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[Builtins] Defer 'readKnown' until full saturation #4430

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@@ -129,9 +129,11 @@ instance (ToBuiltinMeaning uni fun1, ToBuiltinMeaning uni fun2) =>
type CostingPart uni (Either fun1 fun2) = (CostingPart uni fun1, CostingPart uni fun2)

toBuiltinMeaning (Left fun) = case toBuiltinMeaning fun of
BuiltinMeaning sch toF toExF -> BuiltinMeaning sch toF (toExF . fst)
BuiltinMeaning tySch toF (BuiltinRuntimeOptions runSch fImm fDef toExF) ->
BuiltinMeaning tySch toF (BuiltinRuntimeOptions runSch fImm fDef (toExF . fst))
toBuiltinMeaning (Right fun) = case toBuiltinMeaning fun of
BuiltinMeaning sch toF toExF -> BuiltinMeaning sch toF (toExF . snd)
BuiltinMeaning tySch toF (BuiltinRuntimeOptions runSch fImm fDef toExF) ->
BuiltinMeaning tySch toF (BuiltinRuntimeOptions runSch fImm fDef (toExF . snd))

:: HasConstantIn DefaultUni term
26 changes: 4 additions & 22 deletions plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/KnownType.hs
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@@ -14,10 +14,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownType
( MakeKnownError
, ReadKnownError
( ReadKnownError
, throwReadKnownErrorWithCause
, throwMakeKnownErrorWithCause
, KnownBuiltinTypeIn
, KnownBuiltinType
, readKnownConstant
@@ -162,36 +160,20 @@ constraints are completely different in the two cases and we keep the two concep
(there doesn't seem to be any cons to that).

-- | The type of errors that 'makeKnown' can return.
data MakeKnownError
= MakeKnownEvaluationFailure
deriving stock (Eq)

-- | The type of errors that 'readKnown' can return.
data ReadKnownError
= ReadKnownUnliftingError UnliftingError
| ReadKnownEvaluationFailure
deriving stock (Eq)

makeClassyPrisms ''MakeKnownError
makeClassyPrisms ''ReadKnownError

instance AsEvaluationFailure MakeKnownError where
_EvaluationFailure = _EvaluationFailureVia MakeKnownEvaluationFailure

instance AsUnliftingError ReadKnownError where
_UnliftingError = _ReadKnownUnliftingError

instance AsEvaluationFailure ReadKnownError where
_EvaluationFailure = _EvaluationFailureVia ReadKnownEvaluationFailure

-- | Throw a @ErrorWithCause ReadKnownError cause@.
:: (MonadError (ErrorWithCause err cause) m, AsEvaluationFailure err)
=> ErrorWithCause MakeKnownError cause -> m void
throwMakeKnownErrorWithCause (ErrorWithCause rkErr cause) = case rkErr of
MakeKnownEvaluationFailure -> throwingWithCause _EvaluationFailure () cause

-- | Throw a @ErrorWithCause ReadKnownError cause@.
:: (MonadError (ErrorWithCause err cause) m, AsUnliftingError err, AsEvaluationFailure err)
@@ -245,10 +227,10 @@ class uni ~ UniOf val => MakeKnownIn uni val a where
-- See Note [Cause of failure].
-- | Convert a Haskell value to the corresponding PLC val.
-- The inverse of 'readKnown'.
makeKnown :: Maybe cause -> a -> ExceptT (ErrorWithCause MakeKnownError cause) Emitter val
makeKnown :: Maybe cause -> a -> ExceptT (ErrorWithCause ReadKnownError cause) Emitter val
default makeKnown
:: KnownBuiltinType val a
=> Maybe cause -> a -> ExceptT (ErrorWithCause MakeKnownError cause) Emitter val
=> Maybe cause -> a -> ExceptT (ErrorWithCause ReadKnownError cause) Emitter val
-- Forcing the value to avoid space leaks. Note that the value is only forced to WHNF,
-- so care must be taken to ensure that every value of a type from the universe gets forced
-- to NF whenever it's forced to WHNF.
@@ -274,7 +256,7 @@ type ReadKnown val = ReadKnownIn (UniOf val) val

:: MakeKnownIn uni val a
=> Maybe cause -> a -> (Either (ErrorWithCause MakeKnownError cause) val, DList Text)
=> Maybe cause -> a -> (Either (ErrorWithCause ReadKnownError cause) val, DList Text)
makeKnownRun mayCause = runEmitter . runExceptT . makeKnown mayCause
{-# INLINE makeKnownRun #-}

