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Ray tracing in Rust

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The goal of this workshop is to introduce you to two (hopefully) new things.

  1. The Rust programming language
  2. Ray tracing

Rust is a systems programming language that focuses on high performance and memory safety. By leveraging zero-cost abstractions and a strict compiler, the languages goes a long way of providing and ensuring these two things.

A ray tracer is a program that renders a scene by approximating actual light rays and their path through the physical world. We can use the light gathered by the randomly scattered rays through our scene, so that we are able to project them back to a 2D pixel grid defined by a camera, as illustrated in the picture below. Ray tracer

This workshop contains a partly implemented ray tracer that is written in Rust. Your goal is to finish the tasks that will bring you through the different steps necessary for a basic ray tracer, and by the end of the workshop you should be able to generate some nice looking images!


The first thing you need to do (if you haven't already) is to install Rust, you can find the installation instructions here. Note for Windows users: you also need to install the VS C++ toolchain.

There are language support in most major text editors, and in some IDEs. Check out Are we IDE yet for a list of plugin support for your favorite editor. The only thing you really need is syntax highlighting for the .rs file extension.

By default the latest version of Rust will be installed, together with the latest version of Cargo. Cargo is the build tool and package manager for rust, it lets us build libraries and executables, and run tests and the executables we have defined in the project.

There's three commands you will find usable for this project:

  • cargo check - this command checks whether the project will compile or not, any compilation warning (and trust me, you will encounter them) will be shown as part of the command output (this command requires that you have the latest version of Rust installed on your system).
  • cargo test - this command builds the project and runs all the tests in the project. You should run this command while you solve the assignments, they should indicate when you have passed the different steps.
  • cargo run --bin image - this command builds the project and runs the executable file found in src/bin/ (this file contains a main() function, and is therefore an executable). You should run this command (starting from Step 2), as it will produce the rendered image of our scene.

That should be all the setup we need. Reach for one of the instructors if you have any questions or if you've encountered any issues so far. Let's get started! :)

Step 1 - Vectors

At the core of any ray tracer lies vector operations. This includes addition between vectors and scalars, and other operations like multiplication and division. The Vec3 class (a 3-dimensional vector) is implemented in the src/ file, and it contains most of the vector operations that we need for our ray tracer.

Step 1 of our ray tracer is to implement the missing vector operations! Go to src/ and look for the code that starts with panic!("Step 1..."), each assignment is described here. panic! is a Rust macro (you can see that by the exclamation mark), and Rust will exit the program immediately when it encounters one of these at run-time.

Hint: You can look at the implementation of the other vector operations in the file if you're not sure about the implementation details.

Verification step:

  • run the cargo test command and verify that all tests labeled step_1... run successfully.

Step 2 - A gradient image

Now that we have implemented the core math our ray tracer, it is time to generate an image - we will start by implementing a simple gradient "sky" for our scene.

Step 2a, we need to set up a camera so that we can capture an image of our scene, head to src/bin/ to figure out the missing values that is needed to initialize the Camera. As you can see, the main() function is rather simple. All it does is initialize our camera and a scene, and then it calls the trace_scene() library routine, which in turn gives us a vector of colors (given by the type Vec<Color>) - one Color for each pixel in the image. Finally, it takes these color values and converts them to a BMP image that it saves as scene.bmp.

Step 2b, head to the src/ and navigate to the trace_scene() library function - this function contains the main loop of the ray tracer. This is where we initialize the color vector (Vec<Color>), and the for each x and y coordinate of the image we cast a new ray from the camera and into the scene by calling the trace_ray_in_scene() function (see the picture in the top of the README for an illustration). As you can see, our work here is not yet done, you need to make sure the trace_ray_in_scene() function actually gets called and returns the gradient! Note: You can set the depth parameter to 0, we will increment this later.

Verification steps:

  • run the cargo test command and verify that the tests labeled step_2... run successfully.
  • When they do, run the cargo run --bin image command and verify that your program executes without panicking! Does it? If so, navigate to the project directory and open the scene.bmp image. The image should be a gradient of light blue and white.

Does it not run without panicking? Then look over and make sure that all panics marked Step 2... have been fixed, or contact one of the helpful instructors to help you!

