This editor can apply the following effects on an uploaded image -
Gaussian Blur
Hue Saturation
Invert colours
It also implements a logging system in which you can see the changes made to your image.
1. Open the P2_Proj_2023 folder on the terminal or on Intellij.
2. Head over to the ImageEffectFrontEnd folder through the > terminal.
- Type the command *"npm install"* to install all the node
> packages needed to run angular and the front end.
- After the installation, type *"ng serve"* on the terminal, which
> starts the front end.
3. Now go to the ImageEffectBackEnd folder in the terminal.
- Type *"make"* on the terminal to run the MakeFile. This compiles
> all the C++ files, generates the interface (between Java and
> C++) header files and dumps the executable files into a *.dll*
> (for Windows) or a *.so* (for Linux) file.
- Under **src\\main\\java\\com.iiitb.imageEffectApplication**,
> execute the Java class named "ImageEffectApplication". This
> starts the SpringBoot Application.
The website will be up and working now.
1. Brightness
This feature makes the image dimmer or brighter based on the slider value specified.
2. Contrast
This adjusts the contrast of the image based on the slider value specified.
3. Flip
This flips the image either vertically or horizontally.
4. Rotation
This rotates the image in 4 different angles.
5. Gaussian Blur
This makes the image blurry based on the slider value specified.
6. Grayscale
This changes the RGB values of the pixels of the image to the corresponding grayscale.
7. Hue Saturation
This adjusts the hue and saturation of the image based on the slider value specified.
8. Invert colours
This inverts RGB values of the pixels of the image.
9. Sepia
This adds manipulates the light to add warmth to the image.
10. Sharpen
This sharpens the image.
The logging service has multiple features to see the changes made to an image. You can filter by feature and filter by time. The screenshots of their usage are attached below.
Here are the Logs:
Here are the logs in the given time stamp in the range (filter by time):
Here are the logs that has the effect Gaussian blur and time stamp in the range(filter by effect name):
1. Logging service and Java setup
- Ishan Jha (IMT2022562)
- Ayush Gupta (IMT2022546)
2. C++ Files
- Ayush Gupta (IMT2022546)
- R Harshavardhan (IMT2022515)
- Nathan Mathew Verghese (IMT2022022)
3. Effect Implementation
- Dhruv Kothari (IMT2022114)
- Ishan Jha (IMT2022562)
- Nathan Mathew Verghese (IMT2022022)
4. Photoservice
- Dhruv Kothari (IMT2022114)
- Ishan Jha (IMT2022562)
5. ReadMe documentation
- R Harshavardhan (IMT2022515)