I have created this project to learn and experiment with computer vision technologies such as Tesseract and OpenCV.
This project is intended for learning purposes only. It should not be used to break the Ankama game Dofus Terms of Service (TOS). Misuse of this project to gain an unfair advantage or to disrupt the game in any way is strictly prohibited. Please respect the game's rules and the efforts of its developers. I, the creator of this project, will not be held responsible if your account is banned due to misuse of this project.
Even if your goal was to violate Dofus Terms of Service, note that this tool merely automates interactions with the Dofus DB Treasure Hunter web page and won't assist in botting. This project was not designed for cheating, so it has numerous issues (like rate limiting and imprecision in arrow detection) that make it practically unusable. I will never encourage cheating, let alone botting.