Step 3 - Intersection between Rays and Spheres

Even though we now have an image, it is not very exciting to look at. The next essential step of a ray tracer is Ray-Intersectable intersection! Without it, we will not be able to display our Intersectables and their colors. Note: In our ray tracer, an Intersectable is just a simple sphere.

Open the src/ file and take a couple of moments to reflect over the Intersectable trait found in the top of the file. We can see that the trait contains two function signatures that are important to the core of the ray tracing algorithm:

  • intersects(Ray, min, max) -> Option<Intersection> is a function that takes in a Ray (in addition to a min and max limit value that helps us determine if the Ray intersects or not), and returns an optional Intersection struct. The returned Intersection contains the intersection point, the surface normal at the intersection, and the shape that was intersected. This helps us trace new rays recursively from the intersection point.
  • scatter(Ray, Intersection) -> Option<(Color, Ray)> is a function that takes a Ray and an Intersection as arguments, and returns a tuple with the Color of the Intersectable, in addition to a new Ray with its origin at the intersection point and its direction pointing further into the scene.

Note: You can destructure a tuple similarly to how you can destructure an Option.

Further down in this file we can see two structs that implement this trait; the Scene and the Sphere. The Scene simply loops over all its Intersectable's and returns the one that is closest to the origin of the Ray. The Sphere intersection is mostly implemented, but you have to do the math for the Intersection!

Step 3a, complete the implementation of the point_along_direction() function on the Ray struct found in src/ The implementation is illustrated below.

Calculate the point along direction

Step 3b, complete the implementation of the surface normal in the create_intersection() function according to the illustration below.

Calculate surface normal

Step 3c, now that we have done the necessary calculations, we need to actually trigger the Intersection between the initial Ray and the Scene. Open src/ and navigate back to the trace_ray_in_scene() function. Now call the intersects() function on the scene instead of returning the gradient as you currently do. Since the intersects() function returns an Option<Intersection>, we will need to handle both of the cases of the value and map it to a Color - this is easily done with a match expression! The trace_ray_in_scene() function should now look like this:

fn trace_ray_in_scene(ray: &Ray, scene: &Scene, depth: u32) -> Color {
    if depth == 50 {
        return Color::black(); // Return black to avoid being stuck with an unlimited recursion
    match scene.intersects(ray, 0.0, f64::MAX) {
        Some(intersection) => {
        None => gradient(ray),

Verification steps:

  • run the cargo test command and verify that the tests labeled step_3... run successfully.
  • When they do, run the cargo run --bin image command and look at your picture again. What do you see?

The image should now be ~60% black, but the gradient "sky" should still be visible at the top of the image. Is this not what you see? Then ask someone for help, this is where the fun starts! :-)

Step 4 - Scatter new rays

We are now almost done with the implementation of our ray tracer! Now, instead of returning Color::black() when your ray intersects with the scene, call the scatter() function like so: intersection.shape.scatter(ray, &intersection).

Step 4a - remember that the call to scatter() returns an Option<(Color, Ray)>? You need to handle this value similarly to what you did in Step 3c - return this color instead of black when scatter() returns Some value, but you can still return black when the value returned from scatter() is None.

What does your picture look like now? You should be able to see some pretty sorry looking Spheres!

Step 4b, our picture has spheres, but just barely (they're more like flat circles). The next essential step in the ray tracing algorithm we're implementing is recursion. The scatter() function returns a new Ray with the origin set to the intersection point, but with a new random direction. All you need to do is to multiply the scattered color with the new color value obtained by calling trace_ray_in_scene() recursively, with the scattered ray as its parameter.

The picture should begin look pretty good, albeit a little grainy.

Step 4c, we have a very easy fix to make the pictures a little less grainy: Open up src/bin/ and give number_of_samples a higher value than 1, what about 100? Or if you're feeling ambitious you can set it to 1000 - but be warned, it might take a little while!

Verification step:

  • If you're seeing an (objectively) awesome picture, you're done! You have (partially) implemented your own ray tracer, congratulations!

Do you not think what you see is very awesome? It might be that you have done something wrong, or you might not not think that spheres are as awesome as some of us others do. Either way, let someone know so they can help you with your concerns!

