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Releases: Invvard/EZLayoutDisplay


22 Jan 05:19
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EZLD broken, Dev gotta work !

Busy on other projects and, I must admit not an avid user of EZLD anymore (I know my layout nowadays 😝), I let this project drift behind the Oryx tool and its relentless update train. And ZSA is doing a very fine job at improving this piece of hardware we all love.
Until that time when @ChaoticWeg opened issue #115 with a sad empty layout screenshot... I had to act.

I thought it would be a mere data model update, a quick fix, easy peasy, lemon... Boy, I was wrong ! Devs at ZSA have been hard at work and brought such drastic changes in their key approach that I have spent most of my evenings since, reverse engineering the new features and implementing them into EZLD.

Along the way, I discovered a very nice surprise : the key definition, (basically the Ergodox/Moonlander/Planck key character bible) holding almost 2500 characters definition under 64 categories for the 36 supported international languages and other special keys, is now out of the webapp package and can be retrieve as a JSON string.

A beta !? Not a finished release ?!

Well, with a useless app and so much to fix, 12 days have gone by and I could not let users wait for another 1 or 2 weeks until I fix the unit tests (that are a mess right now, please don't judge me).
So here is a beta with quite an extensive period of testing but everything is not bug free (see the section below) but nothing that would prevent you from using the app anymore.

I'll fix the unit tests and the known issues in the upcoming weeks, then I'll release the final v.1.3.*.


The update has enough changes that I had to force a reset of your settings : you'll have to load your layout again after updating.

Fix and improvement

[Fixed] #115 Ergodox EZ keys show as blank : Layout for Ergodox and Moonlander are loaded properly (many thanks to @ChaoticWeg for taking time to report this),

[Improv.] The full range of characters is now supported (many thanks to ZSA for putting them in the open 🙏),
[Improv.] Every key features are supported : Tap, Hold, Double-Tap, Tap-Hold,
[Improv.] Keyboard shining color picker keys display the chosen accent (the little colored dot in the top right hand corner),
[Improv.] (Almost) All the glyphs are displayed properly,
[Improv.] The new font is used.

Known issue

  • Macro custom title are a no show and display the default title "Macro",
  • Some glyphs (i.e. Mouse direction) are not displayed properly : there is an alternative text in their spot.
  • Key shine color are not displayed


04 Apr 03:27
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A new geometry appears !

At last, a new geometry is supported ! Not the Planck-EZ yet (but it's on its way, I promise), but the recent Moonlander Mark 1
We have to thank @vladzaharia for its major contribution on this one. You can reach out to him on Twitter (or any of the usual networks) and send him some love.


Now they have a three keyboards on the shelf, ZSA changed the base URL for its Oryx tool for a more global domain name. @vladzaharia and I updated the code to reflect this change. Welcome to :)
With the new domain name and the level of refactor coming with the new geometry, the settings URL parser got confused and could not point to the correct default layout. Modifications were made, issue was solved, version 1.2.0 won't be released. Long live v1.2.1 (but not too long).

Known issue

There are quite some new keys that appeared in Oryx, and some does not show up in the layout display window.
I'll have to update the key definition but the process is... cumbersome to put it politely.

Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy this new release and, as usual, if you spot anything, poke me on Twitter or Reddit.


02 Aug 22:35
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New features in Oryx...

...means new adjustments to make on this side ! And this one did deliver its fair share of modifications.
This release fixes an issue preventing users from updating their layout from an Oryx URL. But that was the tip of the iceberg : there were changes made in the GraphQL calls and within the very data model it sent back.


#101 Changes were made in the Oryx tools and broke EZLayoutDisplay.


24 Jul 01:31
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It had to be fixed

With Oryx getting a lot of love from the talented ZSA team, while I'm focusing on getting EZLD ready to host the Planck-EZ, it happened : the layout loading engine got broken a bit.
But no worry, I got you all and it is already fixed !


#96 The new revision system got a bit more complex and the layout loaded was the oldest from a given layout. Now it targets the selected revision or the latest.


19 Jun 01:51
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Nice little update

Here is a new update that brings some more controls over the display window and a bug fix.
In the upcoming weeks, I'll focus on supporting the new Planck EZ. I didn't plan for this from start so it will require a lot of work to get there. In the mean time, you can still contact me here in the issue section, on Twitter or on Reddit.


#87 You can now scroll through your layers, in any direction with your mouse wheel,
#88 You can now go to the EZ Layout Display subreddit directly from the About window.


#89 issue #85 is now fixed : layer colors are displayed as expected on the Glow layouts.

Known issues

#90 Non Glowing keys have accent colors when they should not,
#91 Color key are missing picked color badge to display the color applied when pressed.


31 May 22:33
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A new version at last !

I took some well deserved vacation away from any mechanical keyboard, hence the long period without a new version.
Without further ado, here are the changes that this new version brings :


#67 The update button in the Settings window has been removed because it was confusing users,
#74 The Settings window displays information about the selected layout.


#66 Key definitions reflects the last changes in the ErgoDox EZ Configurator,
#36 When summoned, the layout window is now always on top of every other windows.


#75 NuGet packages have been updated,
#68 #69 #70 #77 #78 I gave the GitHub newly acquired Dependabot a shot but I had to uninstall it : it's still in beta for .NET projects and it only failed the builds. I'll keep updating my NuGet packages manually for now.


19 Apr 21:30
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ErgoDox EZ is growing and changes are legion nowadays !
That impacts our EZ Layout Display app and community once again reported the bug promptly.
No new feature but a working app is always a good thing, isn't it !


#62 ErgoDox EZ configurator has updated in order to offer their soon-to-be released Planck-EZ its own Configurator. Doing so, they changed the URL to the custom layouts and nobody could load theirs anymore...
Thanks to FHLudlow for reporting this issue !


16 Apr 22:04
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Well, even small app can't escape the day-one update !

Fortunately, thanks to reddit user stavtwc it has been promptly brought to my attention that a bug had found its way into the v.1.0.
The v1.0 is dead ! Long live the v. !! (but not too long though 😉)


#60 The Hash ID length has changed in the ErgoDox Configurator URL and newly created layout clone generated a loading error (see issue #59 for further details)


16 Apr 01:38
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✨ We are officially out of beta ! ✨

After 3 betas, a global look and feel almost aligned with the online Configurator, hours of field testing and just one single issue that has been solved since then, I'm very proud to announce that this app is ready to go v.1.0 !
There are still a lot to do and many things I want to implement but it's quite the milestone and I'm very happy with this first version 😃

So, without further ado, here it is, EZ Layout Display v. 1.0 !

New features

#57 You can now pin the layout window. You can either click the toggle button at the bottom right or hit the 'P' key (for Pin)


#56 Key categories were a bit off compare to the Configurator so the Nordic category has been added and keys were updated

Under the hood

I took some time to add a continuous build so every time I or any contributor make a pull request, everything will be guaranteed to work as expected. I'm still working on it to add some steps but eventually, it will be able to offer some kind of nightly build whenever new code is pulled in.

v0.5.0.2003 (Beta 3)

01 Apr 11:46
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It is most likely the last beta that will be released as it appears the app is quite reliable and stable.

New features

  • #45 Logs, lots of logs ! See wiki to use the verbose log level.
  • #46 Keys are now displaying glowing color.
  • #48 The current layer name is displayed.
  • #51 A hint on how to switch to the next layer is displayed (Spoiler : it's the space bar).
  • #47 Application can no longer run in multiple instances