This is an add-on collection for Blender which will be extended over time as production calls for the creation of new tools.
If you find the add-ons useful we would appreciate if you would consider supporting us for continued development via Gumroad
Navigate through a hierarchy of objects or bones of an armature or walk over vertices and points of meshes and curves in edit mode. It basically copies the default pickwalking behaviour of Maya with additional selection extension and opposite side switching.
Perform a reflection-based placement of lights (or any other object) on a mesh by simply dragging the mouse over the mesh.
One-button tool to quickly set up driving relationships between one or more properties, aimed to simplify the steps needed to adjust relative ranges or even non-linear behavior.
Node-based RBF solver for driving multiple properties with multiple driver values.
Advanced tool for smoothing mesh weights by averaging neighbouring weights.
Create customizable thumbnail previews for object assets in the asset browser.
Save scripts as buttons and organize them in groups for easy access.