This repository is dedicated to Helsinki Full Stack Open 2021 course and contains solution to exercises, this course is done by me independently as an Informatics student to learn fullstack development.
Contains answers to the exercise or a small note from myself if I find and interesting algorithm or piece of code that i like to implements to this course or vice versa.
- Full Stack Open 2021
- University of Helsinki Full Stack Open 2021 Course
- Side note
- Course Overview
- Part 0 Fundamentals of Web apps
- Part 1 Introduction to React
- Part 2 Communicating with server
- Part 3 Programming a server with NodeJS and Express
- Part 4 Testing Express servers, user administration
- Part 5 Testing React apps
- Part 6 State management with Redux
- Part 7 React router, custom hooks, styling app with CSS and webpack
- Part 8 GraphQL
- Part 9 TypeScript
- Part 10 React Native
- Part 11 CI/CD
- General info
- Fundamentals of Web apps
- Introduction to React
- Javascript
- Compoent state, event handlers
- A more complex state, debugging React apps
- Rendering a collection, modules
- Forms
- Getting data from server
- Altering data in server
- Adding styles to React app
- Node.js and Express
- Deploying app to internet
- Saving data to MongoDB
- Validation and ESLint
- Structure of backend application, introduction to testing
- Testing the backend
- User administration
- Token authentication
- Login in frontend
- props.children and prototypes
- Testing React apps
- End to end testing
- Flux-architecture and Redux
- Many reducers
- Communicaating with server in a redux application
- connect
- React-router
- Custom hooks
- More about styles
- Webpack
- Class components, Miscellaneous
- Exercises: extending the bloglist
- GraphQL-server
- React and GraphQL
- Database and user administration
- Login and updating the cache
- Fragments and subscriptions
- Background and introduction
- First steeps with TypeScript
- Typing the express app
- React with types
- Introduction to React Native
- React Native basics
- Communicating with server
- Testing and extending oue application
- Introduction to CI/CD
- Getting started with GitHub Actions
- Deployments
- Keeping green
- Expanding further