Previously we were using ~/.git-stats-config.json
to store Git Stats configuration. That was cool, but now I'm improving this. This was changed in ``~/.git-stats-config.jswhich should
module.exports` an object. 💫
This simplifies the things. For example, to set the colors, we don't need to manually write strange weird ANSI characters in a JSON file, but use the couleurs
package. That means we can npm i -g <pack> && npm link <pack>
and require("<pack>")
in our config file.
And here is what I did to replicate GitHub's spooky contributions calendar:
var Couleurs = require("couleurs");
module.exports = {
theme: {
background: "#FFFFFF"
, foreground: "#565656"
, squares: {
"⬚": Couleurs("◼", "#EEEEEE")
, "▢": Couleurs("◼", "#FFEE4A")
, "▤": Couleurs("◼", "#FFC501")
, "▣": Couleurs("◼", "#FE9600")
, "◼": Couleurs("◼", "#03001C")
And the result is:
Pretty cool, right? 🎨