Bonus steps

Are you done with the workshop, but found it easy, or just so fun that you want to do more? You're in luck, 'cause you can never be done with a ray tracer! :-)

There are a couple of fun and relatively easy things you can do right away, those are called environment mapping and texture mapping. These are terms for mapping a point in space into the coordinates of an image (also referred to as UV mapping).

Step 5 - Environment map

Let's add a nice looking environment to our scene. This will allow us to replace the boring blueish gradient we currently have, with a nice background like the image below!


The first thing we need to do is to read the image, and pass a reference of this image to the trace_ray_in_scene() function, and further on to the gradient() function. The image can be read by using the bmp::open function like so: let imageResult = bmp::open("imgs/sky.bmp");.

Note: You need to handle the Result before you can use the image.

Next up, in the gradient(ray: &Ray, img: &bmp::Image) function (that now also has a reference to the Image you just opened), you need to map the Ray's direction to a (U, V) coordinate. You can implement the formula described under the Finding UV on a sphere section.


  • dx, dy, dz refers to the respective dimensions on the ray's direction.
  • All you need of math functions and variables is available in the std::f64 module.

Once you have calculated u and v, which are values between [0,1) you need to scale them up to a value 0 <= x < img.get_width() and 0 <= y < img.get_height(). Now, get the pixel value at coordinate x and y from the image and convert it into a Color.

Hint: Do the oposite of what's done in the to_pixel function defined in src/bin/ to convert a Pixel to a Color.

Verification step:

  • Run the cargo run --bin image command and verify that the background is a nice looking sky instead of the gradient.

Step 6 - Sphere textures

We can use the same technique for UV mapping described in the previous step to add a texture to a Sphere. Let's make one of our spheres look like the earth by projecting the image below to the (U, V) coordinates of the sphere.


Step 6a, add a new Sphere to the scene in src/bin/ by calling the Sphere::texture("imgs/earth.bmp") constructor. You need to implement the new constructor function as well, by following the same pattern as for the Sphere::reflective and Sphere::refractive constructors★. In addition, you need to implement the rest of the constructor by adding a new texture: Option<std::rc::Rc<bmp::Image>> property to the Sphere struct.

Note: std::rc::Rc is a reference counted pointer, it will be necessary in order to avoid cloning the entire texture image every time the Sphere is cloned and added to an Intersection.

★ I know, it's a crude pattern - in a future refactoring you could pull out all the additional properties to a Material instead, but we will keep them in the Sphere struct for now.

Step 6b, now that you have a Sphere with a texture, all you need to do is to project the image on to the Sphere. Navigate to the scatter() function and add a new if-statement for the texture field you just added to the Sphere struct. Then, project the surface normal to a (U, V) coordinate and return the corresponding Color value from the texture. The calculations are almost the same as in step 5!

Note: Depending on how you calculate the u and v coordinates, you might end up projecting a mirrored (or an upside-down) version of the earth on to the Sphere. This can easily be accounted for by inverting one or both of the coordinates before getting the Color value.

Hint: You can use the scatter::scatter_ray(intersection: &Intersection) -> Ray function (defined in src/ to calculate the ray to return.

Verification step:

  • Run the cargo run --bin image command and check out your image. Hopefully you will have a Sphere that closely resembles the earth as seen from space.

Looking Further

Our ray tracer is done for now, but that does not mean that we are done with cool things. There are a number of things you can do with this ray tracer as a starting point:


Check out the video executable in the project, you can find it in src/bin/ It lets you add animations to the camera and the spheres, you can run the command cargo run --bin video and check out the output to get started.


Ray tracing requires a lot of computation, but this library is only using a single CPU core. If your computer has more than one core, you can use the rayon library to optimize the trace_ray_in_scene() function. rayon is already installed, you can include it into src/ by adding extern crate rayon; to the top of the file, and then the rest is up to you!

Cooler scenes

We have only provided a single scene in the main file, but you can modify it or create a new one. Can you come up with any interesting scenes to generate? E.g. mickey mouse or another shape that can be entirely composed by spheres?

What about combining it with the animation library?

New Intersectables

Okay, now were getting ahead of ourselves. But seriously, what about implementing a Triangle Intersectable? This is not an easy task, but it is a worthy one. If you have a Triangle, you will be able to describe any kind of complex shape by combining them into a larger mesh object. This will require more background than what is given in this workshop, but there are a large number of freely available resources online to get started with this. Happy coding! :-)


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