The Python code for the group project I completed as the final project for my college class, CS 102, "Multimedia Computing". A point-and-click RPG using PyGame Zero.
HOW TO USE: Unzip the attached "Game" zip file. Ensure that the "images" and "sounds" folder are in the same place as the file. Open the python "" file in an IDE with Pygame Zero's "pgzero" package installed. Run the file, and a new window will be opened for the game to run on.
HOW TO PLAY: Press enter to progress through text boxes. Click on the screen to move or interact with objects.
This game is not 100% complete. However, it was close enough to our original goals to fulfill the requirements for the project. The following is copied and pasted from the class syllabus website:
"Clear and coherent gameplay mechanics (What is the purpose of the game, how do you play it?). A way to "win". A way to "lose". A way to quit the game. A Title screen / Menu. An About screen (with group member names). A way to return to the title/menu screen. At least two sound effects. At least one music track/loop. Interaction via Mouse, Keyboard, or Both."
Features that are missing include the music and sound effects that are credited as present in the game's credits, and certain visuals or text interaction that instead is represented with placeholder print statements into the terminal. Additionally, some of the assets are sketches instead of finalized drawings.
I contributed to a large portion of the code seen here, and I sketched the original versions of the backgrounds and objects seen in the game. Some of the code and most of the art seen in the final version was done by my teammate and fellow student Ellie Robinson. Ellie and I wrote the story together. Our teammate Robbie Loftus contributed to the code, especially in the credits sequence.