Welcome to the Rails Debugging Lab! This lab is designed to enhance your understanding of Ruby on Rails by presenting you with a series of intentionally introduced bugs, issues, and challenges within a pre-built Rails application. Your task is to identify, debug, and fix these issues, applying best practices and reinforcing your knowledge of Rails' structure and operation.
- Debugging Skills: Improve your ability to diagnose and fix common Rails errors.
- Rails Fundamentals: Deepen your understanding of MVC architecture, routing, migrations, ActiveRecord, and more.
- Problem-Solving: Enhance your problem-solving skills in a real-world context.
- Best Practices: Learn best practices for writing clean, efficient, and secure Rails code.
Clone the Repository:
git clone git@github.com:Islamsulaiman/fishing_bugs.git cd fishing_bugs
Set Up Your Environment:
Make sure you have Ruby, Rails, and Bundler installed. Then, run:
bundle install
Database Setup:
Run the following commands to set up your database:
rails db:create rails db:migrate
Start the Rails Server:
rails server
in your browser to see the application.
- Tackle issues one at a time, starting with those you feel most comfortable with.
- Use Rails documentation, Stack Overflow, and course materials as resources.
- Commit your changes with descriptive messages after resolving each issue.
Once you have addressed all the issues:
- Fork the repository.
- Clone you're forked repository locally.
- Create new branch from main to solve in.
- Solve the issues one by one, and make each solution in a separate commit.
- Push your changes to your forked repository.
- Open a PR against the original repository.
- Include reflections on what you learned during the lab and any feedback on the lab itself inside the PR description.