Iblib (short for Interrobang's Library) is a library of mostly-side-effect-less Simulo functions that you can use in whatever you want.
To download this package run
To get started, do
local iblib = require("./packages/@interrobang/iblib/lib/lib_loader.lua")
then, when you want to load a function, do
local function_name = iblib("function_name")
If that function is a component, it will return a string containing that component's code instead of a function.
Letters go in, table of tables (characters) of tables (letters) of points goes out.
local alphabet = "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:'<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
local text = "The, quick. Brown fox? Jumped! Over: the (lazy) dog :>"
local strokes_table = font(text)
for i = 1,#strokes_table do
- string, the string you want to render
- table of letters, containing: -- table of strokes, containing: -- table of vec2s
Python string split but in lua. Code courtesy of stackoverflow.
- string, the string to test
- string, the separator; if it's longer than one character it'll treat them all as different separators and add them up, sort of like using an OR instead of an AND
- table of strings, all the split substrings
Given a point and a table of points representing a polygon, returns whether the point is inside that polygon.
- vec2, the point you want to test
- table of vec2 values, the polygon you want to test. Adjacent values are assumed to be connected.
- boolean, true if inside
Given the name of an iblib component, creates a box with that component at (0,0) for testing purposes.
- string/table, the name of the iblib component to test or a table of names to test
- vec2, optional, the size of the box
Returns a table of all the objects within a set distance of another object, sort of like a forcefield. Used for checking contact.
- object, the object you want to test
- number, how far away the rays should be (0.05 by default)
- table of guids, all the hits
Rotates a vector by an angle in radians.
- vec2, the vector to rotate
- number, the radians to rotate by
- vec2, the rotated vector
A very tiny linear algebra library. Used with nodal_analysis.lua.
Included functions:
["create_matrix"]: Creates an empty n x n matrix
["create_vector"] = Creates an empty vector of size n
["solve_system"] = Solves the system A * x = B. Inputs are A and B, where A is a matrix and B is a vector.
Given a line start, a line end, and an optional thickness, returns a table containing the table.position, table.size, and table.rotation values needed to make a line going between the line start and line end.
- vec2, the start of the line
- vec2, the end of the line
- number, the thickness of the line (optional, default 0.1)
- a table containing the following indexes: position, size, rotation
Takes in a component code string, initializes the component with a filler name, id, and version, and returns the hash.
- string, the component code
- string, the component hash (for :add_component())
A bunch of random graph theory functions that ChatGPT 4o gave me. Untested, use with caution. Returns a table filled with functions, the indexes are listed below.
Included functions:
create_graph: Create a new empty graph
add_node: Add a node to the graph
add_edge: Add an edge between two nodes (undirected by default)
bfs: Breadth first search
dfs: Depth first search
dijkstra: Dijkstra's algorithm finds the shortest path between nodes in a weighted graph.
has_cycle: Detecting cycles in an undirected graph is useful for ensuring graph structures like trees.
is_connected: This function checks if the graph is fully connected (i.e., there is a path between any two nodes).
topological_sort: Useful for scheduling tasks or resolving dependencies.
find: Helper function to find a node's set in union-find structure
union: Helper function to union two sets
kruskal: Kruskal’s algorithm is used to find a minimum spanning tree for a graph.
Returns the input table in a form easily printable to console. Function courtesy of stackoverflow.
- table, the table you want to dump
- string, the table you want to dump but now easily printable
Solves for the voltages of an electrical circuit.
- table, a table of the circuit with a very specific format and structure that I won't get into here
- table, the linear_algebra.lua library
- table of numbers, the resulting voltages
Given three points, returns a table with the table.position, table.size, and table.rotation values needed to make a box with two corners at the first two points and extending to the third.
- vec2, one corner of the box
- vec2, an adjacent corners of the box
- vec2, the point the box should extend to, from the first 2 points
- a table containing the following indexes: position, size, rotation
example usage:
local iblib = require("./packages/@interrobang/iblib/lib/lib_loader.lua")
- string, the name of the iblib lib you want to load
- string or function, the function or component you wanted
Use with electicity_carrier. Object must have electricity_carrier.
Makes the object take a curved path when moving.
Defines a material. Doesn't do anything on its own.
Makes the object maintain its horizontal position by setting its velocity to the difference between the desired x value and the current x value.
Use with electicity_carrier. Object must have electricity_carrier.
Makes the object unaffected by gravity.
Deletes object next step.
Use with electicity_carrier. Object must have electricity_carrier.
Makes the object release small particles on collision.
Makes the object maintain its vertical position by setting its velocity to the difference between the desired y value and the current y value.
Makes it so that when the object rotates, it rotates things around it with it.
Makes the object accelerate based on its angle. The idea is to make it fly around like a hose but it doesn't do that right now
Makes the object attract other objects. If you send the "@interrobang/iblib/send_to_orbit" event to an object with this component, it will be sent to orbit except that's actually broken right now so nevermind
Makes the world revolve around this object.