Clearwater Infrastructure is the infrastructure package for Clearwater. It manages automatic configuration and upgrade, and installs a number of dependencies.
Project Clearwater is an open-source IMS core, developed by Metaswitch Networks and released under the GNU GPLv3. You can find more information about it on our website or our wiki.
It contains the following packages:
clearwater-infrastructure: common infrastructure for all Clearwater servers.
clearwater-memcached: memcached configuration.
clearwater-tcp-scalability: TCP scalability improvements.
clearwater-secure-connections: secure connections between regions.
clearwater-snmpd: SNMP service for CPU, RAM, and I/O statistics.
clearwater-diags-monitor: service that monitors for crashes / exceptions / hangs and collects relevant diags. More details are here
clearwater-auto-config: optional service to create /etc/clearwater/config automatically. Used on all-in-one (AIO) nodes.
clearwater-socket-factory: service that allows other processes to obtain sockets from the factory's network namespace. More details are here
clearwater-radius-auth: RADIUS authentication package. More details are here.