This algorithm is aimed to be utilized as part of the backend for the Object Detection project. It takes two arguments, a keyword and request number. The algorithm searches the keyword from google images, scrapes the provided number of images, converts the images to an array of blobs, and returns the array.
The src code for this project is found in the app directory; the actual scraping happens in scraper.
Go to the Dockerfile's directory in the terminal and issue these commands:
docker build -t image-scraper-fargate-container .
docker run -p 9000:8080 image-scraper-fargate-container
'image-scraper-fargate-container' will be the name of the created image and can be replaced with any other name.
Make sure to run
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
to install the necessary modules.
Connect docker client with AWS ECR (be sure to replace the region and AWS account ID with your own):
aws ecr get-login-password --region ap-northeast-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
Obtain the ID of the image that you are trying to push:
docker images
Tag the image using its ID:
docker tag d8a3b74c72ca
and finally push it to ECR:
docker push