70 changes: 57 additions & 13 deletions plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/Meaning.hs
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@@ -17,21 +17,36 @@

module PlutusCore.Builtin.Meaning where

import PlutusPrelude

import PlutusCore.Builtin.Elaborate
import PlutusCore.Builtin.HasConstant
import PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownKind
import PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownType
import PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownTypeAst
import PlutusCore.Builtin.Runtime
import PlutusCore.Builtin.TypeScheme
import PlutusCore.Core
import PlutusCore.Name

import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Array
import Data.Kind qualified as GHC
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Some.GADT
import GHC.Exts (inline)
import GHC.TypeLits

-- | Turn a list of Haskell types @args@ into a functional type ending in @res@.
-- >>> :set -XDataKinds
-- >>> :kind! FoldArgs [Text, Bool] Integer
-- FoldArgs [Text, Bool] Integer :: *
-- = Text -> Bool -> Integer
type family FoldArgs args res where
FoldArgs '[] res = res
FoldArgs (arg ': args) res = arg -> FoldArgs args res

-- | The meaning of a built-in function consists of its type represented as a 'TypeScheme',
-- its Haskell denotation and a costing function (both in uninstantiated form).
@@ -47,22 +62,13 @@ data BuiltinMeaning val cost =
forall args res. BuiltinMeaning
(TypeScheme val args res)
(FoldArgs args res)
(cost -> FoldArgsEx args)
-- I tried making it @(forall val. HasConstantIn uni val => TypeScheme val args res)@ instead of
-- @TypeScheme val args res@, but 'makeBuiltinMeaning' has to talk about
-- @KnownPolytype binds val args res a@ (note the @val@), because instances of 'KnownMonotype'
-- are constrained with @KnownType val arg@ and @KnownType val res@, and so the earliest we can
-- generalize from @val@ to @UniOf val@ is in 'toBuiltinMeaning'.
-- Besides, for 'BuiltinRuntime' we want to have a concrete 'TypeScheme' anyway for performance
-- reasons (there isn't much point in caching a value of a type with a constraint as it becomes a
-- function at runtime anyway, due to constraints being compiled as dictionaries).
(BuiltinRuntimeOptions (Length args) val cost)

-- | A type class for \"each function from a set of built-in functions has a 'BuiltinMeaning'\".
class (Bounded fun, Enum fun, Ix fun) => ToBuiltinMeaning uni fun where
-- | The @cost@ part of 'BuiltinMeaning'.
type CostingPart uni fun

-- | Get the 'BuiltinMeaning' of a built-in function.
toBuiltinMeaning :: HasConstantIn uni val => fun -> BuiltinMeaning val (CostingPart uni fun)

-- | Get the type of a built-in function.
@@ -116,33 +122,49 @@ function and the 'TypeScheme' of the built-in function will be derived automatic
monomorphic and simply-polymorphic cases no types need to be specified at all.

type family Length xs where
Length '[] = 'Z
Length (_ ': xs) = 'S (Length xs)

type family GetArgs a :: [GHC.Type] where
GetArgs (a -> b) = a ': GetArgs b
GetArgs _ = '[]

-- | A class that allows us to derive a monotype for a builtin.
class KnownMonotype val args res a | args res -> a, a -> res where
knownMonotype :: TypeScheme val args res
knownMonoruntime :: RuntimeScheme (Length args)
toImmediateF :: FoldArgs args res -> ToDenotationType val (Length args)
toDeferredF :: ReadKnownM (FoldArgs args res) -> ToDenotationType val (Length args)

-- | Once we've run out of term-level arguments, we return a 'TypeSchemeResult'.
instance (res ~ res', KnownTypeAst (UniOf val) res, MakeKnown val res) =>
KnownMonotype val '[] res res' where
knownMonotype = TypeSchemeResult
knownMonoruntime = RuntimeSchemeResult
toImmediateF = makeKnown (Just ())
toDeferredF getRes = liftEither getRes >>= makeKnown (Just ())

-- | Every term-level argument becomes as 'TypeSchemeArrow'.
( KnownTypeAst (UniOf val) arg, MakeKnown val arg, ReadKnown val arg
, KnownMonotype val args res a
) => KnownMonotype val (arg ': args) res (arg -> a) where
knownMonotype = TypeSchemeArrow knownMonotype
knownMonoruntime = RuntimeSchemeArrow $ knownMonoruntime @val @args @res
toImmediateF f val = toImmediateF @val @args @res . f <$> readKnown (Just ()) val
toDeferredF getF val = pure . toDeferredF @val @args @res $ getF <*> readKnown (Just ()) val

