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Merge #3643
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3643: cluster-bench: CI benchmark r=deepfire a=deepfire

1. turn the `workbench-smoke-test`/`workbench-ci-analysis` into a generic derivation
2. extend the topology generator to generates plain lines and circles
3. clean up profile definitions wrt. fund specification
4. clean up the derivation nomenclature in the Nix layer
5. `workbench-ci-test` / `workbench-ci-analysis` derivations, as parallel to smoke.
6. refactor the workbench Nix code a bit

Co-authored-by: Kosyrev Serge <>
iohk-bors[bot] and deepfire authored Mar 14, 2022
2 parents a47cd87 + 735f296 commit e27caa4
Showing 33 changed files with 629 additions and 448 deletions.
15 changes: 10 additions & 5 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -58,11 +58,16 @@ cluster-shell-trace: ARGS += --arg 'autoStartCluster' true --argstr 'autoSta
cluster-shell-dev-trace: ARGS += --arg 'autoStartCluster' true --arg 'workbenchDevMode' true --argstr 'autoStartClusterArgs' '--trace --trace-workbench' ## Enter Nix shell, dev mode, start workbench cluster, with shell tracing
fixed: ARGS += --arg 'autoStartCluster' true
fixed: PROFILE = fixed-alzo
smoke: ARGS += --arg 'autoStartCluster' true --run "grep TraceOpenEvent.ClosedDB run/current/node-0/stdout >/dev/null && echo 'Smoke test: PASS' || echo 'Smoke test: FAIL'"
smoke: PROFILE = smoke-alzo
smoke-loaded: ARGS += --arg 'autoStartCluster' true --run "grep TraceOpenEvent.ClosedDB run/current/node-0/stdout >/dev/null && echo 'Smoke test: PASS' || echo 'Smoke test: FAIL'"
smoke-loaded: PROFILE = smoke-loaded-alzo
shell-dev cluster-shell-dev cluster-shell-trace cluster-shell-dev-trace fixed smoke smoke-loaded: shell
shell-dev cluster-shell-dev cluster-shell-trace cluster-shell-dev-trace fixed: shell

test-smoke: smoke ## Build the 'workbench-smoke-test', same as the Hydra job
nix build -f 'default.nix' 'workbench-smoke-test' --out-link result-smoke-run --cores 0
test-analysis: smoke-analysis ## Build the 'workbench-smoke-analysis', same as the Hydra job
nix build -f 'default.nix' 'workbench-smoke-analysis' --out-link result-smoke-analysis --cores 0 --show-trace
nix build -f 'default.nix' 'workbench-ci-analysis' --out-link result-ci-analysis --cores 0 --show-trace

shell: ## Enter Nix shell, CI mode (workbench run from Nix store)
nix-shell --max-jobs 8 --cores 0 --show-trace --argstr profileName ${PROFILE} ${ARGS}
215 changes: 160 additions & 55 deletions bench/cardano-topology/cardano-topology.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-partial-fields -Wno-name-shadowing #-}

import Prelude hiding (id)

@@ -21,11 +22,22 @@ import Options.Applicative
import qualified System.IO as IO

data TopoParams = TopoParams
{ tpSize :: Int
, tpLocations :: [Location]
, tpIdPools :: Int -> Maybe Int
data TopoParams
= Torus
{ tpSize :: Int
, tpLocations :: [Location]
, tpIdPools :: Int -> Maybe Int
| Line
{ tpSize :: Int
, tpLocation :: Location
, tpIdPools :: Int -> Maybe Int
| UniCircle
{ tpSize :: Int
, tpLocation :: Location
, tpIdPools :: Int -> Maybe Int

data Spec = Spec
{ id :: Int
@@ -40,17 +52,20 @@ data Location
deriving (Bounded, Eq, Enum, Ord, Read, Show)

mkTopology :: TopoParams -> [Spec]
mkTopology TopoParams{..} =
mkTopology Torus{..} =
concat phase3
specIds = [0..(tpSize - 1)]
specLocs = take tpSize $ cycle tpLocations

