Releases: IsraelHikingMap/Site
The major changes in this version are:
- Added a popularity heatmap
- Moved the search button to the top
- Added purchase button to main menu
- Various bug fixes
For the full list see Milestone 9.17.79
The major changes in this version are:
- iFrame improvements
- Packages upgrades
- Various bug fixes
For the full list see Milestone 9.17.48
The major changes in this version are:
- Allow planning routes even when offline!
- Improve image attribution
- Some text improvements
- Various bug fixes
The full list can be found at Milestone 9.16.94
The major changes in this version are:
- Improve recording performance and jumps
- Allow showing full text for search results and improve how the routes look
- Let the user know when planning a route while tracking location
- Let the user know when there are overlays overlapping the base map
- Let the user know when the app is used in old devices
- Keep slope and km markers between sessions
- Keep edit mode when switching between routes
For the full list see Milestone 9.16.50
The major changes in this version are:
- Add route directions when editing
- Added logos for external links
- Improve the conversion of public routes to private
- Improve recording
- Various bug fixes
The full list can be found at Milestone 9.16.6
The major changes in this version are:
- Switch to use OSM OAuth 2.0
- Added overpass protocol support
- Fix an issue when changing point to point search
- Fix iOS links not recognized by the app
- Added local walking trails from OSM and improved mountain bike route merge
- Added zoom buttons for wide screens
- Various bug fixes
See Milestone 9.15.55 for the full list.
The major changes in this version are:
- Added the ability to see bike routes
- Improve private points in recording UX and moved recording out of private routes
- Various bug fixes.
See Milestone 9.15.13 for the full list.
The major changes in this version are:
- Added support for 3D in iOS
- Added ability to delete my account
- Added ability to see my subscriptions
- Various bug fixes
See Milestone 9.14.68 for the full list.
The major changes in this version are:
- Added support for 3D in Android
- Center on GPS position when returning from background
- Improve recording line refresh
- Disable compass usage when in the background
- Various bug fixes
See Milestone 9.14.50 for the full list.
The major changes in this version are:
- The migration from Cordova to Capacitor
- The upgrade of all the npm packages to their latest versions
- Various bug fixes and small improvements.
See Milestone 9.14.2 for the full list.