part of the Keycloak reference documentation contains additional resources and examples for developing custom Keycloak extensions.
The Keycloak project on github provides a useful set of examples for Keycloak extensions.
The simple-auth-extension
project provides an example project that can be used as a starting point.
The simple-themes
example project demonstrates how to use custom themes with keycloak.