is a repository for creating AI art and artist experiments. To do so, we utilize knowledge from cognitive science, complexity science, computational geometry, information theory, probabilistic machine learning, and various other cognitive-computational domains. Here, we use this repository to trace our foundations and document our future.
At the moment, we are interested in building machines that draw (drawing.machines()
), machines that augment space and the built-environment (
), and machines that assist and improve health and wellness through art (art.wellness()
). We believe in pursuing these technologies, we will further the discussion on innovation in the arts and sciences. In route, we work on various research projects related to the role of artificial intelligence and art.
Project 000: cgen.dlang: A Community Generated Design Language
Team: E. Oduniyi, H. Chaudhry
Abstract Submitted:
2020 Evolution of Language International Conference
Paper Accepted:
AVI: Data4Good Workshop
Project 001: Drawing Machines and Generative Adversarial Networks
Team: H. Chaudhry, E. Oduniyi
In addition to making the projects available on GitHub, we have created a Google Classroom for individuals and communities to interact with our Jupyter and Colab notebooks, and other resources. If you'd like to join the classroom please email Hamza Chuadhry (
Erick Oduniyi (eeoduniyi@gmail)
Research Interest: Cognitive Science, Computational Design, Ecological Sciences, Industrial-Robotics
Hamza Chuadhry (
Research Interest: Cognitive Science, Computational Neuroscience, Evolutionary Theory, Soft-Robotics