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Streaksu edited this page Dec 3, 2024 · 7 revisions

What is Gloire?

Logo of the distro

Gloire is an operating system built with the Ironclad kernel and using GNU tools for the userland, along with some original applications like util-ironclad. This repository holds scripts and tools to build the OS from the ground up on a Linux-based system.

Gloire is named after the french ironclad, which was the first ocean-going vessel of its kind.

Trying Gloire

One can grab a pre-built Gloire image here.

What about this wiki?

This wiki is intended to serve as the main source of documentation for Gloire users, be it people wanting to take a look at the operating system, Ironclad developers getting started on the distribution and learning how to use it for testing Ironclad changes, or hobbyist trying to see what Ironclad has to offer in a general purpose operating system.

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