-- | A class that allows us to derive a polytype for a builtin.
class KnownPolytype (binds :: [Some TyNameRep]) val args res a | args res -> a, a -> res where
class KnownMonotype val args res a =>
KnownPolytype (binds :: [Some TyNameRep]) val args res a | args res -> a, a -> res where
knownPolytype :: TypeScheme val args res
knownPolyruntime :: RuntimeScheme (Length args)

-- | Once we've run out of type-level arguments, we start handling term-level ones.
instance KnownMonotype val args res a => KnownPolytype '[] val args res a where
knownPolytype = knownMonotype
knownPolyruntime = knownMonoruntime @val @args @res

-- Here we unpack an existentially packed @kind@ and constrain it afterwards!
-- So promoted existentials are true sigmas! If we were at the term level, we'd have to pack
@@ -152,6 +174,7 @@ instance KnownMonotype val args res a => KnownPolytype '[] val args res a where
instance (KnownSymbol name, KnownNat uniq, KnownKind kind, KnownPolytype binds val args res a) =>
KnownPolytype ('Some ('TyNameRep @kind name uniq) ': binds) val args res a where
knownPolytype = TypeSchemeAll @name @uniq @kind Proxy $ knownPolytype @binds
knownPolyruntime = RuntimeSchemeAll $ knownPolyruntime @binds @val @args @res

-- See Note [Automatic derivation of type schemes]
-- | Construct the meaning for a built-in function by automatically deriving its
@@ -164,5 +187,26 @@ makeBuiltinMeaning
( binds ~ ToBinds a, args ~ GetArgs a, a ~ FoldArgs args res
, ElaborateFromTo 0 j val a, KnownPolytype binds val args res a
=> a -> (cost -> FoldArgsEx args) -> BuiltinMeaning val cost
makeBuiltinMeaning = BuiltinMeaning $ knownPolytype @binds @val @args @res
=> a -> (cost -> ToCostingType (Length args)) -> BuiltinMeaning val cost
makeBuiltinMeaning f
= BuiltinMeaning (knownPolytype @binds @val @args @res) f
. BuiltinRuntimeOptions
(knownPolyruntime @binds @val @args @res)
(toImmediateF @val @args @res f)
(toDeferredF @val @args @res $ pure f)

:: UnliftingMode -> cost -> BuiltinMeaning val cost -> BuiltinRuntime val
toBuiltinRuntime unlMode cost (BuiltinMeaning _ _ runtimeOpts) =
fromBuiltinRuntimeOptions unlMode cost runtimeOpts

-- See Note [Inlining meanings of builtins].
-- | Calculate runtime info for all built-in functions given denotations of builtins
-- and a cost model.
:: (cost ~ CostingPart uni fun, HasConstantIn uni val, ToBuiltinMeaning uni fun)
=> cost -> BuiltinsRuntime fun val
toBuiltinsRuntime cost =
BuiltinsRuntime . tabulateArray $
toBuiltinRuntime UnliftingDeferred cost . inline toBuiltinMeaning
{-# INLINE toBuiltinsRuntime #-}
95 changes: 52 additions & 43 deletions plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Builtin/Runtime.hs
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@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
@@ -9,34 +12,40 @@ module PlutusCore.Builtin.Runtime where

import PlutusPrelude

import PlutusCore.Builtin.HasConstant
import PlutusCore.Builtin.Meaning
import PlutusCore.Builtin.TypeScheme
import PlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.Exception

import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Lens (ix, (^?))
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Array
import Data.Kind qualified as GHC (Type)
import GHC.Exts (inline)
import PlutusCore.Builtin.KnownType

import PlutusCore.Builtin.Emitter
import PlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.ExBudget
import PlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.ExMemory

data Nat = Z | S Nat

-- | Same as 'TypeScheme' except this one doesn't contain any evaluation-irrelevant types stuff.
data RuntimeScheme val (args :: [GHC.Type]) res where
:: MakeKnown val res
=> RuntimeScheme val '[] res
:: ReadKnown val arg
=> RuntimeScheme val args res
-> RuntimeScheme val (arg ': args) res
:: RuntimeScheme val args res
-> RuntimeScheme val args res
data RuntimeScheme n where
RuntimeSchemeResult :: RuntimeScheme 'Z
RuntimeSchemeArrow :: RuntimeScheme n -> RuntimeScheme ('S n)
RuntimeSchemeAll :: RuntimeScheme n -> RuntimeScheme n