-- Assign locations and pool counts; set initial links.
phase0 = zipWith mkInitial specIds specLocs
-- Split into per-location lists.
phase1 = [ filter ((== l) . loc) phase0
| l <- tpLocations ]
& filter (not . null)
-- Establish intra-location connections.
phase2 = intraConnect <$> phase1
phase2 = intraConnectRing (tpSize < 6) True <$> phase1
-- Establish inter-location connections.
phase3 = if length phase2 > 1
then interConnect phase2
@@ -73,42 +88,82 @@ mkTopology TopoParams{..} =
idOf n xs' = id (xs' !! n)
linker [] = error "Invariant failure: empty list of specs"

intraConnect :: [Spec] -> [Spec]
intraConnect specs =
case len of
0 -> []
1 -> specs
2 -> connect 1
_ -> connect 1 -- next
$ connect (len - 1) -- prev
$ if len < 6
then specs
else connect (len `div` 3) -- chord 1
$ if len < 9
then specs
else connect ((len * 2) `div` 3) -- chord 2
len = length specs
connect :: Int -> [Spec] -> [Spec]
connect offt xs =
take (length xs) $
fmap linker (tails ring)
where linker (x:xs') =
x { links = idOf (offt - 1) xs'
: links x }
linker [] = error "Invariant failure: empty list of specs"
ring = cycle xs
idOf n xs' = id (xs' !! n)

mkInitial :: Int -> Location -> Spec
mkInitial id loc =
Spec{ links = []
, mpools = tpIdPools id
, ..}

mkTopology Line{..} =
breakLoop tpSize phase1
specIds = [0..(tpSize - 1)]
specLocs = take tpSize $ cycle tpLocations
-- Assign locations and pool counts; set initial links.
phase0 = mkInitial <$> specIds
-- Connect into a ring
phase1 = intraConnectRing False True phase0

mkInitial :: Int -> Spec
mkInitial id =
Spec{ links = []
, mpools = tpIdPools id
, loc = tpLocation
, ..}

mkTopology UniCircle{..} =
specIds = [0..(tpSize - 1)]
-- Assign locations and pool counts; set initial links.
phase0 = mkInitial <$> specIds
-- Connect into a ring
phase1 = intraConnectRing False False phase0

mkInitial :: Int -> Spec
mkInitial id =
Spec{ links = []
, mpools = tpIdPools id
, loc = tpLocation
, ..}

breakLoop :: Int -> [Spec] -> [Spec]
breakLoop tpSize
= updateHead (filterLinks (/= tpSize - 1))
. updateLast (filterLinks (/= 0))

filterLinks :: (Int -> Bool) -> Spec -> Spec
filterLinks f s@Spec{..} = s { links = filter f links }

intraConnectRing :: Bool -> Bool -> [Spec] -> [Spec]
intraConnectRing withChords bidirectional specs =
case len of
0 -> []
1 -> specs
2 -> connect 1
_ -> connect 1 -- next
$ if not bidirectional
then specs
else connect (len - 1) -- prev
$ if not withChords
then specs
else connect (len `div` 3) -- chord 1
$ if len < 9
then specs
else connect ((len * 2) `div` 3) -- chord 2
len = length specs
connect :: Int -> [Spec] -> [Spec]
connect offt xs =
take (length xs) $
fmap linker (tails ring)
where linker (x:xs') =
x { links = idOf (offt - 1) xs'
: links x }
linker [] = error "Invariant failure: empty list of specs"
ring = cycle xs
idOf n xs' = id (xs' !! n)

main :: IO ()
main = do
@@ -120,9 +175,14 @@ main = do
writeTopo topo topoJson
maybe (pure ()) (writeDot topoSpec) topoDot
opts = info (cliParser <**> helper)
( fullDesc
<> progDesc "Cardano topology generator"
<> header "make-topology - generate Cardano node topologies" )