type MakeKnownM = ExceptT (ErrorWithCause ReadKnownError ()) Emitter
type ReadKnownM = Either (ErrorWithCause ReadKnownError ())

type family ToDenotationType val (n :: Nat) :: GHC.Type where
ToDenotationType val 'Z = MakeKnownM val
ToDenotationType val ('S n) = val -> ReadKnownM (ToDenotationType val n)

type family ToCostingType (n :: Nat) :: GHC.Type where
ToCostingType 'Z = ExBudget
ToCostingType ('S n) = ExMemory -> ToCostingType n

-- we use strictdata, so this is just for the purpose of completeness
instance NFData (RuntimeScheme val args res) where
instance NFData (RuntimeScheme n) where
rnf r = case r of
RuntimeSchemeResult -> rwhnf r
RuntimeSchemeArrow arg -> rnf arg
@@ -59,11 +68,27 @@ instance NFData (RuntimeScheme val args res) where
-- All the three are in sync in terms of partial instantiatedness due to 'TypeScheme' being a
-- GADT and 'FoldArgs' and 'FoldArgsEx' operating on the index of that GADT.
data BuiltinRuntime val =
forall args res. BuiltinRuntime
(RuntimeScheme val args res)
~(FoldArgs args res) -- Must be lazy, because we don't want to compute the denotation when
-- it's fully saturated before figuring out what it's going to cost.
(FoldArgsEx args)
forall n. BuiltinRuntime
(RuntimeScheme n)
~(ToDenotationType val n) -- Must be lazy, because we don't want to compute the denotation
-- when it's fully saturated before figuring out what it's going
-- to cost.
(ToCostingType n)

data BuiltinRuntimeOptions n val cost =
(RuntimeScheme n)
(ToDenotationType val n)
(ToDenotationType val n)
(cost -> ToCostingType n)

:: UnliftingMode -> cost -> BuiltinRuntimeOptions n val cost -> BuiltinRuntime val
fromBuiltinRuntimeOptions unlMode cost (BuiltinRuntimeOptions sch fImm fDef exF) =
BuiltinRuntime sch f $ exF cost where
f = case unlMode of
UnliftingImmediate -> fImm
UnliftingDeferred -> fDef

instance NFData (BuiltinRuntime val) where
rnf (BuiltinRuntime rs f exF) = rnf rs `seq` f `seq` rwhnf exF
@@ -75,28 +100,12 @@ newtype BuiltinsRuntime fun val = BuiltinsRuntime

deriving newtype instance (NFData fun) => NFData (BuiltinsRuntime fun val)

-- | Convert a 'TypeScheme' to a 'RuntimeScheme'.
typeSchemeToRuntimeScheme :: TypeScheme val args res -> RuntimeScheme val args res
typeSchemeToRuntimeScheme TypeSchemeResult = RuntimeSchemeResult
typeSchemeToRuntimeScheme (TypeSchemeArrow schB) =
RuntimeSchemeArrow $ typeSchemeToRuntimeScheme schB
typeSchemeToRuntimeScheme (TypeSchemeAll _ schK) =
RuntimeSchemeAll $ typeSchemeToRuntimeScheme schK

-- | Instantiate a 'BuiltinMeaning' given denotations of built-in functions and a cost model.
toBuiltinRuntime :: cost -> BuiltinMeaning val cost -> BuiltinRuntime val
toBuiltinRuntime cost (BuiltinMeaning sch f exF) =
BuiltinRuntime (typeSchemeToRuntimeScheme sch) f (exF cost)

-- See Note [Inlining meanings of builtins].
-- | Calculate runtime info for all built-in functions given denotations of builtins
-- and a cost model.
:: (cost ~ CostingPart uni fun, HasConstantIn uni val, ToBuiltinMeaning uni fun)
=> cost -> BuiltinsRuntime fun val
toBuiltinsRuntime cost =
BuiltinsRuntime . tabulateArray $ toBuiltinRuntime cost . inline toBuiltinMeaning
{-# INLINE toBuiltinsRuntime #-}
data UnliftingMode
= UnliftingImmediate
| UnliftingDeferred

unliftingMode :: UnliftingMode
unliftingMode = UnliftingDeferred

-- | Look up the runtime info of a built-in function during evaluation.