cliParser :: Parser (TopoParams, FilePath, Maybe FilePath)
cliParser =
(,,) <$> topoParamsParser
(,,) <$> subparser topoParamsParser
<*> strOption
( long "topology-output"
<> help "Topology file to write"
@@ -133,20 +193,54 @@ main = do
<> help "Dot file to write"
<> metavar "OUTFILE" ))

topoParamsParser = TopoParams
<$> option auto
( long "size"
topoParamsParser =
command "torus"
<$> parseSize
<*> some parseLocation
<*> parseRoleSelector)
(progDesc "Toroidal mesh"
<> fullDesc
<> header "Generate a toroidal mesh topology"))
command "line"
<$> parseSize
<*> parseLocation
<*> parseRoleSelector)
(progDesc "Line"
<> fullDesc
<> header "Generate a line topology"))
command "uni-circle"
<$> parseSize
<*> parseLocation
<*> parseRoleSelector)
(progDesc "Unidirectional circle"
<> fullDesc
<> header "Generate a unidirectional circle topology"))

parseSize =
option auto
( long "size"
<> metavar "SIZE"
<> help "Node count" )
<*> some
(option auto
( long "loc"
<> help "Region (at least one)"
<> metavar "LOCNAME" ))
<*> (roleSelector <$>
flag False True
( long "with-bft-node-0"
<> help "Include a BFT node-0"))

parseLocation =
option auto
( long "loc"
<> help "Region (at least one)"
<> metavar "LOCNAME" )

parseRoleSelector =
roleSelector <$>
flag False True
( long "with-bft-node-0"
<> help "Include a BFT node-0")

roleSelector withBft = \case
-- TODO: prepare for deprecation of BFT nodes by switching 1 & 0
@@ -156,11 +250,6 @@ main = do
else Just 1 -- Dense pools are denoted by any amount >1
_ -> Just 2

opts = info (cliParser <**> helper)
( fullDesc
<> progDesc "Cardano topology generator"
<> header "make-topology - generate Cardano node topologies" )

--- * To JSON topology
writeTopo :: [Node] -> FilePath -> IO ()
@@ -235,6 +324,22 @@ toGV xs =

--- * Aux
-- | Update the first element of a list, if it exists.
-- O(1).
updateHead :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
updateHead _ [] = []
updateHead f (a : as) = f a : as

-- | Update the last element of a list, if it exists.
-- O(n).
updateLast :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
updateLast _ [] = []
updateLast f (a : as) = loop a as
-- Using a helper function to minimize the pattern matching.
loop a [] = [f a]
loop a (b : bs) = a : loop b bs

idName :: Int -> String
idName = ("node-" <>) . show

7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion flake.nix
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -207,14 +207,19 @@
benchmarks = collectComponents' "benchmarks" projectPackages;

workbench = pkgs.clusterNix.workbench;

packages = exes
# Linux only packages:
// optionalAttrs (system == "x86_64-linux") rec {
"dockerImage/node" = pkgs.dockerImage;
"dockerImage/submit-api" = pkgs.submitApiDockerImage;
membenches = membench.outputs.packages.x86_64-linux.batch-report;
snapshot = membench.outputs.packages.x86_64-linux.snapshot;
workbench-smoke-test = pkgs.clusterNix.smoke-test { profileName = "smoke-loaded-alzo"; };
workbench-smoke-test = pkgs.clusterNix.profile-run-supervisord { profileName = "smoke-alzo";trace = true; };
workbench-smoke-analysis = workbench-smoke-test.analysis;
workbench-ci-test = pkgs.clusterNix.profile-run-supervisord { profileName = "ci-light-alzo"; };
workbench-ci-analysis = workbench-ci-test.analysis;
# Add checks to be able to build them individually
// (prefixNamesWith "checks/" checks);

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